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weeks 7-13

When an impulse reaches a synapse: chemical transmitters are released.
Which neuron could transmit a nerve impulse the fastest? A large-diameter neuron with myelin
The first event to occur when an adequate stimulus is applied to a neuron is: some of the sodium channels at the point of stimulation open.
Which is true of an action potential? The outside of the plasma membrane is negatively charged, and the inside is positively charged.
The only ion(s) that can diffuse across a neuron’s membrane when the neuron is at rest is (are): potassium.
The fastest nerve fibers in the body can conduct an impulse that is how much faster than the slowest fibers in the body? Almost 300 times faster
Which of the following is not used by the body as a neurotransmitter? Nitric oxide, Acetylcholine, Carbon monoxide
A synapse consists of: a synaptic knob, a synaptic cleft, the plasma membrane of a postsynaptic neuron.
Severe depression can be caused by a deficit in certain brain synapses of: amines
During a relative refractory period: the action potential can be initiated with a strong stimulus.
Acetylcholine is in the same class of neurotransmitters as: none of the above
Which of the following is true of spatial summation? Neurotransmitters released simultaneously from several presynaptic knobs converge on one postsynaptic neuron.
Stimulus-gated channels open in response to: sensory stimuli
Cerebrospinal fluid is formed by filtration of blood in the: choroid plexuses.
Most effectors of the autonomic nervous system are dually innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons. True
The parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions always act with a cooperative influence, and through summation of the impulses, the effect can be increased. False
Which is not true of the dorsal nerve root? It is also called the posterior root, It includes the spinal ganglion, It includes sensory fibers.
Cerebrospinal fluid circulates through the ventricles, into the central canal and _____, and is absorbed back into the blood. subarachnoid space
Propranolol is an example of a: Beta blocker, drug used to treat irregular heartbeats, drug used to treat hypertension
The vomiting reflex is mediated by the: medulla
Normal infants will show the Babinski reflex up to the age of _____ years. 1.5-2
How does a dually innervated autonomic effector differ from a singly innervated autonomic effector? A dually innervated effector receives input from both sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways. A singly innervated autonomic effector receives input from only the sympathetic division.
Norepinephrine is liberated at: most sympathetic postganglionic nerve endings.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the endocrine system? Chemical messenger travels a short distance.
All of the following are true statements except: aspirin produces some of its effects by increasing PGE synthesis.
Which of the following statements is not true of the pineal gland? Melatonin is stimulated by the presence of sunlight.
When you are looking at a large green field, which cones would be sending the green wavelength to the brain? M
Which is not true of the hormone somatostatin? It stimulates the secretion of insulin.
In comparison with the nervous system, the regulatory effects of the endocrine system are: slow to appear but long-lasting.
Inhibition of sympathetic vasoconstrictor impulses is considered a major mechanism of vasodilation.
Blood viscosity stems mainly from the red blood cells but also partly from the _____ in blood. protein molecules present
Neutrophils are highly mobile and phagocytic. They migrate out of blood vessels and into tissue spaces. This process is called diapedesis.
Which of the following is not true of ventricles? All of the above are true of the ventricles.
The heart begins beating in the fetus at about what stage of development? After about 4 weeks
The mechanisms of which three hormones work together to regulate blood volume? aldosterone, ANH, and ADH
All of the following are true statements except: both atria receive their blood supply from branches of the right and left coronary arteries.
The presentation of an antigen by an antigen-presenting cell activates the T cell. The cell then divides repeatedly to form a clone of identical sensitized T cells that form effector T cells and memory cells.
Which antibody is synthesized by immature B cells and then inserted into their plasma membranes? immunoglobulin M
The body’s defense mechanisms can be organized into one of two major categories of immune mechanisms; these are innate and adaptive immunity.
The ingestion and destruction of microorganisms or other small particles is called phagocytosis
Lymphocytes that kill many types of tumor cells and cells infected by different kinds of viruses are known as natural killer cells
Chemotaxis is the process by which a cell navigates toward the source of the chemotactic factor by way of detecting and then moving toward higher concentrations of the factor.
What is the function of the spleen? tissue repair, hematopoiesis, red blood cell and platelet destruction, blood reservoir
Recognition of antigens by antibodies occurs when an antigen’s epitopes fit into and bind to an antigen molecule’s antigen-binding site.
Which protein interferes with the ability of viruses to cause disease? interferon
The term used to describe the volume of air exchanged during normal inspiration and expiration is: tidal volume
A type of breathing characterized by gradually increasing tidal volume for several breaths followed by several breaths with gradually decreasing tidal volume is: Cheyne-Stokes respiration
Which type of breathing is characterized by repeated sequences of deep gasps and apnea, and is usually seen in people with increased intracranial pressure? Biot’s breathing
Standard atmospheric pressure is _____ mm Hg. 760
Which of the following is not a means of transporting oxygen in the blood? Combined with the bicarbonate ion (HCO3–)
The approximate partial pressure of oxygen at standard atmospheric pressure is about _____ mm Hg. 160
Vital capacity is defined as the: maximum volume of air that can be moved into and out of the lungs during forced respiration.
When the pressure in the lung is greater than atmospheric pressure: expiration occurs.
The PCO2 in the atmosphere is: less than in the alveolar air.
Boyle’s law states that the volume of a gas varies _____ with pressure at a _____ temperature. inversely; constant
If a person were skiing high up in the mountains, she might feel that she is having trouble breathing (getting enough oxygen in her blood). This is because the: lower atmospheric pressure lowers the PO2 and the diffusion gradient between the blood and the atmosphere is less.
The symbol HbNCOOH– is used for: carbaminohemoglobin.
Which of the following is a disaccharide? Sucrose
Which of these is not an example of mechanical digestion? Moistening the food
Glucose moves from the GI tract into the circulatory system by the process of: cotransport.
Which blood vessel carries absorbed food from the GI tract to the liver? Portal Vein
The enterogastric reflex causes: inhibition of gastric peristalsis.
The hormone that inhibits gastric muscle, slowing passage of food into the duodenum, is called: gastric inhibitory peptide.
When classified according to the kind of chemical reactions catalyzed, digestive enzymes are referred to as _____ enzymes. hydrolyzing
The substances absorbed into the lymph capillaries are: glycerol and fatty acids
Which of the processes of mechanical digestion involves the esophagus? Deglutition and Peristalsis
The final product of carbohydrate digestion is a: monosaccharide.
Rotavirus can cause what life-threatening condition in infants? Diarrhea
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