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Nursing meds

flucloxacillin /Amoxicillin (Penicillin) INFECTIONS Beta-Lactam, Prevent cell wall synthesis (bacteria leaks and dies), risk of anaphylaxis/allergies, be aware of allergies, avoid rapid IV infusion
Cephalexin (cephalosporins) INFECTIONS Beta-Lactam, Prevent cell wall synthesis (bacteria leaks and dies), risk of decreased kidney blood flow, monitor renal function. Deactivate Aminoglycosides if given together.
Vancomycin INFECTIONS Glycopeptide,Prevent cell wall synthesis (bacteria leaks and dies), risk for nephro + oto toxicity, monitor renal function, avoid loop duiretics
Azithromycin "romycin"s INFECTIONS Macrolides, Bind to 50s ribosomes subunits (prevent protein synthesis), risk of photosensitivity, altered cardiac electrical function, Monitor HR
Gentamicin INFECTIONS Aminoglycoside, Bind to 30s ribosome subunits (prevent protein synthesis),risk of nephro-oto+neuro toxicity, Small therapeutic range, Monitor for dizziness, Deactivated by Cephlesporins.
Paracetamol MILD PAIN non-opiod/narcotic, Decrease synthesis of prostaglandins, risk of overdose + nephrotoxicity, <4g daily
Ibuprofen/Aspirin/Diclofenac MODERATE PAIN + FEVER, NSAID, Prevent synthesis of prostaglandins, risk of GI bleeding + ulcers, use Panadol to lower dose of NSAIDs
Morphine/Fentanyl/Codeine/Oxycodone SEVERE PAIN, Opoid/Narcotic, Prevent nerve transmission of pain by binding to opiod recptors, risk of Resp-depression, nausea, addiction, constipation, check for allergies, resp-sedation+ vital assessments frequently needed, laxatives?
Diazapam/Valium PAIN, Adjuvant, Not a pain medication but can help with treating pain along side other meds, relaxer.
Metoproplol "olol"s HYPERTENSION, TACHYCARDIA + H-ATTACK, Beta blocker, block beta receptors in the heart to increase HR+BP, risk of bronchospasm, hypotension+bradycardia, Monitor BP + HR, May mask hypoglycaemia signs
Digoxin ATRIAL ARRHYTHMIA+HEART FAILURE, Antiarrhythmics, reduce AV node conduction, ^contractility and pumping efficiency, risk of toxicity, monitor with ECGs
Amiodarone TACHYARRYTHMIAS + ATRIAL FIBRILLATION, Antiarrhythmics, decrease SA node activity (slows AV conduction), risk of CNS+pulmonary toxicity, monitor BP
Amlodipine "pine"s HYPERTENSION, Calcium channel blocker, block calcium channels, risk of hypotension, Monitor BP
Ventolin (SABA) ASTHMA + COPD SYMPTOM RELIEF, Beta-2 agonist (Short acting), Risk of tremor, palpitations + insomnia, Increased use requires asthma management review, check inhaler technique
Formetarol/Salmeterol (LABA) "ol"s ASTHMA + COPD PREVENTER, Beta-2 agonist (Long acting), Risk of tremor, palpitations + insomnia, check inhaler technique
Prednisone/Cortisone/Beclomethasone "sone"s RESP INFLAMMATION + ASTHMA, Corticosteroids, decrease airway inflammation, risk of Dysphonia + sodium/water retention, rinse + spit after inhalation to avoid infection
Ipratropium ASTHMA + COPD, Anticholinergic, risk of dry mouth + throat irritation, educate to avoid eye contact + alert Dr if vision alters
Furosemide (Loop) HYPERTENSION, RENAL DISEASE, CARDIAC FAILURE + OEDEMA, Loop Diuretic, prevents sodium and water retention in loop of hence ^fluid output/removal, risk of Dehydration + electrolyte imbalance, Monitor U+E
Chlorothiazide (thiazide) HYPERTENSION, RENAL DISEASE, CARDIAC FAILURE + OEDEMA, Thiazide Diuretic, ^sodium + chloride excretion preventing water reabsorption, risk of Dehydration + electrolyte imbalance, Monitor U+E
Amiloride (K+ Sparing) HYPERTENSION, RENAL DISEASE, CARDIAC FAILURE + OEDEMA, Potassium sparing Diuretic, block sodium channels to prevent sodium reabsorption ^ urine output, risk of weakness, dizziness + electrolyte imbalance, Monitor U+E
Ramipril/Captopril "pril"s HYPERTENSION, ACE-Inhibitor, Block conversion of angiotensin I to II decreasing vasoconstriction + BP, risk of Hypotension, dizziness + renal impairment, Monitor BP, electrolytes and renal function
Atorvastatin "statin"s HYPERCHOLESTROLEMIA, Lipid lowering agent, Prevents HMG-COA reductase to decrease plasma + LDL cholesterol ^HDL cholesterol, risk of muscle pain and impaired liver function, U+E baseline blood tests, more effective in evening
Glyceryl-trinitrate (nitroglycerin) "itrate"s EASE + PREVENT ANGINA PAIN, Nitrates, Relax blood vessel wall (wider) ^blood and O2 to the heart, risk of headache, dizziness, flushed face + palpitations, monitor BP + HR, educate to get up slowly, provide pain killers.
