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ZOO 3733C Test 1

Dr. Samsam UCF

Intervertabral Disks Fibrocartilage between the vertabrae, absorb shock, assure no friction between the bones and facilitate the movements of the vertebral column
Contents of the vertabral canal Spinal cord and its blood vesels plus the meninges and the CSF
Cervical Rib When a rib grows from a cervical vertabrea
Pathology of Cervical rib A- Ischemic muscle pain due to compression of the subclavian artery B- Pain of the ulnar side of the forearm and hand C-palpable mass over the clavicle
Thoracic Vertebrae Char. Have 2 articular facets on their lateral side
Costo- Vertebral joints The head of each rib articulates with 2 adjacent vertebrae and the disk between them
Costo- Transverse between the tubercle of the rib and the transverse process of its own vertebrea`
Lumbar Punture done at L3-L5
Sternal puncture Bone marrow needle biopsy for transplantation or cytological analysis
Zygopophysial joints The small vertebral joints between the articular processes
Herniation Mostly posterolaterally where the Anulus Fibrosus is thinner
Ligamentum Flavum yeollowish in color due to elastic fibers, facilitates movements
Epidural Anesthesia given through sacral hiatus to block the pelvic nerves
Coccydyna pain in the coccyx
Spina Bifida Failure of vertebral arches to form or fuse usually in the lumbar or sacral vertebrea
Meningocele caused by spina bifida, meninges bulge out of the vertebral canal
Meningomyelocele caused by spina bifida, meninges plus spinal cord bulge out
Folic Acid Decreases the likelihood of getting spina bifida
Trapezius Muscle NN Spinal root of the accessory nerve
Trapezius M. FXN elevation rotation retraction of scapula
Rhomboid Major and Minor NN Dorsal Scapular Nerve (C4-C5)
Rhomboid Major and Minor FXN press the scapula to the thoracic wall retraction of the scapula medially
Levator Scapulae NN Dorsal Scapular Nerve
Levator Scapulae FXN elevates scapula
Lattissimus Dorsi NN Thoracodorsal N. (C6,C7,C8)
Lattissimus Dorsi FXN Adduction and lowering of the arm, medial rotation and extention of the arm. Raises the body will climbing
Serratus Posterior Inferior and Superior NN Intercostal Nerves (T9-T12)
Serratus Posterior Inferior and Superior FXN rib elevation and may function as accessory muscles or respiration
Illiocoastalis, Longissimus, Splenius NN Primary Spinal dorsal rami
Iliocostalis, Longissimus, Splenius FXN for erect posture of the body and the two splenii rotate the head. Extensors when both sides contract and flexion when one side contracts
Medial Group of Muscles NN innervated by various primary dorsal rami
Medial Group FXN Extensors when both sides contract and flexion when one side contracts. Some stabilize and some rotate the vertebral column
Suboccipital Triangle Muscles rectus capitis post Major, Oblique capitis superior, oblique capitis inferior
congenital dislocation of the hip common birth defect, more in female infants, either acetabulum fails to for completely or the ligaments of the hip joints are loose
treatments of congenital dislocation of the hip splint or harness of straps to hold femur in its proper position
ffibula used sometimes for bone grafting
metatarsal stress fractures result of repetitive stress on foot, 2nd and 3rd metatarsals are mostly affected
treatment for metatarsal stress fractures rest and wearing stiff or well cushioned shoes
sciatic nerve thickest nerve in the body, composed of common peroneal & tibial nerve
coommon peroneal part of the sciatic nerve, composed of dorsal rami
tibial nerve part of sciatic nerve, composed of ventral rami
lumbosacral trunk at L4 & L5
tensor fascia latae NN superior gluteal nerve
tensor fascia latae FXN Abduction, medial rotation and flexion of the thigh, protects the knee joint.
