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intro to micro

intro to microbiology

fat molecules contain fatty acids and lipids
lipids fats phospholipids waxes and steroids
carbohydrates contain carbon hydrogen oxygen
Inorganic molecules any molecule not consisting of a carbon atom
organic molecules carbon hydrogen nitrogen sulfur and oxygen
2 types of nucleic acid RNA DNA
makes up the cell membrane a bilayer of phospholipids
6 main component of a living cell carbon hydrogen nitrogen oxygen phospherous sulfur
4 types of macromolecules lipids carbohydrates proteins nucleic acids
lipids have one common trait they are hydrophobic
primary role of fats in organisms store energy
fats are also called triglycerides because they contain three fatty acid molecules linked to a molecule of glycerol
phospholipids contain two fatty acids and a phosphate
phospholipid head is________,and the tail is___________. hydrophillic, hydrophobic
a familiar steroid which is an undesirable component of food cholesterol
CH2O carbohydrate
large carbohydrates used for the long term storage of chemical energy starch and glycogen
smaller carbohydrate molecule serves as a ready energy glucose
monosaccharides glucose fructose
disaccharides sucrose maltose lactose
polysaccharides starch in plants and glycogen in animals
cell walls of bacteria are composed of peptidoglycan which is made of polysaccharides and amino acids
the most complex organic compounds protein
functions of protein structure, enzymatic catalyst, regulate, transportation, defense and offense.
a proteins function is dependent on its shape, which is determined by the molecular structure of its constituent parts
proteins made up of amino acids
ATP adenosine triphosphate; the most important short term energy storage molecule in cells
the sum of all synthesis reactions in an organism anabolism
the sum of all decomposition reactions in an organism catabolism
endothermic reactions require energy
exothermic reactions release energy
the sum of all anabolic and catabolic chemical reactions in an organism metabolism
4 main properties of water solvent, liquidity, great capacity to absorb heat, and its participation in chemical reactions
vital inorganic compound water
bacillus anthracis Anthrax
4 life processes growth, reproduction, responsiveness, metabolism
bacteria and archaea Prokaryotes
describe prokaryotes microbes that lack a cell nucleus and have no other membranous organelles
Eukaryotes have a nucleus, more complex and larger than prokaryotes
animals, plants, algae, fungi, and protozoa are all__________ eukaryotic
cells share common structural features, name 4 external structures, cell walls, cytoplasmic membrane, cytoplasm
external structures of prokaryotic cells include glycocalyces, flagella, fimbriae, pili
sticky external sheaths of cells, that may be loosely attached slime layers or firmly attached capsules that prevent cells from drying out are glycocalyces
enable cells to stick to each other and to surfaces in the environment slime layers
protect cells from phagocytosis by other cells capsules
composed of a basal body, hook, and filament and allows cells to move toward favorable conditions and away from unfavorable conditions flagellum
nonmotile extensions of some bacterial cells fimbriae
Pili are hollow nonmotile tubes of protein that connect some prokaryotic cells
typical prokaryotic cell ribosomes, cytoplasm, nucleoid, glycocalyces, cell wall, cell membrane, flagellum, inclusions
true or false, red blood cells do not have a nucleus. true
2 bacterias that cause pneumonia, and have capsules to protect them streptoccocus and klebsiella
flagella is attached to the cell was by protein rings. the number of rings differ according to gram negative and gram positive bacteria, how many rings for each gram positive-2 ringsgram negative-4 rings
4 types of flagella monotrichous, lophotrichous. amphitrichous, peritrichous
movement to light phototaxis
movement to chemicals chemotaxis
taxis movement in response to a stimulus
prokaryotic cell membrane is often referred to as a phospholipid bilayer. the phospholipid molecule is bipolar wh/ means the molecule is hydrophilic and hydrophobic
First to discover and observe microbes Leeuwenhoek
5 basic categories of microorganisms fungi, algae, protozoa, prokaryotes, small animals
fungi cells are eukaryotic, they have cell walls, and they get their food from other animals
multicellular organisms that grow in long filaments called hyphae, reproduce asexually by spores mold
mold that produces penicillin pennicillan chrysogenum
produced by soybean fermentation soy sauce
unicellular, reproduce asexually by budding, yeast
saccharomyces cervisiae caused bread to rise and produces alcohol from sugar
candida albicans urogenital infections in women
animal like, eukaryote, usually live in water,capable of locomotion protozoa
trypanosoma brucei african sleeping disease
pseudopodia extensions of a cell that flow in the direction of travel
numerous short hairlike protrusions of a cell that beat rhythmically to propel the protozoan through its environment cilia
flagella extensions of a cell but are fewer, longer and more whiplike than cilia
unicellular or multicellular photosynthetic organisms algae
large algae that provide the most of the worlds oxygen seaweed and kelp
acellular obligatory parasites composed of small amounts of genetic material surrounded by a protein coat viruses
abiogenesis or life from inanimate objects spontaneous generation
the Father of Microbiology Louis Pasteur
heating liquids just enough to kill bacteria pasteurization
pathogens cause disease germ theory of disease
the study of the causation of diseases etiology
Semmelweis physician ridiculed for requiring medical students to wash their hands to prevent the spread of infections to women giving birth
modified and advanced the idea of antisepsis Lister
founder of modern nursing, influential in introducing antiseptic technique into nursing Florence Nightingale
Jenner developed smallpox vaccine
discovered pennicillin alexander fleming
sought a "magic bullet" to destroy pathogens and laid the foundations for chemotherapy Ehrlich
Ehrlich found chemicals that killed trypanosomes (african sleeping disease)
discovered that cholera epidemics due to unsafe and unclean drinking water supplies Snow
treponema pallidum syphilis
Koch's Postulates suspected bacteria must be found in every case and be absent from healthy host.bacteria must be isolated and grown outside host.bacteria reintroduced to healthy susceptible host, the host must get the dz.the same bacteria must be reisolated.
two means of identifying bacteria shape and stain
Created by: jndmj30
Popular Biology sets




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