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What is the purpose of the female reproductive system? Reproduction, secretes hormones that support secondary sex characteristic changes and secretes hormones that sustain pregnancy
The Mons Pubis, Labia Majora, Labia Minora, Bartholin's Glands, Clitoris, Vaginal Orifice, Perineum and Urinary Orifice make up what? External Genitalia
What is the fatty tissue that covers and cushions the symphysis pubis? Mons Pubis
What are the two folds of skin containing fatty tissue and is covered with hair? Labia Majora
What are the two thin folds of tissue located within the folds of the labia majora and extends from the clitoris downward toward the perineum? Labia Minora
What is located on either side of the vaginal orifice and secretes a mucous substance that lubricates the vagina? Bartholin's Glands
What is the short, elongated organ composed of erectile tissue that is located just behind the upper junction of the labia minora and is homologous to the penis in the male? Clitoris
What is part of the vulva but not a true part of the female reproductive system? Urinary Orifice
What is located in the lower portion of the vestibule and is below the urinary meatus? Vaginal Orifice
What is the area between the vaginal orifice and the anus that consists of muscular and fibrous tissue and serves as support for the pelvic structures? Perineum
What is the muscular tube that connects the uterus with the vulva and rests between the bladder and rectum and also has stretchable folds of inner lining known as rugae which is capable of expanding during childbirth? Vagina
What is a pear-shaped, hollow, muscular organ that houses the fertilized implanted ovum as it develops throughout pregnancy and is the source of monthly menstrual flow if pregnancy does not occur? Uterus
What are the three identifiable parts of the uterus? Fundus, Body and cervix
What is the small dome-shaped upper portion of the uterus? Fundus
What is the central portion of the uterus? Body
What is the narrower, necklike portion at the lower end of the uterus? Cervix
What are the three layers of the uterus wall? Perimetrium, Myometrium and Endometrium
What is the outer most layer of the uterus wall? Perimetrium
What is the middle muscular layer of the uteris wall? Myometrium
What is the innermost layer of the uterus wall that is highly vascular? Endometrium
What serve as passageway for the ova as they exit the ovary enroute to the uterus and are also known as uterine tubes or oviducts? Fallopian Tubes
What are the fingerlike projections on the end of each fallopian tube called? Fimbriae
What are almond shaped, held in place by ligaments and are also known as the female gonads? Ovaries
What are the ovaries responsible for? Producing mature ova and releasing them every month, producing hormones necessary for normal growth and development of the female and producing hormones to maintain pregnancy should it occur
What are the vagina, uterus, wall of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries make up? Internal Genitalia
What are known as breasts and consist of glandular tissue with supporting adipose tissue and fibrous connective tissue that are covered with skin? Mammary Glands
What are the mammary glands responsible for? Production of milk
What are the two structures of the breasts? Nipple and Areola
What are the three types of breast tissues? Adipose, Connective and Glandular
What are narrow tubular structures of the breast that transport milk to the nipple for breastfeeding? Lactiferous Ducts
What is the period of life at which the ability to reproduce begins and secondary sex characteristic changes occur? Puberty
What are days 1 - 5 of the menstrual cycle known as? Menstrual Phase
What are days 6 - 12 of the menstrual cycle known as? Postmenstrual Phase
What are days 13 - 14 of the menstrual cycle known as? Ovulatory Phase
What are days 15 - 28 of the menstrual cycle known as? Premenstrual Phase
Which phase does the menstrual flow start and last for 3 - 5 days? Menstrual Phase
Which phase is the interval between menses and ovulation? Postmenstrual Phase
Which phase does the graafian follicle rupture releasing the mature ovum into the pelvic cavity known as ovulation? Ovulatory Phase
Which phase is between the ovulatory phase and the onset of menstrual flow? Premenstrual Phase
What is the medical term for absence of menstrual flow? Amenorrhea
What is the medical term for painful menstrual flow? Dysmenotthea
What is the medical term for abnormally long or very heavy menstrual periods? Menorrhagia
What is the medical term for uterine bleeding at times other than the menstrual period? Metrorrhagia
What is the medical term for abnormally light or infrequent menstruation? Oligomenorrhea
What is the medical term for abstaining from having vaginal intercourse? Abstinence
What is the medical term for a pill that contains synthetic forms of the hormones estrogen and progesterone? Oral Contraceptives (Birth control pills)
What is a form of contraception administered intramuscularly approximately once every 12 weeks? Depo-Provera Injection
What is a monthly contraceptive injection? Lunelle Injection
What is a small plastic T-shaped device inserted into the uterus to prevent implantation of an ovum into the uterus? Intrauterine Device
What are methods of birth control that place physical barriers between the cervix and the sperm? Barrier Methods
