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Chapter 1

History of Medicine and Pharmacy

Apothecary Latin term for pharmacist; also, a place where drugs are sold
Bloodletting The practice of draining blood; believed to release illness
Caduceus Often confused with the symbol of the medical field; it is a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top
Dogma A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true
Hippocratic Oath An oath taken by physicians concerning the ethics and practice of medicine
Inpatient Pharmacies Pharmacies in a hospital or institutional setting
Laudanum A mixture of opium and alcohol used to treat dozens of illnesses through the 1800s
Leeches A type of segmented worm with suckers that attaches to the skin of a host and engorges itself on the host's blood
Maggots Fly larvae that feed on dead tissue; used in medicine to clean wounds not responding to routine antibiotics
Medicine The science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease
Opioid Any agent that bonds to opioid receptors
Opium An analgesic that is made from the poppy plant
Pharmacist Person who dispenses drugs and counsels patients on medication use and any interactions it may have with food or other drugs
Pharmacy A place where drugs are sold
Pharmacy Clerk Person who assists the pharmacist at the front counter of the pharmacy; the person who accepts payment for medications
Pharmacy Technician Person who assists a pharmacist by filling prescriptions and performing other nondiscretionary tasks
Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Issues a national exam for pharmacy technicians
Shaman A person who holds a high place of honor in a tribe as a healer and spiritual mediator
Staff of Asclepius The symbol of the medical professions; it is a wingless staff with one snake wrapped around it
Trephining A practice of making an opening in the head to allow disease to leave the body
Aristotle Greek scientist; philosopher
Asclepius Greek god of healing and medicine
Bacon, Roger English scientist responsible for scientific methods
Crick, Francis Co-discoverer of the molecular structure of DNA, the double helix
Domagk, Gerhard Developed sulfonamides and synthetic antibiotics
Fleming, Alexander Discovered penicillin, the first antibiotic
Galen, Claudius Greek physician
Hippocrates Greek physician and philosopher, considered to be the father of medicine
Mendel, Gregor Scientist and monk, known as the father of genetics
Nightingale, Florence Nurse who was responsible for improving the unsanitary conditions at a British base hospital during the Crimean War, reducing the death count
Paracelsus Swiss physician, philosopher, and scientist
Pasteur, Louis French scientist, discovered several vaccines and invented pasteurization
Watson, James Co-discoverer of the molecular structure of DNA, the double helix
Created by: singhamanda
Popular Pharmacology sets




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