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APHG 4.9-4.10

Words from learning objective 4.9-4.10 and other important words

democratization the process of creating a government elected by the people
trans-national extending or operating across national boundaries
economies of scale the property whereby long-run average total cost falls as the quantity of output increases
trade agreements Intergovernmental agreements designed to manage and promote trade activities for specific regions.
military alliance close association of nations formed to provide mutual help if any one of them was attacked
supranational organization International organization whose member states transcend traditional political boundaries to make decisions regarding a collective interest
supranationalism State support of institutions outside or beyond the authority of one national government, as a project or policy that is planned and controlled by a group of nations.
Berlin Conference A meeting from 1884-1885 at which representatives of European nations agreed on rules colonization of Africa
Organic Theory of Nations Friedrich Ratzel Nations act like living organisms, must grow and will eventually decline
Heartland Theory A geopolitical hypothesis, proposed by British geographer Halford Mackinder during the first two decades of the twentieth century, that any political power based in the heart of Eurasia could gain sufficient strength to eventually dominate the world. Mackinder further proposed that since Eastern Europe controlled access to the Eurasian interior, its ruler would command the vast "heartland" to the east
Rimland Theory the belief of Nicholas Spykman that domination of the coastal fringes of Eurasia would provide a base for world conquest
annexation Legally adding land area to a city in the United States
Balkanization Process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities
decolonization The collapse of colonial empires. Between 1947 and 1962, practically all former colonies in Asia and Africa gained independence.
forward capital capital city positioned in actually or potentially contested territory usually near an international border, it confirms the states determination to maintain its presence in the region in contention.
geopolitics study of government and its policies as affected by physical geography
ethnonationalism the tendency for an ethnic group to see itself as a distinct nation with a right to autonomy or independence. A fundamental centrifugal force.
centripetal force An attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for a state
centrifugal force a force that divides people and countries
Created by: kayerizzuto
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