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Stack #349524

What does geography mean? The writings of the earth.
What sphere is the upper portion of the earths crust? Lithosphere
What is the term used to describe the earths shape? Geoid.
Lines of parallel run____to___ East to west.
66 1/2 north arctic circle
23 1/2 north tropic of cancer
Lines of longitude measure from___to___ 0 to 180 dgrees
Shows actal distance on earth as represented by a give linear unit on map a scale
Relatively small scale of earths surface large scale map
Relatively large area of earths surface small scale map
Lines that have equal elevation contour lines
Multicolored, distortion free images Orthophoto maps
Landscape map put out by the U.S geological survey topographic map
Tallest arrow labeled withstar or large N true north
Difference between true north and magnetic north Declination
Legal land referencing system Public land survey system
Each square on a public and survey system is _ square miles 36
Has billions of galaxies Universe
Our galaxy Milky Way
Approx. age of earth 4.6 billion years
Farthest that earth is from sun, July 4th Aphelion
Closest that earth is to sun, Jan 3rd Perihelion
.400 micrometers to .710 micrometers visible light
tilt of earths axis 23 1/2 from a perpendicular lineof eclliptic
axis tilted away from sun. Arctic has 24 hrs of day, Antarctic has 24hrs of night. Winter solstice
Earth is not tilted toward or away from sun. Subsolar point at equator. 12 hr day and night everywhere spring equinox
Tilted towards sun. Subsolar point tropic of cancer.Arctic has 24 hrs of night.Antarctic 24 hrs of day. Summer solstice
Not tilted towards or away from sun. 12 hr day and night everywhere. fall equinox.
Vertical pattern structure we live in. Troposphere
Gas that makes up 78% of atmosphere nitrogen
the 2 broad regions of the atmospheric profile. Heterosphere and Homosphere.
lat and long of port huron. 43 north 82 west
Created by: krams
Popular Earth Science sets




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