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mercantilism exports are greater than imports = An economic theory based on reducing a country's imports while expanding it's exports
Why did Europe want to establish colonies? (wanted to expand) = Raw materials were scarce in England, and were acquired from the colonies. Simultaneously, the colonies became a ready market for the English manufactured goods.
What is transatlantic trade? (triangle trade) the trade across the Atlantic Ocean between America, England, and Africa
Navigation Acts A series of laws that required goods to pass through England
What was transported from England to Africa? manufactured goods, rum & textiles
What was transported from England to America? manufactured goods
What was transported from West Indies to England? sugar & molasses
What was transported from West Indies to America? slaves, sugar & molasses
What did America give to West Indies? Livestock / Grain
What did America give to Africa? rum
What did America give to England? raw goods / natural resources
What are the 5 Southern Colonies? Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland
What are the 3 Middle Colonies? Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey
What are the 5 New England Colonies? Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Overview of Southern Colonies: Reasons established to make money for farming and agriculture because of it's rich and natural soil
cash crops A crop grown to sell (tobacco, rice, indigo)
Southern colonies and Native Americans began peacefully, ended violently (competition for resources led to conflict)
England's 1st permanent colony Jamestown - established by a joint-stock company called the Virginia Company
joint-stock company more than one person puts money into a stock so there is not as much loss
John Smith gave motivation to the colonists "He who shall not work, shall not eat!"
John Rolfe brought tobacco seeds from England
Chief Powhatan saved Jamestown by giving them food when they were starving and natural resources
source of cheap labor for Jamestown and the Virginia colony indentured servants
What state was a safe-haven for catholics? Maryland (Lord Baltimore)
What is Act of Toleration? religious freedom
North and South Carolina (Charleston) made England money by doing what? growing cash crops
What were the two reasons Georgia was established? 1. a buffer colony to protect important colonies from the Spanish, and 2. a haven for debtors (criminals sent to GA)
Why were the New England colonies established? for religious purposes
What were puritans? people who wanted to purify the Anglican Church
What were separatists? people who wanted to completely separate from the Anglican Church (pilgrims)
New England Colonies impact of location and place: rocky soil and short growing season- relied on substance agriculture (only growing for you and your family)
New England colonies and Native Americans: began peacefully, ended violently (competition for resources led to conflict)
Economic development of New England colonies trading port: ship building & fishing
What was the first democratic document outlining SELF government? Mayflower Compact (written by Pilgrims on the Mayflower)
What was the "city upon a hill"? Winthrop's vision that Massachusetts Bay would be an example to the rest of the world as hard-working and devoted to God.
What were the Salem Witch Trials? the pilgrims accused women of being witches, so they killed them
What was the King Phillip's War? A war for the competition of land (pilgrims vs. Native Americans) - the deadliest war per capita
What colony was a safe haven for religious dissenters? Rhode Island
Who were the two most famous religious dissenters? 1. Roger Williams 2. Ann Hutchinson
Who founded Connecticut? Thomas Hooker
What was the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (FOC)? The first document that established a representative government (NOT Self government)
What was the Pequot War? The puritan massacre of the Pequot nation (tribe) in Connecticut
Who was the founder of Pennsylvania? William Penn
What is a Quaker? A religiously tolerant pilgrim, who are friendly with Native Americans
Why did the farmers turn to African slaves to fulfill their growing labor needs? They needed a cheap labor source to plant and harvest crops.
Where were the slaves most demanded? Southern colonies
What is salutary neglect? England did not push the colonies to grow and make money, but the colonies grew and made money anyway
What was the House of Burgesses? it was the first legislative and democratic government in America
What was The Great Awakening? A religious revival that placed a greater emphasis on personal relationship with God than with the church
Created by: shannonbacha
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