What form of birth control is surgically cutting and tying the fallopian tubes to prevent passage of the ova or sperm through the tubes also known as female sterilization? Tubal Ligation
What are used in the most common tubal tie but its failure rate is 6 out of 1000 will end up pregnant? Flishy clips
What type of birth control surgically cuts and ties the vas deferens? Vasectomy
What are swollen fluid-filled lumps that develop from a blockage, commonly found in women of reproductive age and approximately in 2% of all women? Bartholin Cyst
What type of catheter is used when draining a Bartholin cyst? Ward Catheter
What is the medical term for a malignant tumor of the breast tissue and is the most common type that originates in the mammary ducts? Carcinoma of the breast
What is the medical term for a malignant tumor of the cervix and symptoms include bleeding between menstrual periods, after sexual intercourse, after menopause and an abnormal Pap smear? Cervical Carcinoma
What is the medical term for an inflammation of the cervix that may be caused by infection from certain STDs, injury to the cervix from a foreign object inserted in the vagina, from birth control devices or by cancer? Cervicitis
What is the medical term for herniation or downward protrusion of the urinary bladder through the wall of the vagina caused by weakened or strained muscles also known as fallen bladder? Cystocele
What is the medical term for a malignant tumor of the inner lining of the uterus and is the most common cancer of the female reproductive system? Endometrial Carcinoma
What is the medical term for presence and growth of endometrial tissue in areas outside the endometrium and this misplaced tissue can cause pain, infertility and very heavy periods? Endometriosis
What is the medical term for a presence of single or multiple fluid-filled cysts that are palpable in the breasts and is the most common cause of lumpy breasts in women and affects more than 60% of women? Fibrocystic Breast Disease
What is the medical term for a benign, fibrous tumor of the uterus, is the most common gynecological tumor in women and the most common reason for a women to have a hysterectomy? Fibroid Tumor
What is the medical term for benign, smooth muscle tumor of the uterus, may lead to excessive menstrual bleeding and may lead to infertility? Leiomyoma
What is the medical term for a malignant tumor of the ovaries, most commonly occuring after menopause and often there are no symptoms and is rarely detected in early stage? Ovarian Carcinoma
What is the medical term for benign, globular sacs that form on or near the ovaries some are harmless while others pose an imminent threat to your health? Ovarian Cysts
What is the medical term for one of the leading causes of infertility in women that affects 5 to 10% of the entire female population in the US and is characterized by obesity, missed or irregular periods and excess hair growth? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
What is the medical term for an infection of the fallopian tubes, also known as salpingitis, most common preventable cause of infertility and can scar the fallopian tubes which can lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic pain and other problems? Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
What are the two most common causes of PID? Gonorrhea and Chlamydia but other bacteria can cause it as well
Who are at a higher risk of getting PID? Sexually active and 25 or younger, have more than one sex partner and women who douche
What is the one thing that all OB/GYN doctors tell women not to do and why? Douche, because it pushes everything up into your reproductive organs and makes things worse
What are the aceptable ways to clean your vagina according medical specialists? Only water and if you feel like you must use something other than water (which you shouldn't) only use the baby wash that has no smells typically a yellow bottle or products like summer eves that is designed for cleaning with no perfumes
Why do you only need to wash the vagina with water? because it has its own cleaning system that happens naturally
What is the best way to restore the Ph balance of the vagina? Water and vinegar or a product design to do that with no perfumes
What is the number one cause of vaginal odor? Washing the vagina with soap and if the soap has a fragrance add to it the more it will cause an odor
What is the medical term for a rare, life-threating bacterial infection that has been most often associated with use of superabsorbent tampons and occasionally with the use of contraceptive sponges and is most often caused by staphylococcus aureus? Toxic Shock Syndrome
What is the medical term for inflammation of the vagina and the vulva and its cause is usually a change in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria or an infection? Vaginitis
What are the two types of vaginitis? Bacterial and Yeast
What is the medical term for an infection that is caused by a parasite and is commonly transmitted by sexual intercourse and can cause a greenish yellow sometimes frothy discharge? Trichomoniasis
What is the medical term for vaginal tissues that become thinner and frier, which may lead to itching, burning and pain and results from reduced estrogen levels after menopause? Atrophic Vaginitis
What is the medical term for an invasive procedure in which a needle is instered into an area of the body to withdraw a tissue or fluid sample for microscopic examination and diagnosis? Aspiration Biopsy
