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Ch 5 vocabulary and comprehension questions

Loess Yellow brown soil
Dike A protective wall that controls or holds back water
Extended family Closely related people of several generations
How did the Huang River affect ancient Chinese civilization? China’s civilization began along the Huang. It’s floods created excellent farmland, but also killed thousands of people and cut new paths over the land.
What do you think ancient China had in common with the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt and India? They all developed near rivers.
What was the first known civilization in China? The Shang dynasty
Describe the importance of China’s first civilization. What effect do you think it had on later civilizations in ancient China? It’s people built China’s first Chinese writing. It’s system of writing enabled its people to pass down information to future generations
Describe the importance of family in early China. The family was the center of early Chinese society.
In ancient China, members of an extended family often lived together in one home. How do you think the ancient Chinese benefited from their family structures? An older periods might have been more knowledgeable and experienced.
Confucius Chinese philosopher and teacher whose beliefs had a great influence on Chinese life
Philosophy A system of beliefs and values
Civil service The group of people whose job it is to carry out the work of the government.
How did Confucius become a teacher? He could not get a government post and decided to try teaching.
Confucius would only teach those students who wanted to learn. How does his rule apply to tour experience as a student? Students who did not want to learn would waste his time. Today the law requires all children go to school whether they want to or not
What were the basic teachings of Confucius? Behave properly to one another so that order and peace return to society, Know their place in society, respect those above and below them and treat each other justly, behave in retain ways towards people who they have a particular relationship, etc…
Why did Confucius think it was important to teach rulers how to behave? If a ruler was good, people would follow his example and be good.
How did the ideas of Confucius change the way civil servants were chosen in ancient China? Confucius taught that men should be chosen based on merit rather than their family connections.
Confucius hoped to become a government worker, but he became a teacher instead. Do you think his influence on Chinese society would have been different if he had gotten his wish? Explain. No- he might have spread his ideas by exams instead of by teaching Yes- he might have been absorbed in his job and not had time to develop his philosophy
Shi Huangdi founder if the Qin dynasty and China’s first emperor
Currency The type of money used by a group or a nation
Liu Bang The founder of the Han dynasty
Wudi Chinese emperor who brought the Han dynasty to its greatest strength
Warlord A local leader of an armed group
legalism the idea that people should be punished for bad behavior and rewarded for good behavior
What measures did Shi Huangdi take to strengthen the empire and organize the government? he built the Great Wall of China and roads for the army to travel quickly and divided China into districts and selected officials
Why is Shi Huangdi a major figure in Chinese history? he was the first emperor of China and the Qin dynasty
What measures did Shi Huangdi take to unite the economy and culture of China? he standardized currency, weights, measures, improved system of writing and created a law code
How did all of Shi Huangdi’s efforts strengthen the empire? How did his leadership hurt the empire? facilitated communication and commerce across the empire but people ultimately rebelled leading to chaos and civil war
What characterized the government of China during the Han dynasty? stability and a Confucian civil service system
Compare the ways the emperors of the Qin dynasty and the emperors of the Han dynasty viewed the ideas of Confucius. How were their viewpoints similar or different? Qin- outlawed the ideas of Confucius, favored legalism Han0 based civil service system on Confucianism
Silk Road an ancient trade route between china and Europe
silk a valuable cloth originally made only in China from threads spun by caterpillars called silk worms
Sima Qian a Chinese scholar, astronomer and historian; author of the most important history of ancient China Historical Records
describe the route of the Silk Road. began in Chang'an, went through Persia and Mesopotamia, and ended in Antioch.
why were the secrets of silk making so closely guarded? people would not be willing to pay high prices for silk cloth is they knew how to make it themselves.
in what ways did the Han dynasty show a respect for Chinese traditions? encouraged people to study Confucius' teachings, supported Chinese arts and scholarship
describe the importance of Sima Qian's role in preserving Chinese traditions he helped the Chinese people to remember their past. his work may have been a model for historians of other civilizations.
name three important inventions or achievements during the Han dynasty. paper, iron farming tools, rudders, wheelbarrow, collar and harness
how did the achievements of the Han dynasty affect later generations of Chinese people, as well as other peoples? they received practical benefits of the inventions and achievements and also a sense of national pride.
Created by: krodriguez24
Popular History sets




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