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tera- (T) 10^12g=1 of these
giga- (G) 10^9g=1 of these
mega- (M) 10^6g=1 of these
kilo- (k) 10^3g=1 of these
deci- (d) 1g=10^1 of these
centi- (c) 1g=10^2 of these
milli- (m) 1g=10^3 of these
micro- (μ) 1g=10^6 of these
nano- (n) 1g=10^9 of these
pico- (p) 1g=10^12 of these
element pure substance that consists entirely of one type of atom
compound substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in definite proportions
homogenous mixture a mixture in which the composition is uniform throughout
heterogenous mixture a mixture in which the composition is not uniform throughout
the alkali metals Group IA (excluding hydrogen)
the alkaline earth metals Group IIA
the halogens group VII
the noble gases group VIII
chemical symbol letters that represent an element
group vertical column in the periodic table
period horizontal row in the periodic table
chemical formula represents a compound
physical change form of matter is changed, but the chemical formula is the same
chemical reaction results in a change of chemical identity of the substance(s)
chemical equation what happened in a chemical reaction
reactants left side of the chemical equation
product right side of the chemical equation
coefficient number placed in front of a chemical formula to balance the substance
significant figures digits in a value known with certainty plus an estimated digit
mass measures the amount of material in an object
Density equation D=Mass/Volume
specific gravity ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water
specific gravity equation SG=Density of sample/Density of water
Celsius to Kelvin Equation K=C+273C
Fahrenheit to Celsius equation C=(F-32F)/1.8F
Celsius to Fahrenheit Equation F=(1.8FxC)+32F
energy capacity to do work or supply heat
potential energy stored chemical energy
kinetic energy energy of motion
heat kinetic energy flowing from a warmer body to a colder one
state of matter physical form in which matter exists
solid definite shape and definite volume
liquid definite volume, takes shape of container
gas no definite shape or volume
precise repeated measurements that are similar in value, but may not be accurate
accuracy measurements close to the actual or true value, but may not be precise
properties of metals good conductors of heat and electricity, malleable, ductile, shiny
malleable bends, not breaks
ductile can be drawn into a thin wire
properties of non-metals do not conduct heat or electricity, brittle, non-ductile, dull
colvanlent nonmetal and nonmetal compound
ionic metal and nonmetal compound
alloy mixture of two or more metals. NOT a compound
proton positively charged subatomic particle
electron negatively charged subatomic particle
neutron subatomic particles with no charge
nucleus protons and neutrons in an atom
electron cloud area containing electrons
atomic mass unit (AMU) one of these is equal to the mass of one proton or one neutron
atomic number number of protons present in an atom/element
mass number number of protons and neutrons
isotope element that has atoms containing the same number of protons but different amounts of neutrons
nuclear radiation energy given off from the nucleus of an atom
radioactive elements that spontaneously emit radiation
radioactive decay unstable isotopes becoming stable by emitting radiation
alpha decay radioactive decay by emission of an alpha particle (4/2 He)
beta decay radioactive decay in which an electron is emitted (0/-1 e)
gamma decay radioactive decay where gamma rays are emitted (0/0 y)
positron decay radioactive decay in which a positive electron is emitted (0/1 e)
neutron decay radioactive decay in which a neutron is emitted (1/0 n)
sievert (Sv) SI unit that measures effect of radiation of biological particles
nuclear decay equation radioactive nucleus undergoing decay -> new nucleus formed+radiation emitted
curie (Ci) a unit of measure used to describe the amount of radioactivity in a sample of material
activity how quickly radiation is emitted
half-life time it takes for one-half of the atoms in the sample to decay
n=1, n=4 Holds 2 electrons
n=2, n=3 holds 8 electrons
valence electrons on the outermost energy level of an atom
group how can you tell how many electrons can be found in a certain electron level?
period how can you tell how many energy levels are in an atom
ions gain or lose electrons
cations positively charged ions. typically only metals
anions negatively charged ions. typically only main group nonmetals
ammonium NH4+
chlorate ClO3-
nitrate NO3-
bicarbonate HCO3-
carbonate CO3-2
sulfate SO4-2
phosphate PO4-3
hydroxide OH-
mole 6.02x10^23 atoms/molecules
average atomic mass the weighted average of the atomic masses of the naturally occurring isotopes of an element
nuclear medicine application of either diagnosis or treatment based on the concept and use of certain unstable isotopes that give off particles and/or energy
Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity of uranium
Created by: sguyett
Popular Chemistry sets




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