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Psychology ex1

psychology for exam 1

3 types of neurons sensory, motorm inter
3 parts of the neuron denarites, cell body, axon
CNS Central Nervous System, Brain and Spinal Chord
3 types of cells receptors, effectors, neurons
Cognitive Psycology Gerorge Kelly, Aron Beck, Albert Ellis 1950-1980 humans are rational reasoning machinesirrational beliefs lead to negative emotions
Psychonanalysis 1890-1940 Sigmund Freudtheory of human nature humans are irrational conscious minds is pushed around by the unconcious
Behavoirism 1920-1950 John Watson, Pablov, BF Skinnerstudy of behavior focuses on the outside, things you caan see with your eyes
Functionalism 1890-1920 William JamesNatural selection emotions and behaviors exist because they help up survive
Structuralism 1879 william Wundt and Robert Sternbergpsyc should be based on anatomy and physiologystudy of conscious reaction time experiments
PNS is made up of... Somatic and Autonomic
Somatic system under your control
autonamic involuntary
autonomic is made up of symathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (relaxation response)
Internal charge of a resting neuron -70 MV
Charge of neuron during activation -70 to -55 to +40
wake of depolarization speed = 2-900mph, -70MV restored
Neuro transmitters float across the synaptic gap. chemical messengeres that shuttle info neuron to neuron
axon terminal where the neutron release is stimulated, they shuttle across the synapse to the dendrite
ACH exitatory, too little = alzhemimer's disease
Norepinephrine excitatroy, middle and lower brain, cocane prevents re-uptake
cocane prevent reuptake norepinephrine
serotonin exitatory, lower part of brain, LSD blocks it, MDMA blacks reabsoption
MDMA bloack reabsorbtion serotinin
dopamine front and lower brain, destrcution of producing areas may lead to parkinson's disease, excess= schizophrenia
excess = schizophrenadestruction of producing areas may lead to parkinson's disease dopamine
GABA INHIBITORY disruption = Huntington's chorea
endorphins midlower region of brain, 60-80% as powerful as morphine, *runner's high, placebo, physiological grace periods
3 biological theories of depression too little norepinephrine, too little serotonin, too little nor, ser, and dopamine
two types of old antidepressants 1) tricylics (increases NOR)2) MAO inhibitors
Holmes + Rahe Major life events = illness
SSRI stands for... Selective, Serotonin, Re-uptake, Inhibitors
example of SSRI Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvax, Celexa
Mood stabilizers Lithium (increases gaba), Neurontin (Gaba like substance)
Anxiolytics anti anxiety
Buspar + Ativan Anxiolytics
Antipsychotics Haldol + Thorazine, Risperal, Abilify
Hans Seyle "General Adaptation Syndrome"
Robert Ader did study w/ rats and tumors. proved immune system could be trained
psychoneuroimmunology immune system can be trained
endorphins midlower region of brain, 60-80% as powerful as morphine, *runner's high, placebo, physiological grace periods
3 biological theories of depression too little norepinephrine, too little serotonin, too little nor, ser, and dopamine
two types of old antidepressants 1) tricylics (increases NOR)2) MAO inhibitors
Holmes + Rahe Major life events = illness
SSRI stands for... Selective, Serotonin, Re-uptake, Inhibitors
example of SSRI Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvax, Celexa
Mood stabilizers Lithium (increases gaba), Neurontin (Gaba like substance)
Anxiolytics anti anxiety
Buspar + Ativan Anxiolytics
Antipsychotics Haldol + Thorazine, Risperal, Abilify
Hans Seyle "General Adaptation Syndrome"
Robert Ader did study w/ rats and tumors. proved immune system could be trained
psychoneuroimmunology immune system can be trained
Created by: melissanoach
Popular Physiology sets




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