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ECS - Computer Unit

Computer Basics, Viruses, & Networks

Computer A device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output, all according to a series of stored instructions
Hardware The physical electronic and mechanical parts of a computer and its peripheral devices
Software Specific instructions telling the computer how to accomplish specific tasks; programs, applications
Input Information/commands entered in to a computer
Output Information that is exited from the computer
Input Device A device used to insert data into a computer; keyboard, mouse, microphone
Output device A hardware component that allows the user to view, hear, or touch the information resulting from the computer's processes
Peripheral Device Any input, output, and/or secondary storage devices that plugs into a computer; keyboard, monitor, flash drive
Storage Device A hardware component that is used to store/save data, information, and instructions long-term
Server A computer specifically designed to serve many different computers in a network by running specialized software and managing information
Personal Computer A stationary/mobile computer with average capacity and processing power designed to be used by one person at a time
Portable Electronic Device A small handheld computer; includes smartphones, tablets, smart watches, and game consoles
Data Information that can be read, used, and manipulated by a computer
Bit A binary digit; a 0 or a 1; the smallest amount of data a computer can process/store
Byte Approximately 8 bits of processed data/storage space on a computer; one character on a computer
Kilobyte (KB) Approximately 1,000 bytes of processed data/storage space on a computer
Megabyte (MB) Approximately 1,000 kilobytes or 1 million bytes of processed data/storage space on a computer
Gigabyte (GB) Approximately 1,000 megabytes or 1 billion bytes of processed data/storage space on a computer
Terabyte (TB) Approximately 1 million megabytes or 1 trillion bytes of processed data/storage space on a computer
Drive A location on a network/in a computer that is set aside for the collection/storage of data
Hard Drive The main storage device in a computer
Flash Drive A small/portable version of a standard hard drive
Backup To create a duplicate copy of a file, disk, or drive
Laser The beam that reads and writes/burns bits of information on a disk's surface
Binary A computer processing code consisting of 1's and 0's
Boot Process The start-up/shut down sequence that occurs when you turn on/off a computer
CPU The central processing unit; the brain of the computer; the microprocessor
Hertz A unit of measurement for a computer's processer speed; Gigahertz (GHz), Megahertz (MHz)
Motherboard The printed circuit board on which the CPU, RAM and BIOS chips, and other electronic circuit elements of a computer are attached
RAM Memory that stores program instructions and data temporarily; random access memory
ROM Memory that includes vital/permanent instructions and data; read only memory
Sound Card A circuit board that gives the computer the ability to accept audio input and produce audio output
Graphics Card A circuit board that gives the computer the ability to accept video input and produce video output
Power Supply A device that provides power to a computer; the device that charges the battery of a mobile computer
GUI A graphical user interface; user input/output is processed by a computer using
Application Software A computer program that is designed to perform a specific task
Desktop The main work area in graphical user interfaces containing icons, shortcuts, windows, the taskbar and a background image
Icon A picture or symbol on the desktop that represents a shortcut to programs, folders, files, or websites
Start Button The button at the bottom left corner of the windows desktop
Start Menu The home menu that grants users access to all components of a computer
Taskbar The bar on the desktop that contains the start button and serves as a home base for open applications and basic computer gadgets (date, time, battery, and Wi-Fi notifications)
Title Bar The bar at the top of a program window that displays the file name
Scroll Bar A vertical or horizontal bar on a window which slides and allows you to see information that is currently out of view
Scroll To move up/down/left/right on the screen
Menu Bar The bar in a program window that contains drop down lists of command choices
Minimize Button The button at the top-right corner of most windows that reduces the window to a button on the taskbar
Maximize Button The button at the top-right corner of most windows that causes it to expand to the full size of the desktop
Restore Button The button at the top-right corner of most windows that causes a maximized window to remain open but to occupy less than the entire desktop
File A single collection of data given a name and stored on a computer; software output
.jpg A common file extension for pictures
.gif A common file extension for animations
.mp3 A common file extension for audio clips
.mov A common file extension for movies