Aspirin "in"s PREVENT BLOOD CLOTS, Anticoagulant, Prevents platelet formation by preventing cyclooxyrgenase (COX), risk of bleeding + GI upset, Cease 7 days prior to surgery to decrease risk of bleeding, educate to report bleeding + bruising
Warfarin "in"s PREVENT BLOOD CLOTS, Anticoagulant, Prevents vitamin K clotting factor formation to stop clotting,, risk of hemorrhage + tissue necrosis, Cease 7 days prior to surgery to decrease risk of bleeding, educate to report bleeding + bruising
Heparin/Enoxaparin "in"s PREVENT BLOOD CLOTS, Anticoagulant, Inactivates clotting factors IIA + XA to prevent clotting, risk of bleeding + bruising, Cease 7 days prior to surgery to decrease risk of bleeding, educate to report bleeding + bruising, protein reverses heparin
Mylanta GORD, DYSPEPSIA + PEPTIC ULCERS, Antacid, Neautralise hydrochloric acid (rise PH to 6-7), risk of constipation, diarrhoea + ^magnesium, can decrease the effect of other medications
Ranitidine GORD, DYSPEPSIA + PEPTIC ULCERS, Histamine-2 receptor agonist, decrease production of hydrochloric acid by blocking activation from histamine-2 receptors, risk are infrequent/rare
Esomeprazole GORD, DYSPEPSIA + PEPTIC ULCERS, Proton pump inhibitor, block and prevent proton pump, Risk of mild GI upset.
Ondansetron (5HT3 antagonist) "setron"s NAUSEA + VOMITING, Antiemetics, Block 5HT3 receptors in chemo receptor trigger zone + GI tract (block vomiting activation),risk of dehydration, generally well tolerated, ensure adequate hydration
Metoclopramide (Dopamine-2 antagonist) NAUSEA + VOMITING, Antiemetics, Block dopamine receptors in chemo trigger zone + GI tract (block vomiting activation),risk of dehydration, generally well tolerated, ensure adequate hydration
Lactulose (osmotic) CONSTIPATION, osmotic laxative, (hypertonic) water is drawn into intestine stimulating peristalsis, risk of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea + dehydration, caution for those with acute abdominal conditions
Senna (Stimulant) CONSTIPATION, Stimulant laxative, Stimulate nerve endings to ^ peristalsis, risk of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea + dehydration, caution for those with acute abdominal conditions
Ducostate (stool softener) CONSTIPATION, Stool softener laxative, Allows water to mix with faces = soft stool + easy passage, risk of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea + dehydration, caution for those with acute abdominal conditions
Psyllium (bulk form) CONSTIPATION, bulk forming laxative, absorb water to increase stool bulk to stimulate peristalsis, risk of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea + dehydration, need to be taken with lots of water to be effective, caution for those with acute abdominal conditions
Metformin T2D, Glycemic lowering agent, prevent glucose production in the liver + enhance insulin sensitivity, risk of GI intolerance, Best with or soon after food, monitor BGLs
Gliclazide T2D, Sulfonylurea, ^insulin secretion from beta cells in pancreas, risk of hypoglycaemia (from excess production of insulin), Monitor BGLs
Novarapid (rapid) T1D + badly controlled T2D, Rapid acting Insulin, Regulates glucose movement into cells by stimulating glucose uptake + preventing glucose production in the liver, risk of Hypoglycaemia, Monitor BGLs + adjust insulin requirements if needed.
Actrapid (short) T1D + badly controlled T2D, Short acting Insulin, Regulates glucose movement into cells by stimulating glucose uptake + preventing glucose production in the liver, risk of Hypoglycaemia, Monitor BGLs + adjust insulin requirements if needed.
Lantus (long) T1D + badly controlled T2D, Long acting Insulin, Regulates glucose movement into cells by stimulating glucose uptake + preventing glucose production in the liver, risk of Hypoglycaemia, Monitor BGLs + adjust insulin requirements if needed.
Created by: emmalani1
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