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bio 233 chapter 1-3

what is anatomy? structure or what and where
what is physiology? function or how and why
what are the 11 organ systems? integumentary(skin), skeletal ( bones), muscular (muscles), nervous ( brain), endocrine ( hormonal), cardiovascular ( heart), lymphatic ( immune), respiratory( breathing), digestive (eating ), urinary (elimanating waste), reproductive (making babies)
what is homeostasis ? all body systems working together to maintain a stable internal environment.
what is failure to function within a normal range can cause death? homeostasis
what is the homeostasis receptors? receives the stimulus
what is the homeostasis control center? the brain processes the signal and sends instructions
what is the homeostasis effectors? carries out the instructions
what is positive feedback? blood clotting and giving birth
what is homeostasis like ? a state of equilibrium opposing forces are in balance.
supine lying down face up
prone lying down face down
4 abdominopelvic quadrants liver> spleen appendix> colon
9 abdominopelvic regions hypochondriac> epigastric> hypochondriac transpyloric plan lumbar>umbilical> lumbar intertubercular plan inguinal>hypogastric > inguinal
thoracic cavity pleural cavity, pericardial cavity
abdominopelvic cavity peritoneal cavity, abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity
dorsal cavity cranial cavity, spinal cavity
what are atomic particles protons + neutrons 0 electrons -
neutrons = atomic mass- atomic number
atomic weight exact mass of all particles. average of the naturally occurring isotopes
ionic bonds attraction between cations (+) and anions (-) transfer of electrons
covalent bonds results from sharing of electrons of atoms to complete their outer shell sharing electrons
hydrogen bonds partially positive hydrogen is attracted to partially negative atom in another molecule
decomposition reaction catabolism break down example: eating AB > A+B
SYNTHESIS REACTION anabolism build up example: joining together proteins A+B> AB
Exchange reaction reversible, homeostasis AB+CD <> AD+ CB
exergonic reaction produce more energy then they use
endergonic energy use more energy than they produce
pH the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution
acid 1-7 has more H+
base 7-14 has less H+
what does excess H+ ions (low pH) do? damages cells and tissues, alters proteins, interferes with normal function
what does excess OH-(high pH) do? rare, poisoning
acidosis excess H+ in body fluid
alkalosis excess OH- in body fluid
simple carbohydrates monosaccharides(with 3-7 carbon atoms ) disaccharides (2 simple sugars condensed by dehydration synthesis
complex carbohydrates chains of many simple sugars
carbohydrates ! are quick energy sources and components of membranes
lipids ! have many functions including membrane structure and energy storage
lipids fatty acids saturated (hydrogen) unsaturated ( hydrogen bonds )
nonessential proteins our body can make
essential proteins our body can't make
7 major functions of proteins support, movement, transport, buffering regulation of pH, metabolic regulation- enzymes, coordination & control - hormones, defense - antibodies
proteins controls structure and function, determines cell shape and tissue properties, performs almost all cell function
polypeptides a long chain of amino acids
enzymes proteins that lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction
enzymes characteristics specify jobs for each kind, saturation limits, regulation
cell membrane selective permeable membrane made up of phospholipid with protein scattered around acting as receptors
Cytoplasm the gel-like fluid inside the cell, is largely water with a variety of solutes and has organelles suspended in it
Cytoplasmic organelles mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes:
Mitochondria are enclosed by a double membrane and function in the production of ATP
Ribosomes are granules of RNA that function in protein synthesis.
Endoplasmic reticulum is a series of membranous channels that function in the transport of molecules: rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes associated with it and transports proteins smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not have ribosomes and it transports certain lipids
Golgi apparatus modifies substances that are produced in other parts of the cell and prepares these products for secretion
Lysosomes contain enzymes that break down substances taken in at the cell membrane; they also destroy cellular debris
Cytoskeleton is formed from microfilaments and microtubules and helps to maintain the shape of the cell
Centrioles function in cell division
Cilia are short, hairlike projections that move substances across the surface of a cell
Flagella are long, threadlike, projections that move the cell
Simple diffusion is the movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration; it may take place through a permeable membrane.
Facilitated diffusion requires a special carrier molecule but still moves particles down a concentration gradient.
Osmosis is the diffusion of solvent or water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane
Created by: armcneal
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