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Vet Pharmacology

Pharmacology Lesson 1

List types of drug routes Oral Parental (injection) Topical Intrarectal Inhalation
Types of oral mixtures solutions suspension syrups elixirs emulsions
Types of parental injection I.V Intraosseous- I.O. Intracardiac- I.C. Intraperitoneal- I.P I.M. S.Q
What are the "six rights" 1. Right Patient 2. Right drug 3. Right dose 4. Right route 5. Right time and frequency 6. Right documentation
What is VCPR Veterinarian-Client-Patient-Relationship A must before dispensing medication
Define Pharmacotherapeutics A plan of treatment for a diagnosis that involves the use of an appropriate drug and drug regimen.
What is a drug regimen drug plan includes type route dose frequency duration
Define pharmacokinetics The "trip" a drug takes once administered to a patient. The drug will be absorbed into the bloodstream and be carried to site of action. This involves getting the right concentration of the drug into the body to be effective, but not toxic.
Inactive ingredients binders coating coloring agents disintegrates emulsifiers fillers flavorings flow agents humectants preservatives sweeteners thickeners
Define bioavailability The degree to which a drug is absorbed and reaches systemic circulation
Define lipid partition coefficient The degree of lipid solubility of a drug. A high lipid partition coefficient indicates enhanced drug absorption
How are drugs distributed? From site of absorption to plasma to interstitial fluid surrounding cells to into the cell where they combine with receptors to create an action. Then from tissue back into plasma.
Define drug biotransformation/metabolism The body's ability to change a drug chemically from form administered to form eliminated. Most often this occurs in liver (due to cytochrome P450 enzymes)
Steps of biotransformation reactions 1. Oxidation 2. Reduction 3. Hydrolysis 4. Conjugation
Modes of drug excretion liver (bile) mammary glands lungs intestinal tract sweat salivary skin MOSTLY* kidneys (through glomerular filtration or tubular secretion)
Define Pharmacodynamics study of mechanism which drugs produce physiologic changes in body. (what the drug does to the body on its trip to site of action and leaving the body)
A drug that activates certain receptors and causes a specific action to occur Agonist
A drug that blocks another drug from combining with a receptor and prevents a specific action from occuring Antagonist
The degree to which a drug produces its desired response in a patient. efficacy
Relationship between a drug's ability to achieve the desired effect and its tendency to produce toxic effects. LD50/ED50 therapeutic index
drug interaction An altered pharmacologic response to a drug that is caused by the presence of a second drug.
What should be included on the drug label Generic and trade name Concentration and quantity Manufacturer information Controlled substance status Manufacturers control/lot # Expiration date
A list of all animal drug products that have been approved by the FDA for safety and effectiveness. The Green Book
What is the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA) Allows extra label use of approved veterinary drugs legal under specific well-defined conditions
List some examples of prohibited drugs in food animals in AMDUCA Chloramphenicol - antibiotic Clenbuterol - Brochodilator Diethylstilbesterol - estrogen hormone Flouroquinolone - class antibiotics
List three agencies of US government that regulate animal health products EPA - Environmental Protection Agency USDA - US dept. of Agriculture FDA - Food and Drug Administration
What is FARAD Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank
Give examples of drug compounding crushing tablets for a suspension mixing two injectables adding flavor to a drug
List the 6 basic practices of drug disposal advised by the AVMA Incinerate Send directly to landfill Never flush Maintain close inventory control Follow federal and State guidelines Educate Clients on disposal
Created by: 4937900166274758
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