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ES 11 Meteorology 2

Terms associated with pressure, winds, Coriolis, air masses, fronts and storms.

force exerted by weight of air due to gravity pressure
device (mercury or aneroid) used for measuring air pressure barometer
a flow of air within the atmosphere wind
line that connects points of equal pressure (on a weather map) isobar
a pressure ___ tells the rate of change of pressure (close isobars = high winds) gradient
an effect that describes how Earth’s rotation affects the direction of wind and ocean currents Coriolis
direction of wind deflection due to the Coriolis effect in the Northern Hemisphere right
stream of rapidly flowing (75-150 mph, W to E) high altitude air due to low friction jet stream
pressure center characterized by cool, sinking air that rotates clockwise in N. Hemisphere high
pressure center characterized by warm, rising air that rotates counterclockwise in N. Hemisphere low
term that describes a counterclockwise rotation of air cyclonic
transfer of energy within a fluid (air, water) due to differences in heating & density convection
describes the low pressure region at 0º latitude equatorial
describes the high pressure region around 30º latitude responsible to much of Earth's great deserts subtropical
sailor's description of the generally westward flow of air near the equator trade winds
describes the prevailing winds for most of the U.S. westerlies
directional name for polar winds deflected to the right as they descend toward the U.S. easterlies
gentle seaside or mountainside wind whose direction changes between day & night breeze
characteristic of wind determined by a weather vane or wind sock direction
describes a wind that blows mostly in one direction (in U.S. it is westerly) prevailing
devices whose rotation rate is used to determine wind speed anemometer
a seasonal change in wind direction (often associated with summer torrential rains in India) monsoon
weather changing event that occurs when a warm ocean current replaces the normally cold current off the coast of Peru/Ecuador El Niño
weather changing event that occurs when the normally cold current off the coast of Peru/Ecuador strengthens noticeably La Niña
huge body of air with similar temperature & moisture content air mass
___ region: area where air mass obtains its temp & moisture source
describes an air mass formed at high latitudes that is cold polar
describes an air mass formed at low latitudes that is warm tropical
describes an air mass formed over water that is humid maritime
describes an air mass formed over land that is fairly dry continental
term describing the heavy snows on the east side of the Great Lakes when polar air meets their warmer, humid air lake effect
cyclonic storm with heavy winds and precipitation when low pressure if off the coast of New England nor'easter
type of air mass that brings most precipitation to eastern 2/3rds of U.S. (abbreviated mT) maritime tropical
type of air mass that causes 'Indian summer' in fall around the Great Lakes (abbreviated cT) continental tropical
boundary that separates 2 air masses front
describes a front formed when warm air moves into area that was previously cooler warm
describes a front formed when cold air moves into area that was previously warmer cold
cloud type formed along a warm front that usually brings precipitation to a large area nimbostratus
low fluffy cloud that often develops as a cold front moves through an area cumulus
describes a front between 2 air masses moving past each other while the boundary location holds its position stationary
describes a front formed when one cold front overtakes a warm front, lifting the warm air and producing complex weather occluded
direction of rotation of air mass around mid-latitude low, the main weather-maker for the U.S. counterclockwise
precipitation-making event that begins as a cumulus cloud & generates lightning, strong winds thunderstorm
U.S. state in which the most yearly thunderstorms occur Florida
describes the development stage of a thunderstorm when cooling precipitation calms it dissipating
violent thunderstorm with rotating vortex (air column), rated F1 to F5 tornado
whirling tropical cyclone with winds of 74+ mph that develops in late summer over warm (26+ ºC) water (a.k.a. typhoon) hurricane
Created by: goakley
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