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GCSE Combined Science Chemistry

What is empirical formula? The simplest whole number ratio of atoms or ions of each element in a substace
What are the 2 stages for working out empirical formula? 1) Divide the masses by relative atomic masses. 2) Divide all the answers by the smallest number.
What is molecular formula? The actual number of atoms of each element in one molecule
What are the 2 steps in calculating molecular formula from empirical formula? 1) Work out the relative mass of the empirical formula 2) divide the molecular formula mass by the empirical formula mass.
What is relative formula mass? The sum of the relative atomic masses of all atoms or ions in its formula
What is the law of conservation of mass? The mass of the reactants is equal to the mass of the products
What is concentration? The amount of solute dissolved in a solution
What is the equation for calculating concentration Amount of solute (g)/ Volume of solution (dm3)
What is produced during the electrolysis of molten lead bromide? Molten lead and bromine gas.
What name is given to a positively charged ion and the negatively charged ion? Cation(Positive) Anion (Negative)
What type of substance tends to form cations and anions? Cations - metals and hydrogen Anions - non-metals
Which electrical supply is used in electrolysis? Direct Current
What happens to compounds during electrolysis? The decompose(break down)
Which electrode are positively charged ions and negatively charged ions attracted to? Positive ions - Cathode Negative ions - Anode
What happens at the anode and the cathode? They form neutral particles. At the anode the anion loses electrons. At the cathode the cation gains electrons.
What is an electrolyte? An ionic compound that is either molten or dissolved in water.
Explain electrolysis in terms of electron movement. The anion loses electrons at the anode, these travel to the power source and then go to the cathode where they are gained by the cation.
What is the difference between the electrolysis of a molten compound and that of a compound in aqueous solution? When a molten compound is electrolysed only the ions from the compound itself are involved. When an aqueous compound is electrolysed the hydrogen and hydroxide ions from the water are also involved.
What positive and negative ions are present in copper sulphate solution? Cu2+, SO42-, OH-, H+
Which ion is discharged the most and the least readily out of OH-, SO42- and Cl-? Most readily - Cl- Least readily - SO42-
Which ion is discharged the most and the least readily out of Na+, H+ and Cu2+? Most readily - Cu2+ Least readily - Na+
What inert material are electrodes made from? Graphite
What is produced during the electrolysis of copper chloride solution? Copper, chlorine and water
What is produced during the electrolysis of copper sulphate solution? Copper, oxygen and sulphuric acid
What is produced during the electrolysis of sodium sulphate solution? Hydrogen, oxygen and sodium sulphate
What is produced during the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution? Hydrogen, chlorine and sodium hydroxide
What is the relationship between the amount of hydrogen and oxygen produced in the electrolysis of water? The amount of hydrogen is always double the amount of oxygen.
What happens at the anode when copper electrodes are used in the electrolysis of copper sulphate solution? Copper atoms lose electrons and turn into ions which go into the solution. The anode gets smaller.
What happens at the cathode when copper electrodes are used in the electrolysis of copper sulphate solution? Copper ions gain electrons and turn into atoms. The cathode gets bigger.
Electrolysis is used to purify copper. What is the difference in the copper used at each electrode? The anode is made of impure copper and the cathode is made of pure copper.
Magnesium carbonate is insoluble. What do you need to do before it will conduct electricity? Melt it
Sodium fluoride is soluble. Explain what the easiest way for it to conduct electricity is Dissolve it in water because this does not require high temperatures
Which ions are in NaCl Na⁺ and Cl⁻
Which ions are in CuCl₂ Cu²⁺ and two Cl⁻
Which ions are in Na₂SO₄ 2 ions of Na⁺ and one SO₄²⁻
What is electrolysis? Using a dc electric current to decompose (break down) a substance
What is an electrolyte? An ionic compound in the molten state or dissolved in water
What happens to an ionic substance when it is melted or dissolved in water? The ions become free to move around
What is the name for the positive electrode? The anode
What is the name for the negative electrode? The cathode
Do positive ions move to the anode or the cathode? Cathode
Do negative ions move to the anode or the cathode? Anode
What will be the products for the electrolysis of molten iron bromide? Iron and bromine
What will be the products for the electrolysis of molten zinc oxide? Zinc and oxygen
What will be the products for the electrolysis of sodium sulfate solution? Hydrogen gas and Oxygen gas
What will be the products for the electrolysis of acidified water? Hydrogen gas and Oxygen gas
What happens to the change in mass of the electrodes if you increase the current? As current increases so does the change in mass.
When copper sulphate solution is electrolysed using copper electrodes. What happens to the mass of the electrodes? The cathode mass increases. The anode mass decreases.
Why use propanone to dry the electrodes when reweighing them after the electrolysis. It evaporates drying the electrodes, no need to physically dry them.
What will be the products for the electrolysis of copper chloride solution? Copper and chlorine
What will be the products for the electrolysis of molten lead bromide? lead and bromine
In the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution, what are the products? Chlorine gas and hydrogen gas
Why is sodium not produced in the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution? It is more reactive than hydrogen so hydrogen is produced instead.
What is produced at the anode in electrolysis of solutions? Either a halogen or oxygen (when there is no halogen present)
For the extraction of which metals is electrolysis needed? Ones more reactive than carbon, e.g. aluminium
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