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3BVocabTest Wks1-4

segregation (N) setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart
impending (ADJ) going to occur; coming
engross (V) to completely capture attention or focus
scourge (N) a person or thing that causes a lot of harm or suffering
territorial (ADJ) relating to land or ocean that is owned or controlled by a particular country
providence (N) a force that some people believe controls our lives in the way God wants
magnitude (N) the significance or size of something; how large or important something is
discrimination (N) the tendency to treat individuals differently because of their race, gender, religion, etc
intent (ADJ) to be determined to do or achieve something
scope (N) the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant.
substantial (ADJ) of considerable importance, size, or worth.
transient (N) a person who is staying in a place for only a short time.
patron (N) a customer, especially a regular one, of a store, restaurant, or theater.
commerce (N) actions associated with selling and buying services and goods.
deprive (V) deny (a person or place) the possession or use of something.
intervene (V ) to become involved in an argument, fight, or other difficult situation in order to change what happens
gaman (N) the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving up
repression (N) the holding back or subduing; suppression; pushing painful ideas or memories into the subconscious (in psychiatry)
conspire (V) to secretly plan with someone else to do something
anchor (N) someone or something that provides a feeling of support and safety; a large piece of metal put out of a boat to keep it steady
pitted (ADJ) covered with small marks or holes on the surface
exodus (N) a departure, usually of a great number of people
coalition (N) an alliance, usually of nations, political parties, or factions; a temporary union
heinous (ADJ) abominable; grossly wicked and hateful; vile
insidious (ADJ) sly; treacherous; working in a hidden but dangerous way
bulwark (N) a wall of earth used for defense; a person or thing that gives support or protection
peripheral (ADJ) away from the central part; on the edge; only slightly concerned with the important part; unessential
waive (V) to relinquish, usually a claim, right, or privilege; to deter or delay
Created by: Mrs. Washok
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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