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GCSE Combined Science Chemistry

What is the relative mass, relative charge and location of a proton mass= 1, charge = +1, location= nucleus
What is the relative mass, relative charge and location of a neutron mass= 1, charge = 0, location = nucleus
What is the relative mass, relative charge and location of an electron mass= 1/1835 (negligible), charge = -1, location = shells
What is atomic number? atomic number is the number at the bottom of the elements on the periodic table and is equal to the number of protons and electrons
How many electrons are held in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd shells maximum? 1st= 2, 2nd= 8 and 3rd= 8
What is an isotope? an atom with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
What is relative atomic mass the weighted average mass of all the isotopes of an atom compared to an atom of Carbon-12 atom
What is isotopic abundance the percentage of an element that is made of a particular isotope
Describe characteristics of daltons model of atoms tiny hard spheres, cannot be broken dowen, cant be created of destroyed, atoms of an element are identical, different elements are made of different atoms
Describe Thompsons model Atoms contain electrons that are free to move about a positvely charged atom
Describe rutherfords experiment fired alpha particles at gold leaf and most passed through, some were scattered
What was rutherford conclusion scattered alpha particles hit the nucleus and most past through the atom. There the nucleus is very small
Describe Bohr model of atoms a small positive nucleus surrounded by shell of electrons
State the three subatomic particles Protons, neutrons, electrons
State the masses of the subatomic particles Protons: 1, neutrons: 1, electrons: 0
State the relative charges of the subatomic particles Protons: +1, neutrons: 0, electrons: -1
How are the subatomic particles arranged in an atom? Protons and neutrons in the nucleus, electrons orbiting in shells
What is the mass number of an atom? The number of protons + the number of neutrons in an atom
How do you calculate the number of neutrons in an atom? Mass number - atomic number
What is the mass and charge of a neutron? Mass = 1 Charge =0
Why do atoms have no overall charge? Because they have the same number of electrons as protons so the charges cancels each other out.
How does the size of the nucleus compare to the size of the atom? Nucleus is very small
What are isotopes? Atoms of the same element with different mass numbers
What are the similarities and differences between isotopes? Same number of electrons and protons but a different number of neutrons.
Sodium has a mass number of 23, and an atomic number of 11. How many electrons, protons and neutrons? 11 protons, 11 electrons, 12 neutrons
Aluminium has a mass number of 27, and an atomic number of 13. How many electrons, protons and neutrons? 13 protons, 13 electrons, 14 neutrons
What makes an atom an atom of a particular element? The number of protons in an atom tells what element the atom is.
What are some of the values for relative atomic mass not whole numbers? They are the average mass of an atom of that isotope, there are several kinds each present in a different amount. So the average is not a whole number.
Neon has a mass number of 20, and an atomic number of 10. How many electrons, protons and neutrons? 10 protons, 10 electrons, 10 neutrons
Nitrogen has a mass number of 14, and an atomic number of 7. How many electrons, protons and neutrons? 7 protons, 7 electrons, 7 neutrons
What is the atomic number of an atom? The number of protons in an atom
What can the period tell you about how the electrons are arranged in an atom? How many shells an atom has. E.g. carbon is in the second period so has two shells
Why did Mendeleev put some elements in groups? Because they had similar chemical properties
What did Mendeleev put the elements in order of? Increasing atomic mass
What are groups in the periodic table? The columns
How are the electrons arranged in atoms? Orbiting the nucleus in shells
Where are the metals found on the periodic table? on the left hand side
How many electrons does calcium have? 20
How many electrons does silicon have? 14
How are the electrons in sulphur arranged? 2.8.6
How are the electrons in magnesium arranged? 2.8.2
How many electrons are in the outer shell of boron? 3
How many electrons are in the outer shell of phosphorous? 5
How many electrons are in the outer shell of sodium? 1
How many electrons are in the outer shell of Gallium? 3 (it is in group 3!)
Write the two ways in which Dmitri Mendeleev ordered his periodic table? By increasing atomic mass with some elements switched according to their properties.
Why did Mendeleev leave gaps in his table? He left gaps where no known element fitted and predicted these would be filled with newly discovered elements.
What was the conclusion of Mosely’s experiment The atomic number is the number of protons in the atom.
Write the electronic configuration of oxygen which has an atomic number of 8 2,6
Write the electronic configuration of chlorine which has an atomic number of 17 2,8,7
Write the electronic configuration of potassium which has an atomic number of 19 2,8,8,1
What does the group number that an element is in tell you about the elements electronic configuration? The number of electrons in the outer shell.
What does the period that an element is in tell you about the elements electronic configuration? The number of electron shells in atoms of that element.
How many electrons can go in the first shell? How many in the second shell? 2 = 1st shell, 8 = second shell
Why did the discovery of Gallium support Mendeleev’s theories? Gallium’s properties matched the properties that he predicted.
Why did Mendeleev switch the order of Iodine and Tellurium from their order of atomic mass? So they had similar properties to elements in the same group
How are the elements in the modern periodic table ordered? In order of atomic number.
Write the electronic configuration of carbon which has an atomic number of 6 2,4
Write the electronic configuration of phosphorous which has an atomic number of 15 2,8,5
Write the electronic configuration of calcium which has an atomic number of 20 2,8,8,2
Sodium is in group 1 of the periodic table. How many electrons does sodium have its outer shell? 1
Fluorine is in group 7 of the periodic table. How many electrons does Fluorine have in its outer shell? 7
Caesium is in the sixth period of the periodic table what does that tell you about the number of electron shells in Caesium atoms It has six shells.
Magnesium is in the third period of the periodic table what does that tell you about the number of electron shells in Magnesium atoms It has three shells.
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