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Anatomy & Physiology


What happens when blood levels of carbon dioxide rise? The rate and depth of breathing increase
What prevents food from entering the airway during swallowing? Epiglottis
What is an acute type of bacterial pneumonia caused by bacteria found in air conditioning systems? Legionnaire's disease
What does not occur when air enters the lungs? The diaphragm relaxes
What is a chronic condition that damages the alveoli in the lungs due to stretching of the spaces between the alveoli and paralyzes the cilia? Emphysema
What can normally cause an increased respiratory rate and depth? Increased carbon dioxide levels in the blood
What is the amount of air that remains in the lungs at all times called? Residual volume (RV)
What is caused by a virus and lasts 5-10 days? Influenza
What are tiny air sacs surrounded but capillaries where gas exchange occurs? Alveoli
What disorder is airflow to the lung limited and do the alveoli become enlarged? COPD
What is a relatively new respiratory disease caused by a virus that is very contagious and sometimes fatal? SARS
What occurs when air leaves the lungs? The diaphragm relaxes
What condition does inflammation cause an obstruction in the tubes of the bronchial tree? Asthma
What is the total amount of air that the lungs can hold? Total lung capacity (TLC)
What is the amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs during a normal breath? Tidal volume (TV)
What is the total amount of air that cane be forcefully exhaled after the deepest inhalation possible? Vital capacity (VC)
What is made of bones and cartilage? Nose
What contains the bronchial trees and alveoli? Lungs
When positioning a baby on its back for sleep it can decreased the chance of what? SIDS
What is the function of cilia? Tiny hair-like structures in the airways that push mucus toward the pharynx
What is not caused by cigarette smoking? Pleuritis
What is a muscle that contracts and relaxes to control the amount of space in the thoracic cavity? Diaphragm
What is caused by smoking or by exposure to radon, asbestos, or industrial carcinogens? Lung cancer
What is the part of the respiratory tree to which the alveoli are attached? Bronchioles
What lines the nasal cavity and helps remove pathogens? Cilia
What is a blockage in an artery in the lungs and is frequently the result of immobility? Pulmonary embolism
What may occur when heart function declines and fluid spaces of the lungs? Pulmonary edema
What is a collection of air in the chest around the lungs, which may cause atelectasis? Pneumothorax
What is a passage which air flows to the pharynx? Nasal cavity
What extends from the larynx to the bronchi? Trachea
What structure has the function of sound production? Larynx
Three structures extend from the lateral walls of the nasal cavity is called? Nasal conchae
What are air-filled spaces within the skull bones that open into the nasal cavity? Paranasal sinuses
What is located at the junction of the nasal cavity and pharynx? Nasopharynx
What is in the area at the junction of the mouth and pharynx? Oropharynx
What is in the are that contains the larynx or "voice box?" Laryngopha
What is in the opening between the vocal cords? Glottis
What is considered the "working tissue" of the lung? Aveoli
Which lung is larger then the other? Right lung
How many lobes makes both lungs? 5
What is the double-walled membrane that surrounds the lungs? Pleura
What is in between the parietal and visceral pleura? Pleural fluid
What helps maintain the inflation of the alveoli so that they do not collapse? Surfactant
What does premature infants often suffer from because their lungs do not yet create enough surfactant? Respiratory distress syndrome
Breathing or pulmonary ventilation consists of what two events? Inspiration & expiration
What is hyperventilation? Breathing rapidly and deeply
What is air forced through the larynx, vibrating the vocal cords? Speaking
What is a deep inspiration that increases the amount of air brought to the alveoli aids in blood oxygenation? Yawning
What causes a clearing of the upper respiratory passages? Coughing and sneezing
What occurs when the muscles of the palate, tongue, and throat relax? Snoring
What is hemoglobin bound to oxygen? Oxyhemoglobin
What is a blood protein that contains carbon and oxygen? Carboxyhemoglobin
What is a hypersensitivity reaction to various airborne allergens? Allergic Rhinitis
What is a condition in which the tubes of the bronchial trees become obstructed as a result of inflammation? Asthma
What is inflammation of the bronchi and often follows a cold? Bronchitis
What is an acute inflammation of the larynx? Laryngitis
What is buildup of the fluid between the pleura layers? Pleural effusion
What is an inflammation that causes the two layers of the pleura to rub painfully against each other? Pleuritis
What is a lung disease that results from years of exposure to different environmental or occupational types of dust? Pneumoconiosis
What are the three types of pneumoconiosis? Anthracosis, asbestosis, & silicosis
What is an inflammation of the lungs caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infection? Pneumonia
What is an inflammation of the membranes lining the sinuses of the skull? Sinusitis
What kills more than 2 million people worldwide each year? Turberculosis
What is a disease that primarily affect the lungs but it can spread to other parts of the body? TB
What is the term for a common cold? Upper respiratory infection
What is the volume that can be inhaled during forced breathing in addition to resting tidal volume? Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
What is the volume that can be exhaled during forced breathing in addition to resting tidal volume? Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
What is IRV + TV = IC (Inspiratory capacity)
What is RV + ERV = FRC (Functional residual capacity)
What is RV + VC = TLC (Total lung capacity)
What is the amount of air exhaled with force after inhaling as deeply as possible? Forced vital capacity (FVC)
What is the greatest rate of flow during forced exhalation? Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
What is a colorless, odorless gas and poisonous to humans? Carbon monoxide
The respiratory center is located where in the brain? In the pons and medulla oblongata
What does the medulla oblongata control? The rhythm and depth of breathing
What does the pons control? The rate of breathing
Created by: brcharity-becoat
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