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Anatomy Stack 1

Nightingale SCI220 - Weeks 1-5

Cells The smallest living units of structure and function in the human body. Fundamental organizational unit of life
Molecules Atoms combined to form larger chemical aggregates.
Characteristics of Life Circulation, conductivity, Digestion, Reproductive
Ventral/Dorsal Two major cavities of the human body.
Tissue Many similar cells that are specialized to perform a certain function.
Sagittal L/R portions
Coronal Anterior/Posterior
Organ Several kinds of tissues working together.
Hydrogen Isotope Tritium One proton. Two Neutrons.
Study of Metabolism Anabolism, Catabolism, ATP requirements
Gastric pH Approximately 2
Synthesis Reaction Substances are combined to form more complex substances
Alkaline (basic) Solutions Greater concentration of Hydroxide ions
Atomic Mass Protons + Neutrons
Acids Proton donors, taste sour, release hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution.
Dehydration Synthesis Formation of sucrose involves the removal of a molecule of water
Octet Rule Stability of the atom when there are eight electrons in the outermost energy level
Ionic Bond Positive and Negative ion attracting each other.
Bases Accept hydrogen ions
Caveolae Tiny indentations of the plasma membrane
Phospholipid Bilayer Barrier function of the plasma membrane
Microfilament "Cellular Muscles"
Microvilli Cell extension that contains microfilaments, assists epithelial cells in absorption
Chromatin Threads within the nucleus
Desmosomes Hold skin cells together
Cilia Projections from cell that move materials and mucus
Centrosome Microtubule organizing center
Ribosome Nonmembranous organelle
Mitochondrion "Power house", ATP production
Proteasomes Allow for recycling of amino acids within cell
Lysosome Associated with enzymatic breakdown of foreign material
Smooth ER Supplies membrane for use throughout cell, makes steroid hormones and glycoproteins
Golgi Apparatus Processes and packages material to be secreted
Cell fibers: large to small Microtubules, intermediate filaments, microfilaments
Glycoprotein molecules Identification function of the cell membrane
Stratum Corneum Most superficial layer of epidermis
Cerumen Brown waxy substance formed by secretions of sebaceous and ceruminous glands
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Cube-shaped, lines kidney tubules
Basement Membrane Union of basal and fibroreticular laminae
Arrector Pili Muscle Small bundle of involuntary muscles found in hair follicles
Extracellular Matrix Contains proteins and proteoglycans, Fluid environment that fills spaces between cells of the body
Dermis Two layers: thin papillary, thick reticular
Mucus Produced by goblet cells
Connective Tissue Adipose, blood, cartilage - most abundant in body
Neuron Conducting unit of nerve tissue
Cardiac Muscle Contains intercalated discs
Epithelial Tissue Covers and protects body surfaces and lines body cavities
Primary germ layers Ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm
Collagen Most abundant protein compound in the body
Dermoepidermal Junction "Glues" epidermis and dermis together; provides mechanical support
Fibrocartilage Strongest, most durable
Principal Tissue Types Connective, epithelial, muscle, nervous
Skin Glands Sweat, sebaceous, ceruminous
Myeloid Tissue Bone marrow tussue type
Diaphysis Main shaft of a long bone
Carpals Bones that compose the wrist
Types of bone Long, flat, short, irregular
Hyaline Most common type of cartilage
Sphenoid Keystone in arcitecture of cranium
Transverse Abdominis Innermost muscle of abdominal wall
Convergent Muscle fascicles in a triangular shape
Fascia Fibrous connective tissue that surrounds entire muscle
Agonist Muscle that directly performs a specific movement
Endomysium Individual muscle fibers covered by a connective tissue membrane
Origin Point of attachment that does not move when muscle contracts
Created by: stacey_b24
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