Save As To save a new version of a file with a different name or in a different location
Folder A container for files and other folders; a directory; a subdivision of a drive that stores items
Hyperlink A text shortcut in a document/website that links you to separate program, document, website, or section of the same document/website
Operating System Software used to control the computer and its peripheral equipment; Windows, OS X, Linux
Pixels A picture element (dot) on a computer screen or printout; groups compose the images on the monitor and the output of a printout
Save To store information to a drive for later use; to transfer data from the RAM to the hard drive
Resolution The density of pixels on a computer's screen; measured by the number of dots per inch
Program To create instructions telling the computer's hardware and software how to interact; coding
Edit To make changes in any type of file/document
Formatting The process of preparing a disk/drive for reading and writing, it will erase all data and information on the disk/drive
Multitasking When a user issues a command to the computer that it then processes while it continues running other applications; using more than one application at a time
HOST What all viruses must attach themselves to in order to reproduce, spread, and infect computers
BOOT SECTOR Infects the computer's boot, thus effecting the computer's ability to turn on and load data
FILE INFECTOR Infects executable files (apps/programs) causing permanent damage and making them unusable
MACRO Infects programs and adds code to their macros (or automated tasks)
STEALTH Attacks operating system functions and tries to hide from anti-virus and anti-malware programs
LOGIC BOMB Executes to infect a computer after a pre-determined condition is met
TIME BOMB Executes to infect a computer at a pre-determined date and/or time
POLY-MORPHIC Duplicates itself and constantly changes its own binary code to avoid detection
ARMORED Designed to be difficult to reverse engineer, analyze, detect, and decrypt with large amounts of misleading code
CAVITY Attempts to "hide" itself in empty lines of code within legitimate programs/apps
TUNNELING Launch themselves under anti-virus programs (in the DOS and BIOS) to intercept normal operating system functions
TROJAN HORSE Misleads users by pretending to be a legitimate program/app
WORM A stand-alone virus that DOESN'T need a host to replicate itself and spread to other computers
MALWARE Any malicious program designed to damage/disable computers and systems
ADWARE Displays and/or downloads unwanted advertising material when a user is online
RANSOMWARE Designed to block a user's access to their computer (or threatens to publish personal information) unless a sum of money is paid
SPYWARE Discreetly gathers personal information about a user without their knowledge
Network Two or more computers/devices that are connected for the purpose of sharing data, software programs, and processing power
LAN A network in which the connected computers are physically close to each other, usually in the same building; local area network
WAN A network in which the connected computers are physically far away from to each other; wide area network
Internet The global system of interconnected computer networks that use the IP Addresses to link billions of devices worldwide
IP Address A unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer/device using the Internet
Domain The suffix of an internet address that identifies/categorizes websites; .com .org .edu .gov
Cookie A message sent from a web server to a browser and stored on a user's hard drive, usually containing information about the user
URL A unique name for locating an item, such as a page of text or graphics, anywhere on the internet; uniform resource locator
Router A device that enables computers to interpret data they receive or send to/from a network
Encryption The process of scrambling or hiding information so that it cannot be understood without the key necessary to change it back into its original form
Wi-Fi A wireless network connection available to mobile computers and other devices
Streaming Downloading media (such as video or audio) from the internet while it is simultaneously playing on your computer/device
Short Message Service A text messaging service component of phone, web, or mobile communication systems; SMS
E-mail An electronic message sent using a network such as the Internet
Spam Irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients
Search Engine A web site that collects and organizes a list of content from all over the internet
Social Network An online service that allow users to interact with each other and store/share data
Host The item to which computer viruses attach; inadvertently downloads/executes a virus
Antivirus Software A computer program that is designed to scan a computer's memory and hard drive to identify, isolate, and eliminate viruses
Firewall A method for preventing hostile programs from entering a network; filters out suspicious packets/data
Hacker A person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data
Created by: TheMsAllsop
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