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Fundamentals Vocab

Client Unit The area where most client care is provided. This includes the bed, bathroom, table, etc.
Nursing unit The area containing several client units and a centralized desk or office
Commode Either the toilet in the restroom or the portable toilet that the client can use without going into the restroom area
Morgue Under a pathologists (disease specialist) and is the place where the dead bodies are placed until they are picked up by the funeral home or the family.
bedside table Usualy a small dresser like table that the client can use to store their belongings
overbed table The table that fits over the bed and at the very least can be used as the dinner table in the bed.
intercom A system that allows clients in their rooms to communicate directly with healthcare providers at the nursing station
laboratory where studies and experiments on animals ae conducted to understand cure, or prevent human disease
Radiology Performs diagnostic xray studies to aid healthcare providers in determining the exact location and nature of disorders
Physical Therapy Directs its efforts toward preventing physical disability
Speech Therapy Teaches the client how to speak or swallow, usually after a surgery or some major problem
occupational Therapy Provides training for a job or evaluates the ability to care for themselves
Social Services Provides counseling and assistance to clients and families in matters of finance, home care, discharge planning and living arrangements
Case management Provides service coordination, health assesment, education and discharge planning for clients who are at high risk for readmission
Pharmacy Where you go to get your clients medicines
Housekeeping Provides cleaning services to the client units and common areas of the facility
Dietary Prepares all meals for clients in accordance with instructions given by healthcare providers
Maintenance Responsible to keep up the grounds and the equipment in the facility
Medical Records Keeps medical records for al clients who have ever been in the facility
information technology The people that keep up the computers and arious electronic devices
Hazardous Material "RED" Fire
Hazardous Material "BLUE" Health (death or injury)
Hazardous Material "YELLOW" Reactive
Hazardous Material "WHITE" Radioactive or reactive with water
What does the Acronyn "RACE" stand for? R-Rescue; A-Alarm/Alert; C-Confine; E-Extinguish
What does RACE pertain to? What to do in case of a fire
What does the acronym "PASS" stand for? P-Pull the Pin; A-Aim at the base of the fire; S-Squeeze the handles together; S-Sweep across the base of the fire back and forth
Aerobe Microorganism that requires oxygen for growth
Anaerobe microorganism that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen
bacteria Microorganisms; some of which are disease-causing; common forms are staphylocci, streptocci
Pathogen A disease producing agent or organism
Communicable A disease that can be transmitted from one person to another
reservoir Any place where a microorganism can multiply or survive before moving to a place where it can multiply
contagious Able to be transmitted from one person to another
spore Protective capsule formed by some microorganisms to safeguard themselves
sterile free of microorganisms, aseptic; free of all microbes
microorganisms minute living cells not visible to the human eye but found most everywhere in the environment
vector Carrier, especially of a disease organism
nosocomial Originating in a healthcare facility
Virus Protein covered sac containing genetic or other organic materials; which enters a living organism and uses the host cell for viral reproduction to cause an illness or disease
opportunistic Causing disease under certain circumstances
virulent Ability of a microorganism to cause disease; strength; potency
medical asepsis Practice of reducing the number of microorganisms or preventing and reducing transmission of microorganisms from one person(source) to another.
invasive term used to describe surgery and some diagnostic tests that involve an incision or puncture through the skin, insertion of an instrument, or injection of a forein substance into the body
Disinfection Cleaning process that destroys MOST pathogens but not necessarily their spores; "Process of destroying pathogens"
Sterilization Process that destroys ALL microorganisms and spores; "Process of destroying all microbes"
Transmission Based Precautions Precautions designed for clients with spefic infections or diagnosis
colonization Microorganisms present in a person, who shows no signs or symptoms of illness
Surgical Aespsis Destruction of all pathogens, sterile technique
infection The invasion and multiplication of infective agents and body tissues with a resultant reactive(illness or injury) to their presence and/or their toxins
Contamination To make unsterile or unclean; Process of becoming unclean
Clean Tecnique Free of disease producing microbes
Biohazard "RED" Blood and bodily fluids
Biohazard "CLEAR" regular garbage
Biohazard "BLUE" All linens
Biohazard "SHARPS" Puncture proof containers
Biohazard "LAUNDRY" ALWAYS contaminated
Febrile Running a fever
Temporal Forehead
Oral By mouth
rectal in the rectum
Tympanic in the ear
axillary Under the arm
Hyperthermia High temperature
Hypothermia Low Temperature
Bradycardia Heart Rate Too Low
Palpation Touching to take heart rate
Doppler Very sensitive microphone
Dyspnea Respiration Rate is bad
Bradypnea Respiration rate is too low
Tachycardia Heartrate too low
Auscultation Listening to get a heartrate
Pulse The waves of your heartbeat through your artery
Tachypnea Respiration rate too high
Orthopnea Must be propped up to breath
Kussmauls respirations respiration abnormal due to chemical imbalance
Cheyne-Stokes respiiration Client is in imminent danger of dying
Carotid In the neck
Radial In your arm
femoral in your thigh
Dorsalis Pedis The top of your foot
Apical In your chest
Brachial Beside the elbow
Popliteal Behind the knee
Posterior Tibial Behind the ankle bone
Hypertension High blood pressure
Hypotension Low blood pressure
systole contraction of the heart
diastole resting pressure
pulse pressure Difference of systolic pressure minus diastolic pressure
sphygomanometer clock looking peace on the stethoscope
karotkoff's sounds Sounds heard when measuring blood pressure with a stethoscope
Orthostatic hypotension Drop in blood pressure upon standing, often causing dizziness
systolic pressure pressure needed to pump blood out of the heart
Body mechanics Use of the safest and most efficient methods of moving and lifting
Logroll turn A method of turning a client that keeps body straight in alignment
Range of Motion (ROM) Ability to move various joints and structures of the body
Center of gravity Center of ones weight
base of support Balance or stability provided by the feet and their positioning
Line of gravity Direction of gravitational pull
Flexion Decreasing the angle between two bones or bending a part on itself, ex: Bending the elbow
Extension Increasing the angle between two bones, as in straightening the arm
Hyperextension Increasing the angle of an extremity beyond normal, as in bending the head back to look at the ceiling
dorsiflexion Bending body part toward the dorsum, backwards, as in moving the foot so the toes are pulled toward the knee and thus facing backwards
plantar flexion Bending the foot so that the toes are pointing downward
Abduction Moving a body part away from the midline of the body (taking away from the body)
Adduction Moving a body part toward the midline of the body (adding to the body)
Contracture Abnormal shortening of muscles with resultant deformity
Passive ROM Range of motion exercise with which the client may need physical assistance
Active ROM Exercises in which the client is able to move without assistance
Transfer Belt Sturdy webbed belt with buckle that easily secures around clients waist
Continuous Passive Motion Mechanical device provides continuous motion to a specific joint
Horizontal Recumbent (Supine) Lying on back
Dorsal Recumbant Lying on the back with the knees flexed
Prone Lying on the abdomen
Sims lying on the left side with the right knee flexed (for administering enemas, suppositories, giving rectal exam, or colonoscopy)
Fowlers Lying on the back with the head elevated. (high or semi; promotes breathing and facilitates drainage from abdominal wounds or pelvic infections)
Semi-Fowlers head upright at 45 degree angle
High-fowlers head upright 90 degree angle
knee-chest Lying on the knees with the chest resting on the bed
Dorsal lithotomy Lying on the back with the feet in stirrups (pelvic exam)
Created by: 1078380780
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