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有口皆碑 讚-反:怨聲載道
登峰造極 出神入化-反:濫竽充數.碌碌無為
銷聲匿跡 消失.偃旗息鼓
拾人涕唾 拾人牙慧 反:別出心裁
勢如破竹 所向披靡 反:望風披靡
膏腴之地 肥沃土地 反:寸草不生.不毛之地
豕突狼奔 落荒而逃 反:從容不迫
屏氣凝神 聚精會神.專注 反:心不在焉
克盡厥職 克盡職責 反:越俎代庖.怠忽職守
炙手可熱 如日中天.很紅 反:乏人問津.打入冷宮
幡然悔悟 改過自新 反:執迷不悟
出口成章 七步成詩.文不加點 反:江郎才盡
問安視膳 孝順.
風馳電掣 非常快 反:蝸行牛步
鞭辟入裡 切中要害.入木三分
仰人鼻息 看人臉色.寄人籬下 反:自力更生
捶胸頓足 心情差
千頭萬緒 錯綜複雜 反:井然有序
綵衣娛親 孝順
躊躇不決 猶豫 反:當機立斷
皋魚之泣 子欲養而親不在
水滴石穿 磨鐵成針.毅力 反:半途而廢
Created by: pennychen
Popular Chemistry sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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