What is the medical term for a procedure in which the woman examines her breasts and surrounding tissue for evidence of any changes that could indicate the possibility of malignancy? Breast Self-Examination
What is the medical term for visual examination of the vagina and cervix with a scope? Colposcopy
What is the medical term for a surgical removal of a cone-shaped segment of the cervix for diagnosis or treatment, used to diagnose and treat precancerous changes in the cervix? Conization
What is the medical term for destruction of tissue by rapid freezing with substances such as liqiud nitrogen and is used to treat cervicitis and cervical dysplasia? Cryosurgery
What is the medical term for a surgical puncture through the posterior wall of the vagina into the cul-de-sac to withdraw intraperitoneal fluid for examination? Culdocentesis
What is the medical term for dilatation or widening of the cervical canal with a dilator, followed by scrapping of the uterine lining with a curette? Dilation and Curettage (D & C)
What is the medical term for an invasive test for obtaining a sample of endometrial tissue with a small curette for examination? Endometrial Biopsy
What is the medical term for an x-ray of the uterus and the fallopian tubes by injecting a contrast material into these structures? Hysterosalpingography
What is the medical term for a process of viewing the abdominal cavity with a laparoscope? Laparoscopy
What is the medical term for a process of examining with x-ray the soft tissue of the breast to detect various benign and/or malignant growths before they can be felt? Mammography
What is the medical term for a microscopic examination of cells scrapped from within the cervix, around the cervix and from the posterior part of the vagina to test for cervical cancer? Papanicolaou Smear (PAP Smear)
What type of exam detects diseases of female reproductive tract and a pap smear is performed? Gynecological Exam
What is the medical term for care of mother and fetus during pregnancy and puerperium the 6 weeks following delivery? Obstetrics
Which visit requires the longest visit, prevention of complications, history and physical, pelvic measurements and laboratory tests? Initial Prenatal Visit
What is the medical term for total number of pregnancies, including the current one, regardless of the outcome? Gravida
What is the medical term for the number of pregnancies carried to the point of viability, regardless of outcome and does not included the current pregnancy? Para
What procedures will be performed on subsequent prenatal visits? Vital signs, U/A, CBC. Measurement of fundus, and test and procedures may be performed based on history or standard protocol
What is the medical term for union of a sperm and a mature ovum? Fertilization or Conception
Where does the conception take places? In the outer 3rd of the fallopian tube
What is the intitial name for fertilized ovum? Zygote
What is the name of product of conception from second through 8th week of pregnancy? Embryo
What is the name of product of conception from 9th week through duration of gestational period? Fetus
What is the medical term for a strong, thin-walled membranous sac that envelops and protects the growing fetus? Amniotic Sac
What is the outer layer of the Amniotic sac called? Chorion
What is the inner layer of the amniotic sac called? Amnion
What cushions and protects the fetus during pregnancy? Amniotic fluid
What is a temporary organ of pregnancy that provides for fetal respiration, nutrition, excretion, functions as an endocrine gland by producing hormones HCG, estrogen, progesterone and human placental lactogen? Placenta
Which part of the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus and has a beefy red appearance? Maternal Side
Which side of the placenta has a shiny, slightly grayish appearance, contains arteries and veins that intertwine to form an umbilical cord and the umbilical cord arises from center of placenta and attaches to the umbilicus of the fetus? Fetal Side
What is a small, pear-shaped organ before pregnancy but grows to accommodate the fetus, placenta, amniotic sac and fluid during pregnancy? Uterus
What is the medical term for when the cervix and vagina take on a bluish-violet hue due to local venous congestion? Chadwick's Sign
What is the medical term for when the cervix softens in consistency in preparation for childbirth? Goodell's Sign
What cause increased vaginal discharge and heavy shedding of vaginal cells? Increase of glycogen
What is the medical term for thick, white vaginal discharge during pregnancy? Leukorrhea
What are the 4 changes in the breast during pregnancy? Increase in size and shape, nipples increase in size and become more erect, areola becomes larger and darker, and colostrum is secreted
What are the changes of blood pressure during pregnancy? May experience hypotension during second and thrid trimesters and weight of the uterus presses against descending aorta and inferior vena cava
What change in urination happens in the 1st trimester? Urinary frequency due to increasing size of uterus creates pressure on the bladder
What is the urination change in the 2nd trimester? Uterus rises up out of the pelvis and pressure on the bladder is relieved
What is the urination change in the 3rd trimester? Frequency returns due to pressure of the baby's head on the bladder
