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Chapter 2

Payroll Fundamentals 2

Remittance payable to Receiver General for Canada.
Remittance frequency depends on its average monthly deduction amount for the second preceding calendar year. Defined by the Income Tax Act.
Statutory deductions for remittance are kept separate from operating funds of the business and estate in liquidation, assignment, receivership, or bankruptcy.
Types of remitters (4) 1. Quarterly 2. Regular 3. Accelerated threshold 1 4. Accelerated threshold 2
Quarterly remitter (4) 1. new employers with monthly remittance of less than $1000.00 2. perfect compliance Hx for payroll and GST/HST tax obligations 3. who have been notified they qualify for quarterly 4. employers who avg. monthly deduction amount is less than $3000.00
Quarterly remitter payroll date/due no later than Jan 1 - Mar 31, due Apr 15 Apr 1 - Jun 30, due Jul 15 Jul 1 - Sept 30, due Oct 15 Oct 1 - Dec 31, due Jan 15
Regular remitter (2) 1. employers who avg. monthly deduction amount is $3000.00 - $24,999.00 2. new employers who have not been notified by CRA they qualify for quarterly
Regular remitter payroll date/due no later than 1st of the month - end of the month, due15th of following month
Accelerated threshold 1 employers who avg. monthly deduction amount of $25,000.00 - $99,999.00
Accelerated 1 payroll date/due no later than 1st - 15th of the month, due 25th of the same month 16th to end of the month, due 10th of the following month
Accelerated threshold 2 employers who avg. monthly deduction amount of $100,000.00 or more
Accelerated 2 payroll date/due no later than All due 3 business days from last day ea. wk. *1st - 7th * 8th - 14th *15th - 21st *22nd - end of month due date falls on wknd or holiday - pay next business day
Remittance schedule Quarterly, Regular, and Accelerated threshold 1 are due by a specified date based on the payroll payment date. Accelerated threshold 2 is due three (3) business days after the end of the weekly period, in which the payroll payment date falls.
Penalties fail to remit or deduct required deductions = 10%, 20% for 2nd + late 3 business days = 3% late 4-5 business days = 5% late 6-7 business days = 7% late 8 + business days = 10% fail to comply; $1000.00 to $25,000.00 fines or prison 12 mon.
Remittance forms PD7A - Quarterly & Regular PD7A (TM) - Accelerated 1 & 2 PD7A-RB; Remittance voucher - booklet of forms (Dec for next yr. )
Remittance PD7A & PD7A (TM) forms (Pg1) Company name and address (top left) Company payroll account No. and date issued (top right) General info (center) Company's current year remittance account balance (bottom)
Remittance PD7A & PD7A (TM) forms (Pg2) Account summary; transaction details posted since last statement: - remittance account balances - arrears account balances - explanation of changes and other important information
Remittance PD7A & PD7A (TM) forms (Pg3) How to remit? - lists ways to remit NIL remittance - if no remittance, section must be completed Remittance Voucher - complete when using voucher - end of period - gross payroll in period - No. of employees in last pay period - amount paid
Remittance PD7A & PD7A (TM) forms (Pg4) More information: - get more payroll info - access and manage payroll account - register for direct deposit - get a statement in another format, for those with visual impairment
Remittance Voucher PD7A-RB (Part 1) Receipt (top), making a payment at a financial institution, it will be date-stamped and returned.
Remittance Voucher PD7A-RB (Part 2) For current remittance (bottom) - employer name, address, account No. - gross payroll for remitting period (round to nearest $) - end of remitting period - No. of employees in last pay period - amount paid (CPP, EI, Taxes)
Remittance methods (4) 1. Electronic: using CRA's My Payment service 2. Financial institution: present CRA remittance form 3. Mail: payable to Receiver General, send bottom part of form, post-dated chq's acceptable 4. Service provider: give them copy of the notice from CRA
No Remittance notify CRA by: 1. Provide a nil remittance in My Business Account or Represent a Client 2. TeleReply 3. Send remittance form or letter by mail
My Business Account a secure online portal allowing one to interact with CRA (GST/HST, Payroll, Taxes, excise taxes and duties)
TeleReply secure reporting service via phone to inform CRA of no payroll deductions remittance during a period. Meet requirements: 1. no employees subject to deductions 2. report a nil remittance 3. correct name and payroll program account No. sent from CRA
Created by: Moorebaier
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