gluteus maximus NN inferior gluteal nerve
gluteus maximus FXN powerful extensor of the hip joint, lateral rotator, active in rising, sitting, climbing
gluteus medius & minimus NN superior gluteal nerve
gluteus medius & minimus FXN abduction, medial rotation of the thigh, it keeps pelvis level when opposite leg is raised
deep muscles in the gluteal region piriformis, obturator internus, superior & inferior gemellus, and quadratus femoris
piriformis NN nerve to piriformis (sacral plexus)
piriformis FXN lateral rotator and abductor of the thigh, keeps femur head in acetabulum, this muscle may partially or totally be absent
ventral hip muscles FXN lateral rotationm medial rotation, control balance
obturator internus NN nerve to obturator internus
superior gemellus NN nerve to obturator internus
inferior gemellus NN nerve to quadratus femoris
Quadratus Femoris NN Nerve to quadratus femoris
Obturator internus, Superior gemellus, Inferior gemellus, Quadratus femoris FXN lateral rotator of the thigh when it is extended and, abductor of the thigh when flexed
Hamstring Muscles Long head biceps, Semitendinous, Semimembranous, Adductor Magnum
Hamstring Muscles NN tibial branch of sciatic nerve
biceps femoris long head fxn extension at the hip, flexor and lateral rotator at knee joint
Biceps femoris short head NN common peroneal nerve *short head maybe absent
biceps femoris long head NN tibial nerve
Smietendinoeous FXN extension of hip, flexion and medial rotation of the knee
semitendineous NN tibial nerve
semimembraneous NN tibal nerve
Semimembraneous FXN hip extensor knee flexor medial rotator
Adductor Magnus fxn powerful adductor, lateral rotator (part inserted to linea aspera), medial rotator at knee joint. Extensor at hip joint,
adducctor hiatus contents popliteal artery and vein
The Triceps Surae Soleus ,Gastrocnemius and Plantaris muscles
The Triceps Surae fxn best plantar flexors, active in Walking
triceps surae NN tibial nerve
Tibialis posterior, Flexor Hallusis longus, Flexor digitorum Longus NN tibial nerve
Tibialis posterior, Flexor Hallusis longus, Flexor digitorum Longus FXN plantar flexion and Supination of the foot.
peroneus brevis & longus NN Superficial peroneal nerve
peroneus brevis & longus fxn strongest pronator of the foot
popliteus muscle FXN flexion of the knee, unlocking of the knee joingm protection of lateral
Gracilis muscle FXN adductor of the thigh, flexor at hip and flexor at knee joints
Gracilis muscle NN Obturator nerve
Pectineus muscle FXN adductor of thigh and flexor of hip joint.
Pectinius NN femoral nerve and obturator nerve
Adductor brevis muscle FXN adductor of thigh and flexor of hip joint
Adductor brevis muscle NN obturator nerve
Adductor Longus FXN Adduction of thigh, hip flexion
Adductor Longus NN obturator nerve
Adductor Magnus & minimus FXN powerful adductor, lateral rotator (part inserted to linea aspera), medial rotator at knee joint. Extensor at hip joint
Hiatus tendineus NN tibial nerve & obturator nerve
Adductor Magnus & minimus NN Obturator nerve
Iliopsoas muscle NN lumbar plexus & femoral nerve
Iliopsoas muscle FXN chief flexor of the hip
Quadriceps femoris muscle consists of Rectus femoris, Vastus intermedius, vastus medialis and vastus lateralis,
Quadriceps femoris muscle NN femoral nerve
Quadriceps femoris muscle FXN chief extensor of the knee joint, Rectus femoris also flexes the hip joint
sartorius muscle FXN acts on 2 joints: flexes at both hip and knee joints
Sartorius muscle NN : femoral nerve
The femoral triangle lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, Femoral nerve, Structures inside the femoral sheath
*Content of Femoral Ring Femoral artery and genitofemoral N. (fem) Femoral vein Lymph nodes and areolar tissue (femoral Canal), the Rosenmuller node (they drain the Glans penis and clitoris)
*Femoral hernia painful, more in female, below and lateral to pubic tubercle
Subsartorius (adductor, Hunter’s) canal
Tibialis anterior FXN dorsiflexion and supination & keep the transverse arch of the foot
Tibialis anterior NN deep peroneal N
extensor digitorum longus FXN
extensor digitorum longus NM deep peroneal N.
Extensor Hallucis longus FXN
Extensor Hallucis longus NN deep peroneal N.
Extensor digitorum brevis FXN
Extensor digitorum brevis NN Deep peroneal nerve
Extensor Hallucis brevis FXN Dorsiflexion of 1st digit
Extensor Hallucis brevis NN Deep peroneal nerve
Abductor Hallucis NN Medial plantar Nerve
Flexor Hallucis Brevis NN
Flexor digitorum Brevis NN
Lumbriclas FXN
Lumbriclas NN Medial Plantar N & Lat Plantar N
Quadratus Plantae NN Lateral Plantar N
Dorsal interossei MM FXN
Dorsal interossei MM NN Lateral Plantar N
Opponens digiti minimi NN
Flexor Digiti Minimi NN
Abductor Digiti Minimi NN Lateral Plantar N
Created by: 716152575
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