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Germane closely or significantly related, relevant; pertinent
Indigent lacking food, clothing, and other necesites of life because of poverty, needy, poor, impoverished
Judicious wise
Lethargy being drowsy or dull
Parable a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson
Petulant insolent or rude in speech or behavior
Plaintively expressing sorrow; mournful
Prophecy the for telling or prediction of what is to come
Sinister theatening or potending evil, harm or troube; ominous
Stalwart strongly and stoutly built
Bulwark a wall built for defesne
A Simile is? a compasrison using like or as
A Metaphor is? a compasrison that is either direct or indirect
Personificaion is? Making an object appear as if it is alive
How old is Willie? Really 43 looks 12
How is Willie Different from other children? He never grows old
What is Wille's "job"? To make people happy
What is the Conflict of "Hail and Farewell" ? A grown man appering as a Child
What ,in "Hail and Farewll", is the Climax? there is no climax
What is the Theme in "Hail and Farewell" ? Make the best of a bad situation
What is the Genre in "Hail and Farewell"? Science Ficton/ Fansty
What is the Genre of "The Drummer Boy at Shiloh"? Historical Ficton-Short Story
What is the Setting for "The Drummer Boy at Shiloh"? Evening in a peach prchard near owl creek and a church-- spring April 6-7 1862
Who are the Main Characters in " The Drummer Boy at Shiloh" ? Joby (age 14) General Johnson
What is the Climax in "The Drummer Boy at Shiloh" ? When the General Tells Joby he is the heart of the army
Who is the Protagonist in the play Twelve Anger Men? Juror 8
Who is the Antagonist in the play Twelve Anger ? Juror 3
What is the Evidence againist the accused in the play Twelve Anger Men? -- The Knife --Background --Bad Father/Son relationship --Witnesses --Cant remeber what movie he saw
What is the Climax in Act 1, Act 2 and Act 3? --Act 1- Two of the Same Knifes--Act 2- 3 says to 8 "I am going to Kill you" proving 3's point--Act 3- When 3 finally gives in
Who is Juror 8? He is the Fair One--Wants to give the boy a chance
Who is Juror 10? The Biggot--Judges the boy by a sterotype
Who is Juror 3? The Loud One--Has a bad experince with his son--wants to punish this boy because of his son
Jurors- Number and Sterotypes! 2--Meek Follower4--Facts5--Grew up in slums7--Salesman/complains9--Doesnt say much11--Justice is important 12--Job was important
Sally went to the story Simple
Bob went to pick up cheese and bread. Simple
Susan is cleaning while mom is baking Complex
Lily is watching tv and Bob is making dinner Compound
Rules for Noun Clause --if its not an adverb or an adjective its a noun
Rules for Adverb Clause --Introduced by a Subordinating Conjuction--Remove the COnjuction you have a complete sentance--Can move the clause
Rules for Adjective Clause --Modifys a noun or pronoun--Intoduced by a reltive pronoun
Verb Subject Agreement --Agrees in Number
Created by: nugget333
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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