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Chemistry Of Life

Vocab and More

Organic Molecules Molecules composed of both carbon and hydrogen.
Inorganic Molecules Molecules that do not contain both hydrogen and carbon.
Covalent Bond A strong chemical bond formed when electrons are shared between two atoms.
Polar Covalent Bond A chemical bond formed when electrons are unequally shared between two atoms. A molecule of water is held together by this type of bond.
Hydrogen Bond A weak chemical bond formed between a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom of a different molecule.
Cohesion The attraction of adjacent water molecules due to hydrogen bonding.
Surface Tension The bonding of molecules at the water’s surface. The surface of water can support light objects due to this property.
Adhesion The attraction of water to other surfaces (such as glass).
Capillary Action The ability of water to move through narrow spaces.
Carbohydrate A type of organic molecule which provides energy to living things.
Ose A suffix meaning sugar.
Monosaccharides A simple sugar. (C6H12O6)
Glucose A type of monosaccharide formed by photosynthesis.
Fructose A type of monosaccharide found in fruits.
Galactose and Glucose A type of monosaccharide that forms lactose.
Disaccharides Two monosaccharides bonded together. (C12H22O11)
Lactose A type of disaccharide found in milk products. (glucose + galactose →)
Sucrose A type of disaccharide known as table sugar. (glucose + fructose →)
Polysaccharides Three or more monosaccharides bonded together.
Starch A type of polysaccharide found in plants formed by bonding the excess glucose formed by photosynthesis.
Glycogen A type of polysaccharide found in human muscle cells formed from the excess glucose you eat.
Cellulose A type of polysaccharide that forms the tough cell wall of a plant cell and is also known as fiber.
Protein (Polypeptide) A chain of amino acids bonded together by peptide bonds. They are the only organic molecule containing nitrogen. These molecules have 6 important functions.
Amino Acid (Peptide) The building block that composes a polypeptide. The sequence of these determines the shape & function of a protein.
Carboxyl Group The side branch of an amino acid that has C=O-O-H.
Amino Group The side branch of an amino acid that contains nitrogen.
Functional Group The part of an amino acid that differs among amino acids.
Denaturation The permanent destruction of a protein’s shape due to extreme changes in pH and temperature.
Hormones A chemical messenger that travels through the bloodstream to deliver a specific message to cells. Some are proteins.
Antibody A specialized protein made by white blood cells to help destroy disease-causing organisms.
Enzyme A specialized protein that acts as a catalyst to speed up the rate of a chemical reaction.
Dehydration Synthesis The process of joining monomers together to form a polymer. This requires the removal of water.
Catalyst A molecule that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction.
Substrate The reactant that joins with an enzyme in a chemical reaction.
Ase The suffix that most enzymes have in their name.
Lipids A type of organic molecule made up carbon, hydrogen and oxygen that functions in providing heat, cushioning organs, as a reserve energy source and steroid hormones. The three types are triglycerides, phospholipids and steroids.
Fat (Triglyceride) This is the type of lipid you eat.
Fatty Acids A chain of carbons and hydrogens that bond to form a glycerol molecule in a phospholipid and triglyceride.
Glycerol The building block of a phospholipid and triglyceride that combines with fatty acids.
Hydrophobic Literally means “water fearing”. This term describes the fatty acid tails of a phospholipid that repel water and form the inner region of the cell membrane.
Hydrophilic Literally means "water loving". This term describes the glycerol heads of a phospholipid that attract water and form the outer regions of the cell membrane.
Saturated Fat Fats that are solid at room temperature. These fats are found in animal products such as cheeses, meat, butter.
Trans Fat Fats created in an industrial process that adds hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid. Another name for them is “partially hydrogenated oils’. These fats clog arteries and can lead to heart disease and obesity.
Unsaturated Fat Fats that are liquid at room temperature. These fats are found in plant products such as oils and nuts.
Steroids A type of lipid including cholesterol and hormones.
Estrogen A female steroid sex hormone.
Testosterone A male steroid sex hormone.
Cholesterol A type of lipid (steroid) that gives cell membranes their flexibility.
Indicator A substance that is added to a solution to detect the presence of a specific substance.
Benedicts Solution An indicator that tests for the presence of sugar in a solution. This indicator turns yellow-orange when sugar is present. It requires heat to work.
Lugol's Iodine Solution An indicator that tests for the presence of starch in a solution. It turns blue/black in the presence of starch.
Biuret An indicator that test for the presence of protein. It turns violet in the presence of protein.
Nucleic Acid A type of organic molecule that functions in protein synthesis in a cell.
Nucleotide The building block of a nucleic acid composed of a sugar, phosphate group and a nitrogenous base.
DNA A type of nucleic acid that functions as the “master set of instructions” during protein synthesis. It is an antiparallel double-helix made up of the bases A, T, C and G.
Deoxyribose The sugar in a DNA nucleotide.
RNA A type of nucleic acid that functions as the “blueprint set of instructions” during protein synthesis. It is a single-stranded molecule made up of the bases A, U, C and G.
Ribose The sugar in an RNA nucleotide.
Anti-Parallel A term used to describe the structure of DNA. The two strands are parallel to one another but run in opposite directions.
Watson And Crick The men who discovered the double-helical structure of DNA was a double helix.
Monomer A building block that is bonded together with other monomers to form a polymer.
Polymer A chain of monomers.
Reactant The substances needed for a chemical reaction. They are written to the left of the arrow in a chemical reaction.
Product The substances formed by a chemical reaction written to the right of the arrow.
Hydrolysis (Digestion) The process of breaking a polymer apart. This requires adding water.
Active Site The part of an enzyme with a specific shape that joins to a particular substrate.
Created by: jschwartzman
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