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Topographic Maps

Review of Vocabulary for Topographic Maps

Topographic Maps A map that indicates the features of the land's surface, such as mountains, hills, and valleys.
Erosional Feature A land surface shaped by the action of erosion, especially by running water.
Weathering The process of wearing or being worn by long exposure to the atmosphere.
Satellite Image Images of Earth collected by imaging satellites operated by governments
Elevation Height above a given level, especially sea level.
Elevation Change The difference between the original elevation and a secondary elevation.
Erosion The process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents.
Contour Interval The difference in elevation represented by each contour line on a topographic map.
Crater A large, bowl-shaped cavity in the ground or on the surface of a planet or the moon, typically one caused by an explosion or the impact of a meteorite or other celestial body.
Bench Mark A point where exact elevation is known and is marked with a brass or aluminum plate.
Contour Lines Lines connecting places that are the same height above sea level. Numbers on the lines give the height in feet. (Sea level is zero.) Lines drawn closely together indicate that a slope is steep.
Depression A landform sunken or depressed below the surrounding area.
River Valley An elongated low area often running between hills or mountains, which will typically contain a river or stream running from one end to the other.
Hachure Marks One of a series of short, straight, evenly spaced, parallel lines used on a topographic map for shading and for indicating surfaces in relief (such as steepness of slopes), drawn perpendicular to the contour lines.
River Valley Contour Lines An elongated depression in the landscape that is formed by the action of water (V-shaped) or carved out by glaciers (U-shaped). Valley bottoms are represented by "U" or "V" shaped contour lines with their closed end pointing towards higher elevation.
Index Contour Lines Bold or thicker lines that appear at every fifth contour line. If the numbers associated with specific contour lines are increasing, the elevation of the terrain is also increasing.
Slope A slope is the rise or fall of the land surface
Created by: klstorie
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