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conception - ati 1

Contraception and conception

Contraception prevention of conception or impregnation
Conception union of sperm and ovum
Infertility lack of conception despite unprotected sexual intercourse for at least 12 months
Genetic counseling recommended my pcp when family history of birth defects. Maternal age <16 or >35.
common infertility factors decreased sperm production. ovulation disorders tubal occlusions endometriosis
stress experienced by infertile partners due to physical inability to conceive. expense. impact on relationship lack of family support.
medication to treat female infertility may... increase risk of multiple births by more than 25%
Pelvic examination related to infertility assessment for vaginal/uterine anomalies.
Hysterosalpingography related to infertility outpatient radiological procedure - dye used to assess patency of fallopian tubes. **obtain history of allergies to iodine and seafood
Hysteroscopy radiographic procedure where uterus examined for defect, distorotion or scar tissue that might impair impregnation.
Laparoscopy gas insufflation used to visualize internal organs **possible postprocedural pain. general anesthesia required for this.
Semen collection collected in sterile collection device for evaluation and analysis. 40% of infertile couples due to male. starting point in infertility testing. less costly and invasive.
Vasectomy cutting of vas deferens in male for permanent sterilization. **reinforce need for alternate forms of birth control for 20 ejaculations or 1wk to several months
Tubal ligation (salpingectomy) cutting, burning or blocking of fallopian tubes to prevent ovum from being fertilized by sperm
Hysterectomy surgical removal of uterus. partial (removal or uterus only) or complete (removal or uterus and bilateral fallopian tuves and ovaries)
Informed consent with contraception BRAIDED Benefits (info on advantages) Risks (info on disadvantages) alternatives (info on methods) Inquiries (client questions) Decisions (client decision) Explanations (info on method and use) Documentation (info given and understanding)
Expected outcomes for family planning methods preventing pregnancy until desired time
Natural family planning methods abstinence, coitus interruptus (withdrawal), calendar (rhythm) method, Basal body temperature (bbt), billings method (cervical mucus method)
Barrier methods for family planning condoms, diaphrgm, spermicide
Hormonal methods for family planning combined oral contraceptives, minipill, emergency oral contraceptive, transdermal contraceptive patch, injectable projestins, implantable progestin levonorgestrel (norplant)
Intrauterine methods for family planning Intrauterine device (iud)
Surgical methods for family planning bilateral tubal ligation. vasectomy
Abstinence abstaining from sexual intercourse eliminates possibility of sperm entering vagina. *client instruction - no intercourse -- yes touching, communicating, holding hands, kissing, massage, oral/manual stimulation.
Coitus interruptus withdrawal prior to ejaculation. **instruct awareness of leakage of penile fluid which can contain sperm ineffective method - no STI protection. depends on control
Calendar method woman records cycle. Calculates fertile period based on assumption ovulation occurs 14 days before onset of next cycle. avoids intercourse during that time. timing intercourse around sperm and ovum viability (48 to 120 hours and 24 hours respectively)
client instruction for calendar method accurately record #days in each cycle from 1st day of menses for 6 mths. fertile period approx. by subtract 18 days from # of days in shortest cycle. end fertile period. subtract 11 days from days of longest cycle. Refrain from intercourse during
advantages/disadvantages of calendar method inexpensive. useful combined with basal body temperature or cervical mucus method. disadvantages -- nonreliable. req. accuracy. req. comliance in regards to abstinence.
risks of calendar method ovulation timing can change risk of pregnancy
Basal body temperature method temp. drops prior to ovulation. **instruct to measure oral temp prior to getting out of bed each morning. disadvantage - temperature can change based on other factors - stress, illness, alcohol, warmth/coolness of environment.
Billings method cervical mucus method. awareness method based on ovulation. after ovulation mucus thick and sticky - greatest stretch between fingers spinnbarkeit sign. **instruct - wash hands - exam mucus from last day of cycle. mucus from vaginal introitus.
advantages of the billings method increase knowledge in recognizing mucus characteristics at ovulation. can be accurate. diagnosticaly helpful in determining ovulation while breastfeeding, commencement of menopause and planning desired pregnancy.
risks of cervical mucus method assessement inaccurate if mucus mixed w/ semen, contraceptive jellies/foams, discharge from infection. No douche prior to assessment
risks of condoms breakage, allergies (use water soluable lubricants)
Diaphragm/spermicide method dome-shaped cup w/ flex rim made of latex or rubber that fits snugly over cervix w/ spermicidal cream or gel placed into dome and around rim. fitted by pcp. refit q2yr if 15 lb wt change, full term preg. or 2nd term abortion. stay in 6hrs after.pee 1st
risks of diaphragm/spermicide method not recommended for history of Toxic shock syndrome, urinary tract infections
combined oral contraceptives estrogen/progestin act to suppress ovulation, thicken mucus to block semen and alter uterine decidua to prevent implantation.
risks of combined oral contraceptives no protect against STI. thromboses, breast tenderness, scant/missed menses, stroke, nausea, headaches, hormone-dependent cancers, teratogenic, fluid retention, blood clots, cardiac problems, smoking, anticonvulsants and some antibiotics can effect
minipill same action as combined oral contraceptives. fewer side effects. same time of day. can't miss a pill. increases ovarian cysts. inc. appetite, breakthrough bleeding.
emergency oral contraceptives morning after pill. 72 hrs after. antiemetic 1 hr prior to each dose counteracts nausea. evaluation for pregnancy if menses does not begin for 21 days. contraindicated if pregnant or bleeding
transdermal contraceptive patch contains norelgestromin (progesterone) and ethinyl estradiol, which is delivered at continuous levels through skin into subcutaneous tissue. replaced weekly. advantage does not metabolize in liver
injectable progestins depo-provera - IM injection given to female q 11-13 wks. start during 1st 5 days of menstrual cycle and every 11-13 weeks after. 4 injections a year. no effect on lactation. prolonged amenorhea or uterine bleeding. inc thromboembolism risk.
implantable progestin levonorgestrel (norplant) minor surgy subdermally implant or remove 6 silastic capsules containing levonorgestrel on inner aspect of upper arm. 5 year effective. reversible. irregular menses bleeding.
IUD chemically active T shaped device inserted in uterus by pcp. Releases chemical substance that damages sperm in transit to uterine tubes and prevents fertilization. after menses assure string hanging into vagina to rule out migration/expulsion of device.
advantages/disadvantages of iud effective 1-10 years. can be reversed. dis - inc risk for PID, uterine perforation, ectopic pregnancy, infections. contraindicated in childless.
infertility assessment age (>35), duration of infertility (>1yr), obstetric history, gynecologic history, medical history, surgical history, sexual history, occupational/environmental exposure risk
Created by: FSclafani
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