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2050 EXAM 1 CH17


The _____ Period is definded as the first 28 days off life. Neonatal
The umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood from the _____ to the _____. Placenta Fetus
The Ductus Venosus allows the majority of the umbilical vein blood to bypass the _____ and merge with blood moving through the _____ _____, bringing it to the heart sooner. Liver Vena Cava
The Foramen ovale allows more than half the blood entering the RA to cross immediatley to the LA, thereby passing _____ _____. Pulmonary Circulation
he ductus arteriosus connects the _____ _____ to the _____, which allows bypassing of the pulmonary circuit. Pulmonary Artery Aorta
Closeure of the Ductus Arteriosus occurs within the first few hours of birth and is highly dependant on _____. Oxygen
Bradycardia in the neonate is often assocciated with _____ and is often seen with _____. Apnea Hypoxia
Fetal RBCs are _____ but few in number. Large
After birth, the RBC count gradually increases as the cell size decreases, because they live in an environment with much higher ___. PO2
A newborn's RBC have a life span of _____ to _____ days compared to 120 days in an adult. 80 - 100
_____, _____, and _____ resulting from normal labor becom stimuli for initiating respirations Hypercapnia HypoxiaAcidosis
A surface tension-reducing lipoprotein found in the newborn's lungs that prevents alveolar collapse at the end of expiration and loss of lung volume is ____. Surfactant
Hemoglobin Normal Range: 17-20 g/dL
Hematocrit Normal Range: 52%-63%
Platelets Normal Range: 100,000-300,000/uL
RBC Normal Range: 5.1-5.8 (1,000,000/uL)
WBC Normal Range: 10-30,000/mm3
What 6 events must occur before the newborn's lungs can maintain respiratory function? Initiation of respiratory movement Expansion of the lungs Est of functional residual capacity Increased pulmonary blood flow Redistribution of cardiac output
After respirations are est in the newborn, they are _____ and _____, ranging from _____ to _____ breaths per minute, with short periods of _____. (<15 seconds) ShallowIrregular3060Apnea15 seconds
On average, a newborn's temperature ranges from: 36.5 to 37.5 degrees C97.9 to 99.7 degrees F
What are four types of heat loss? Conduction Convection Evaporation Radiation
The primary heat regulator is located in the _____ and the _____ _____ _____. Hypothalamus Central Nervous System
The immaturity of the neonate's _____ makes it diffucult for the child to thermoregulate. CNS
Overheating increases what three factors? Fluid Loss Respiratory Rate Metabolic Rate
An environment in which body temperature is maintained without an increase in metabolic rate or oxygen use is called a _____ _____ _____. NTE Neutral Thermal Environment
If the environmental temperature decreases, the newborn responds by ___________. Consuming more oxygen
What are four main functions of the liver in the neonate? Iron storage, Carbohydrate Metabolism, Blood Coagulation, Conjugation of bilirubin
Newborns produce bilirubin at a rate of approximately __ to __ mg/kg/day; more than twice than the rate in adults. 6 to 8
Bilirubin production typically declines to the adult level within __ to __ days after birth. 10 to 14
The causes of newborn jaundice can be classified into three groups based on the mechanism of accumulation: Bilirubin overproduction. Decreased bilirubin conjugation. Impaired bilirubin excretion.
Bacterial colonization of the gut is dependant upon _____ _____. Oral Intake
Colonization usually occurs within 24 hours of age and is required for the production of _____ _____. Vitamin K
The stomach of the newborn has a capacity ranging from ___ to ___ mL, with a variable emptying time of ___ to ___ hours. 30 to 90 mL 2 to 4 hours
Term newborns lose __ % to __% oth their birthweight as a result of insufficient caloric intake withing the first week after birth. 5% to 10%
To gain weight, the term nerborn requires an intake of ___ kcal/kg/day from birth to 6 months of age. 108 kcal/kg/day
About __ to __ voidings daily is average for most newborns; this indicates adequate fluid intake. 6 to 8
Created by: Ringtail
Popular Nursing sets




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