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Module 4 Drug Classifications

What are water soluble vitamins? Vitamin B complex & Vitamin C Readily excreted in urine and taken as needed
What are fat soluble vitamins? Vitamins: D,A,E,K Stored in the liver and daily intake is unnecessary
What is the action for vitamins? Act as coenzymes to activate a variety of proteins on enzymes that catalyze biochemical activity. They are needed in the body to carry out metabolic functions.
What are the indications for vitamins? To treat vitamin deficiencies, as a dietary supplement, and a specific therapy r/t the activity of the vitamin.
What are the contraindications for vitamins? Known allergy to the drug or colorants, additives, or preservatives. They are a Pregnancy Category C: used to maintain adequate vitamin levels during pregnancy & lactation.
What are the adverse effects for vitamins? May cause GI upset
What are drug-drug interactions for vitamins? Mineral oil, cholestyramine, or colestipol prevent the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins when given concurrently.
What are the indications for vitamin A? Wound healing, deficiency, and malnutrition.
What are the signs of Vitamin A deficiencies? Night blindness and other vision problems. Impaired skin integrity
What are the signs of hypervitaminosis A (vitamin A toxicity)? Mouth ulcers, cracked fingernails, bone pain, loss of appetite, cracked corners of the mouth, blurry vision or other vision changes, and dizziness.
What are the indications for ascorbic acid aka vitamin C? Deficiency: Scurvy is severe deficiency Enhances PO iron absorption Wound healing
What are the signs for ascorbic acid deficiencies (vitamin C)? Gingivitis Hair & teeth loss Nose bleeds, easy bruising, & delayed healing
What are the adverse effects of vitamin C? Kidney stones, increase in iron absorption which occurs w/mega doses.
What are three vitamin Ds? Calcifediol, cholecalciferol, and ergocalciferol.
What are the signs of a Vitamin D deficiency? Rickets: weakened bones in children Osteomalacia: weakened bones in adults Osteoporosis: brittle bones; increase risk for fractures Tetany: spasm of hands and feet & overactive reflexes
What are the signs & symptoms of Hypervitaminosis D (vitamin D toxicity)? Fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive thirst, excessive urination, dehydration, constipation, irritability, and nervousness.
What drug is a Vitamin B12? Cyanocobalamin
What are the indications for Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)? Pernicious anemia: unable to properly absorb vitamin B12 Deficiency & malnutrition ETOH aka alcoholism Malabsorption syndrome Vegan diet Prolonged use of PPIs & H2blockers (used to treat heartburn/acid reflux)
What are the signs/ symptoms of a Vitamin B12 deficiency? Megablastic anemia (production of immature & abnormally large RBCs) Mucous membranes: cheilosis, glossitis, stomatitis (inflamed lips, tongue, & mouth) CNS: paresthesia (pins & needles), balance problems, memory loss, and thinking problems.
What are the indications for Vitamin E? Wound healing and deficiency in mostly premature infants. Vitamin E levels may be low in metabolic syndrome
What are the signs & symptoms of Vitamin E toxicity? Nausea, gastric distress, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, easy bruising, and bleeding Very rare
What are the indications for Niacin (Vitamin B-3)? Pellegra often d/t malabsorption
What are the signs/symptoms of Niacin deficiency? Cheilosis, glossitis, stomatitis (inflamed lips, tongue, and mouth)
What are the signs/symptoms of Niacin toxicity? Flushing of skin ( take an aspirin prior to niacin to help), pruritus (itching of skin), and GI distress
What are the indications for phytonadione (Vitamin K)? When an excessive amount of warfarin has been taken. Deficiency in vitamin K may occur d/t antibiotic therapy
When should you be cautious when administering Vitamin K? When administering IV as it can result in death.
What are the signs/symptoms of Vitamin K toxicity? Jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia, hemolytic anemia, and kernicterus in infants.
What are vitamin B-complex drugs? Thiamine, Niacin, & Cyanocobalamin
What are the indications for thiamine ( Vitamin B-1)? Beriberi is a thiamine deficiency Wernicke-Korskoff's (alcoholic) encephalopathy Peripheral neuritis ETOH= alcoholism Malabsorption syndrome Deficiency & malnutrition
What are the nursing implications for Vitamin A & Vitamin D? Assess for toxicities
What are the nursing implications for Vitamin K? Assess for clotting & bleeding
What are the nursing implications for Vitamin C? Assess for renal calculi (kidney stones) w/ high doses
What are the nursing implications for Niacin? Assess for skin effects such as flushing
What 3 vitamins help with wound healing? Vitamins: A, C, E
Created by: jmajalca
Popular Pharmacology sets




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