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Cranial Nerves

A pathological jaw jerk reflex can indicate a lesion of which cranial nerve? Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
Which cranial nerves provide sensory branches to the pharyngeal plexus to supply the pharynx? CN IX and CN X
A neurologist detects that a patient acquired a vision loss on the right half of the visual field on both of his eyes (homonymous hemianopsia), resulting of the stroke damaging a part of the visual pathway. Which part of the brain was involved? Occipital lobe
Which nerve provides the motor and sensory innervation of the larynx? Vagus nerve (CN X)
Which nerve found in the orbit is sheathed in all three meningeal layers (dura, arachnoid, and pia mater)? Optic nerve (CN II)
What is cranial nerve 12 called? Hypoglossal nerve
Which extraocular muscles are innervated by the oculomotor nerve (CN III)? Superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique muscles
What is cranial nerve 4 called? Trochlear nerve
Which are the main divisions of the trigeminal nerve? Ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular nerves
Which cranial nerves arise from the pons? CN V, VI, VII, and VIII
Injury of which branch of the mandibular nerve (CN V3) may result in loss of general sensation on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue? Lingual nerve
Which nerve innervates all the muscles of mastication? Mandibular nerve (CN V3)
Which structures does the optic nerve (CN II) pathway involve? Optic radiation, optic tract, optic chiasm, and occipital lobe
Which nerves pass through the internal auditory meatus? CN VII, sensory root of CN VII, and CN VIII
Which cranial nerve innervates the carotid sinus? Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
Through which opening does the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) exit the skull? Internal acoustic meatus
What is the third branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) called? Mandibular nerve (CN V3)
Which nerves pass through the cavernous sinus? CN III, CN IV, ophthalmic nerve (CN V1), and CN VI
The cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone transmits the fibers of which nerve? Olfactory nerve (CN I)
Which cranial nerve provides taste sensation for the posterior third of the tongue, as well as sensation to the tonsils, pharynx and middle ear, and motor fibers to the stylopharyngeus muscle? Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
A patient's left eye turns medially, but their right eye fails to turn laterally and stays in the midline position. Which nerve was probably injured, resulting in diplopia? Abducens nerve (CN VI)
Which cranial nerve provides the parasympathetic innervation to the stomach? Vagus nerve (CN X)
Which nerve innervates the lateral rectus muscle, primarily responsible for ocular abduction? Abducens nerve (CN VI)
In an MRI, a tumor in the cerebellopontine angle is discovered. Deficits of which cranial nerves are likely, as these nerves enter the brainstem in the cerebellopontine angle? Facial nerve (CN VII) and vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
Where is the nucleus of the abducens nerve (CN VI) located? Pons
Which nerve is responsible for the sensory innervation of the the posterior third of the tongue and the pharynx? Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
Through which foramen in the temporal bone does the facial nerve exit the skull? Stylomastoid foramen
Which cranial nerve can be compressed if cranial pressure is increased, as it runs directly across the clivus, and therefore its function should be examined? Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Through which foramen does the vagus nerve (Nervus vagus, CN X) exit the skull? Jugular foramen
What nerve provides sensory innervation to the inner ear? Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
Which cranial nerves are responsible for carrying the sweet taste sensation from the tongue to his brain? Chorda tympani and glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
What nerve mediates the afferent limb of the corneal reflex? Ophthalmic nerve (CN V1)
Which nerve runs through the internal acoustic meatus (meatus acusticus internus), but does not provide innervation to any of the structures in the inner ear? Facial nerve (CN VII)
Which nerve gives rise to the auriculotemporal nerve? Mandibular nerve
What is cranial nerve 3 called? Oculomotor nerve
Which nerves are direct branches of the mandibular nerve? Inferior alveolar nerve, masseteric nerve, and lingual nerve
What cranial nerve innervates the stapedius muscle? Facial nerve (CN VII)
In which part of the visual pathway do the medial fibers of the optic nerve decussate? Optic chiasm
Which nerve synapses in the Gasser’s ganglion? Trigeminal nerve
Which nerve is damaged in Bell's palsy? Facial nerve (CN VII)
What is cranial nerve 7 called? Facial nerve
A 65-year-old man recently underwent surgery to remove a primary tongue tumor. After the surgery, the man notices a loss in taste sensation in the anterior two-thirds of his tongue. Which of the following nerves is most likely damaged? Chorda tympani
The vestibule contains small openings on the side adjacent to the internal acoustic meatus that are conduits for branches of which nerve? Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
A fracture of the area around the foramen rotundum is shown. What cranial nerve might be damaged? Maxillary nerve (CN V2)
A head CT exam ordered by the physician reveals an aneurysm in the posterior communicating artery. Which nerve is compressed by the aneurysm? Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Branches of which nerve innervate the teeth of the maxilla? Maxillary nerve (CN V2)
The inability to move the facial muscles is a typical symptom of the paralysis of which nerve? Facial nerve (CN VII)
What is cranial nerve 9 called? Glossopharyngeal nerve
Which cranial nerve is responsible for both the special visceral and general somatic afferent innervation of the root of the tongue? Vagus nerve (CN X)
What is cranial nerve 10 called? Vagus nerve
A 28-year-old man presents to the hospital with tingling and sensory loss in the area of the lower lip, chin and posterior cheek. The doctor suspects a nerve might have been injured during the implant surgery. What nerve may be injured? Mandibular nerve (CN V3)
Through which foramen does the accessory nerve (CN XI) exit the skull? Jugular foramen
Which cranial nerve is responsible for the sensory innervation of the face? Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
Which cranial nerve innervates the muscles of the tongue? Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Through which canal does the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) exit the skull? Hypoglossal canal
Which cranial nerve innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles? Accessory nerve (CN XI)
Which cranial nerve is the only cranial nerve that exits the brainstem on its dorsal side? Trochlear nerve (CN IV)
Which cranial nerve exits the brainstem from the middle of the pons? Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
Which cranial nerve is responsible for the somatic balance of the body? Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
A 30-year-old woman complains about loss of sensation on her anterior scalp, forehead and nasal dorsum area. What nerve is most likely damaged? Ophthalmic nerve (CN V1)
Through which opening does the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) exit the skull? Jugular foramen
What is cranial nerve 11 called? Accessory nerve
Which nerves are branches of the ophthalmic nerve? Frontal nerve, nasociliary nerve, and lacrimal nerve
Which nerve innervates the superior oblique muscle, primarily responsible for ocular abduction, depression and internal rotation? Trochlear nerve (CN IV)
What is cranial nerve 2 called? Optic nerve
What nerve carries the pain sensation from the inner mucosal side of the eardrum? Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
Where is the Edinger-Westphal nucleus located? Midbrain
What is cranial nerve 6 called? Abducens nerve
Through which foramen does the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V3) exit the skull? Foramen ovale
What is cranial nerve 1 called? Olfactory nerve
Which cranial nerve transmits the sensation of smell? Olfactory nerve (CN I)
Which branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) exits the skull through the superior orbital fissure in the bony orbit? Ophthalmic nerve (CN V1)
Upon the neurological examination, a patient is asked to stick out her tongue. The doctor notices that the tongue deviates to the right. Which nerve has been injured? Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Which cranial nerve stimulates the gastric glands and musculature? Vagus nerve (CN X)
Where do the general visceral efferent oculomotor nerve (CN III) fibers synapse before they go on to innervate the ciliary body and the sphincter pupillae muscle? Ciliary ganglion
What is cranial nerve 8 called? Vestibulocochlear nerve
Through which opening does the optic nerve (CN II) exit the skull? Optic canal
Created by: jofreayala
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