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Chemistry Unit 3

Proton positively charged subatomic particle
Atom the smallest particle of an element that retains its identity in a chemical reaction
Mass number the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
atomic mass unit 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 atom
electron negatively charged subatomic particle
isotopes atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
atomic number the number of protons in the nucleus of an element
atomic mass the weighted average mass of the atoms in a naturally occuring sample of an element
period a horizontal row on the periodic table
neutron subatomic particle with no charge
The nucleus of an atom is... positively charged and has a high density
Dalton theorized that atoms are indivisible and that all atoms of an element are identical. Scientists now know that... atoms are divisible
The number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom can be calculated by subtracting the number of protons from the mass number
the sum of the protons and neutrons in an atoms equals the .... mass number
All atoms of the same element have the same...? number of protons
The number 80 in the name bromine-80 represents the mass number
Relative atomic masses are measured in amu
Modeling a scientific practice in pursuit of explaining a phenomenon/ a way to collect and analyze our data
who first suggested particulate matter Democritus
1-Dalton's atomic theory All elements are composed of tiny indivisible particles called atoms
2-Dalton's atomic theory Atoms of the same element are identical. The atoms of any one element are different from those of any other element
3- Dalton's atomic theory Atoms of different elements can combine with one another in simple whole number ratios to form compounds
4- Dalton's atomic theory Chemical reactions occur when atoms are separated, joined, or rearranged. However, atoms of one element are not changed into those of another by a chemical reaction
Location of a proton nucleus
Location of a neutron nucleus
Location of an electron electron cloud
Proton charge positive
Neutron charge no charge
Electron Charge negative
Relative mass (AMU) of a proton 1
Relative mass (AMU) of a neutron 1
Relative mass (AMU) of an electron 0.00054
Proton symbol p+
Neutron symbol n^0
Electron symbol e-
1 proton = 1amu
1 neutron= 1amu
charge difference of number of protons and number of electrons
x= (isotopic notation) element
a=(isotopic notation) atomic number
b=(isotopic notation) mass number
c= (isotopic notation) charge
isotopic notation a^bx^c
Medeleev's Periodic Table vertical columns in order of increasing mass periodic physical and chemical properties
Who rearranged the periodic table based on nuclear charge (atomic number) Mosley
Periodic law when the elements are arranged in increasing atomic number, there is a periodic pattern in their physical and chemical properties
Majority of elements, conduct electricity metals
Properties similar to those of metals and non metals Metalloids
greater variation (solid liquid gas) Non metals
characteristics of metals conduct heat, luster, sheen, mostly solid, ductile, malleable
Position of metals left of the metalloids
Position of nonmetals right of the metalloids
Position of metalloids in between metals and metalloids
Chemical Reactions atoms attain stability by losing or sharing electrons (can be controlled)
Nuclear Reactions atoms attain stability by changes in the nuclei (cannot be controlled)
Radioisotope An atom with an unstable nucleus that gives off radiation to become more stable
Nuclear Stability Depends on the number of neutrons relative to the number of protons in the nucleus
types of radiation Alpha, Beta, gamma
What can block alpha particles skin/clothes
What can block gamma particles lead and concrete
What can block beta particles metal, foil, wood
What is the penetrating power of alpha particles lowest penetrating power
What is the penetrating power of beta particles moderate penetrating power
What is the penetrating power of gamma particles high penetrating power
After what atomic number on the periodic table are all elements radioactive 83
What element is alpha decay helium
What happens when there are too many neutrons neutron changes into a proton
What happens when there are too few neutrons Proton converted into a neutron
Does alpha radiation change the atomic number of the atom? Mass number? yes, both decrease
Does beta radiation change the atomic number of the atom? Mass number? yes, does not change the mass number
Does gamma radiation change the atomic number of the atom? Mass number? no
Half life the time required for one-half of the nuclei of a radioisotope to decay to a product
Transmutation Reactions conversion of one element into another element
Go through transmutation in a nuclear reactor and nuclear accelerator Transuranium Elements
Fission to break apart
neutron moderation slows neutron down
use subcritical masses of fissionable material nuclear reactors
1 (nuclear power plant/general) fission heats up water in a vessel and heat is carried away
2 (nuclear power plant/general) The heat is used to heat up water in a second, which turns to steam
3 (nuclear power plant/general) Steam turns the turbine if a generator
4 (nuclear power plant/general) Generator makes electricity
1kg of U produces equivalent energy to... 20,000 tons of TNT
List two fissionable isotopes Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239
Are Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239 easily obtained? only easier to obtain in critical masses
Releases more energy than fission reaction nuclear fusion
Problems with nuclear fusion containment Extremely high temperature needed to start the reaction
Ionizing Radiation enough energy to remove an electron from another substance to make an ion
Stars begin life as clouds of hydrogen gas called a ______ nebula
_______ causes the nebula to condense gravity
hottest, brightest, with most mass (stars) Blue Stars
coolest, dimmest, with least mass (stars) Red Stars
What kind of star is our sun yellow star
What happens when H runs out (stars) He starts fusing into heavier elements The star expands and cools into a red giant
When does fusion stop in a star When iron runs out
What is the dense core that remains from a dead star Planetary Nebula
White Dwarf a dead star
What is the life cycle of a star nebula --> star --> Red Giant -->planetary neubula --> white dwarf
what happens when a massive star dies it explodes into a supernova
A supernova can form a... black hole or a neutron star
black hole a region in space where the mass is so concentrated that nothing, not even light can escape
neutron star very small, dense star made up of neutrons
Milky Way the galaxy we live in/has a black hole in its center
Created by: sophiesoup13
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