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L3U2 Adjetivos

Adjetivos Spanish 3H

amable / gentil nice / gentle
animado,a cheerful
celoso,a jealous
anciano,a / viejo,a ancient / old
atrevido,a / valiente daring / brave
divertido,a / gracioso,a / agradable fun / amusing / agreeable
bien educado,a / cortés polite / courteous
comprensivo,a understanding
hablador,a / conversador,a talkative
atento,a attentive
impulsivo,a impulsive
ingenuo,a / inocente naive / innocent
egoísta egotistical
emocionante / alegre / feliz excited/ nice / happy
leal / fiel loyal / faithful
perezoso,a lazy
honesto,a honest
impaciente impatient
infiel unfaithful
indiscreto,a indiscreet
discreto discreet
ambicioso,a ambitious
mal educado,a / mal criado,a impolite / ill
generoso,a generous
deshonesto,a dishonest
concienzudo,a / cuidadoso,a conscientious / careful
infeliz / amargo,a unhappy / bitter
optimista optimistic
paciente patient
pesimista pessimistic
vanidoso,a / pretencioso,a vain / pretentious
responsable responsible
enamorado,a in love
nervioso,a nervous
fiable reliable
confiable trustworthy
tacaño,a stingy
puntual punctual
prudente / cuidadoso,a careful
molesto,a annoying
grosero,a / descortés rude / discourteous
depremido,a depressed
independiente independent
bondadoso,a kind
trabajador,a hard
inactivo,a inactive
activo,a active
perezoso / flojo,a lazy
contento,a / agradable content / agreeable
chistoso,a / gracioso,a funny / amusing
mentiroso,a liar
bien criado,a well mannered
avergonzado,a / apenado,a embarrassed
imprudente / arriesgado,a incautious / reckless
irritante / molesto,a irritating / bothersome
respetuoso,a respectful
Created by: sthackeray
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