What is the medical term for the manner of walking in which the feet are wide apart and the walk resembles that of a duck due to softening of the pelvic joints and relaxing of the ligaments and the center of gravity is offset? Waddling Gait
What is the medical term for brown patches seen on the forehead, cheeks and bridge of nose known as the mask of pregnancy? Chloasma
What is the medical term for the darkened vertical midline between the fundus and the symphysis pubis on the abdomen? Linea Nigra
What is the medical term for stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs and breasts that occour during pregnancy? Stria Gravidarum
What is the recommended range of weight gain during pregnancy? 25 to 30 pounds
What is the pattern of weight gain for a pregnancy? 1st - 3rd month = 3 - 4 pounds 4th - 9th month = 1 pound per week
What is the medical term for irregular contractions of the uterus and may occur throughout the pregnancy and are relatively painless? Braxton Hicks Contractions
When can the fetal heartbeat be detected? approximately 10 weeks with an ultrasound and 18 - 20 with a fetoscope
What is the range of the fetus heartbeat? 120 - 180 bpm
When can an embryo or fetus be detected by ultrasound? as early as 5 - 6 weeks
When can fetal movements be felt by the examiner via palpable? 2nd trimester
What does EDC mean? Expected Date of Confinement
What does EDD mean? Expected Date of Delivery
What does EDB mean? Expected Date of Birth
Which rule for calculation of date is the following: subtract 3 months from beginning of last menstrual period and the add 7 days to that date? Nagele's Rule
What is the termination of a pregnancy before the fetus has reached a viable age, that is, an age at which the fetus could live outside of the uterine environment? Abortion
What is better known as a miscarriage? Spontaneous Abortion
What is carried out by the to terminate pregnancy? Induced Abortion
What is an abnormal implantation of a fertilized ovum outside of the uterine cavity also called a tubal pregnancy? Ectopic Pregnancy
What is a surgical incision through the perineum made to enlarge the vagina and assist childbirth? Episiotomy
What is a disorder in which women who are not diabetic before pregnancy develop diabetes during pregnancy? Gestational Diabetes
What is an abnormal condition that begins as a pregnancy and deviates from normal development very early and does not produce a fetus and chorionic villi of placenta change to a mass of cysts resembling a bunch of grapes? Hydatidiform Mole
What is a condition in which the cervical os dilates before the fetus reaches term without labor or uterine contractions? Incompetent Cervix
What is the medical term for when the placenta may cover os? Placenta Previa
What is the medical term for when the placenta separates from the uterine lining? Placenta Abruptio
What is the development of hypertension during pregnancy in women which had normal blood pressure before? Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension
Which of the three PID developes after 20 wks gestation with no signs of edema or proteinuria? Gestational Hypertension
Which PID developes after 20 wks gestation with proteinuria or edema? Pre-Eclampsia
Which PID is the most severe form and is evidenced by presence of seizures? Eclampsia
What causes the mother's body to develop antibodies that will destroy the Rh positive blood? Rh Incompatibility
What is the medical term for vaginal discharge that is a mixture of thick mucus and pinkor dark brown blood and it occurs as a result of the softening, dilation and thinning of the cervix in preparation for childbirth? Bloody Show
What is the medical term for the settling of the fetal head into the pelvis that occurs a few weeks prior to the onset of labor? Lightening
What is the medical term for rupture of the fetal membranes, releasing the amniotic fluid often referred to as water broke? Rupture of the Amniotic Sac
Which type of contractions are irregular, not too frequent, shorter duration, felt in abdomen, felt in groin area, walking may relieve or decrease contractions, dilatation and effacement doesn't change and not too intense? False Labor Contractions
What type of contractions are regular, more frequent, longer duration, felt in lower back, radiates to lower abdomen, feels like menstrual cramps, walking strengthens contractions, dilatation/effacement changes and more intense? True Labor Contractions
What surgical puncture of the amniotic sac for the purpose of removing amniotic fluid to diagnose congenital abnormalities is performed at 16 weeks? Alpha Fetal Protein and amniocentesis
What is a surgical procedure in which the abdomen and uterus are incised and a baby is delivered transabdominally? Cesarean Section (C-Section)
What is a test used to evaluate the ability of the fetus to tolerate the stress of labor and delivery also known as oxytocin challenge test? Contraction Stress Test
What is the use of an electronic device to monitor the fetal heart rate and maternal uterine contractions? Fetal Monitoring
What is a noninvasive procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to examine the abdomen and pelvis and images of the fetus? Pelvic Ultrasound
What is the process of measuring the female pelvis, manually or by x-ray to determine its adequacy for childbearing? Pelvimetry
Created by: tsloan81
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