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The study of science today branches into the study of the ___________ sciences and the _________ sciences. life/physical
Zoology (physical or life science) life
Physics physical
Chemistry physical
Biology life
Botany life
Geology physical
Astronomy physical
the study of the nature of things such as motion, forces, energy, matter, heat, sound, light, and the composition of atoms physics
the study of how matter is put together, how atoms combine to form molecules, and how the molecules combine to make up matter chemistry
the study of matter is alive biology
equations are a compact way to express relationships between concepts
two scientists usually credited as the principal founders of the scientific method Galileo Galilei and Francis Bacon
in a ________ experiment, there are usually two or more experimental groups whose results are compared to a ____ group that is kept under normal, standard conditions controlled/control
the variable that the scientist changes on purpose is the ____ variable independent
the resulting change is called the _____ variable dependent
In writing a hypothesis, what is the format that is used that is used? The theory, the scientific language of the theory, synthesis of a large body of information
a close agreement by competent observers who make a series of observations of the same phenomenon fact
a hypothesis that has been tested over and over again and not contradicted laws
an educated guess that is not fully accepted until demostrated by experiment hypothesis
What should happen if a scientist finds evidence that contradicts a hypothesis, law, or principle? it must be abandoned or changed
what must be true in order for a hypothesis to be scientific? there must be a test for proving it wrong
scientists perform an _______ to test a _______ experiment/hypothesis
Science is a method of answering __________ theoretical questions
technology is a method of solving ________ pracitcal problems
involves the design creation of something for the use of enjoyment of humans (science or technology?) technology
has to do with discovering facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature (science or technology?) science
studying the effect of shape on flight of objects (science of technology?) science
designing a new golf ball (science or technology?) technology
making swine-flu vaccines (science or technology?) technology
determining the cause of swine-flu (science or technology?) science
concerned with the source, purpose, and meaning of everything religion
concerned with the value of human interactions as they pertain to the senses art
concerned with discovering and recording natural phenomena science
science and religion do not contradict one another because the domain of science is ________ natural order
the domain of religion is _____________ nature's purpose
_____ are the building blocks of life atoms
________ are materials composed of only one kind of atom elements
The number of known elements is currently about ____ 115
Of these _______ are naturally occurring elements and the rest are man-made in laboratories 90
Which five elements make up most of living things? Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Calcium
Most of the natural elements are formed by ________ reactions that occur in _____ fusion, stars
Which element is the most abudant element in the universe? Hygrogen
Research has confirmed that about 23 percent of the matter in the universe is composed of unseen _______________ dark matter
Atoms cannot be seen with visible light because they are smaller than the __________ of light wavelength
Atoms in your body have been around since long before the solar system came into existence, more than __________ years ago 4.6 billion
__________________ is perpetual jiggling of particles that are just large enough to be seen caused by the motion of___________________ Brownian Motion, Neighboring Atoms and Scanning electron molecules
A ________ is the smallest particle of a substance consisting of two or more atoms that bond together by sharing electrons molecule
Matter is a ________ or ________ at room temperature is usually made of molecules gas, liquid
Which sense can humans use to detect the presence of molecules such as sulfur dioxide, ammonia, or ether? smell
A ________ compound is a substance that is made of atoms of different elements combined in a fixed proportion compound
The ___________ of a compound tells the proportions of each kind of atom in the compound chemical formula
__________________ is perpetual jiggling of particles that are just large enough to be seen caused by the motion of___________________ Brownian Motion, Neighboring Atoms and Scanning electron molecules
A ________ is the smallest particle of a substance consisting of two or more atoms that bond together by sharing electrons molecule
Matter is a ________ or ________ at room temperature is usually made of molecules gas, liquid
Which sense can humans use to detect the presence of molecules such as sulfur dioxide, ammonia, or ether? smell
A ________ compound is a substance that is made of atoms of different elements combined in a fixed proportion compound
The ___________ of a compound tells the proportions of each kind of atom in the compound chemical formula
How many elements are found in the compound magnesium bromated 3
Where is most of the mass of an atom located? nucleus
principal building blocks of an atom's nucleus nucleons
nucleons in an electrically neutral state neutrons
necleons in an electrically charged state protons
atoms of the same element having different numbers of neutrons isotopes
the number of protons in atom's nucleus atomic number
Protons repel _______ but attract ________ protons, electrons
Electrons repel ______ but attract ________ electrons, protons
An atom with a net charde is an _____ ion
The _______________ is a chart that lists atoms by their atomic number and by their electron arrangements periodic table
_____________ are located on the left side of the periodic table and ________________ on the right metals, non-metals
In the _______ phase, matter consists of positive ions and free electrons plasma
The plasma phase exists only at _____________ higher temperatures
the time it takes for one back-and-forth motion of a pendulum is called the ______ period
One complete back-and-forth motion of a pendulum is called a ______ cycle
List the two things that determine the period of a pendulum. ______ and _________ Length and Acceleration of gravity
distance between successive identical parts of a wave wavelength
low point on a wave trough
vibrations per unit of time frequency
high point on a wave crest
distance from a midpoint to a crest amplitude
hertz is the unit of measuring this frequency
energy of a wave amplitude
the speed of sound in air is about _____ m/s to _____m/s 330, 350
an __________ is a regular arrangement of places where wave effects are increased, decreased, or neutralized as waves pass through each other interference pattern
the points on a standing wave where no motion occurs are called ____________ nodes
Standing waves occur because of __________ interference
The blue shift and red shift refer to how the Doppler effect affects _________ waves light
An ___________ in frequency is called a blue shift, while a ___________ in frequency is called a red shift increase, decrease
Bow waves from when the wave source moves ______ than the wave speed faster
A shock wave has the shape of a _____ cone
sound waves with frequencies below the normal range are _______________ waves while sound waves with frequencies above the normal range are _____________ waves infrasonic, ultrasonic
A pulse of compresses air is called a ________, and a pulse of low-pressure air is called a ___________ compression, rarefaction
For all wave motion, it is not the ________ that travels, but a _________ that travels medium, pulse
The speed of sound in a gas depends primarily on _________ and ______________ temperature, mass of the particles in gas
_______ in the air increases the speed of sound in air water vapor
What is the intensity of sound proportional to? the square of the amplitude of the wave
We interpret intensity of sound as ___________ loudness
Natural frequency is the frequency at which an ______ object, once energized, will vibrate elastic
Turning a radio station dial uses the principle of ________ resonance
a _______________ of a sound wave corresponds to a crest of a transverse wave compression
a _______________ of a sound wave corresponds to a trough of a transverse wave rarefaction
When the crests of one wave overlap the crests of another wave, there is _____________ interference and a decrease in _________ destructive, amplitude
Anti-noise technology use _________ interference to protect the hearing of jackhammer users destructive
vision results from streamers or filaments emmitted by the eye making contact with an object Euclid
Light is a wave Huygens
Light consists of tiny particles Newton
Light consists of tiny particles of energy that travel as waves Einstein
_______________ are massless bundles of concentrated electromagnetic energy photons
Albert Michelson received the Nobel Prize for using a system of mirrors to measure _______________ the speed of light
How much time does it take light to travel from the sun to Earth? eight minutes
What is a light year? distance light can travel in one year
What is the source of energy in light? accelerating electric charge
The energy in an electromagnetic wave is part _______ and part __________ magnetic, electric
Name the different waves that make up the electromagnetic spectrum, in order from lowest to highest freqency radio, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet waves, x-rays, gamma rays
Electromagnetic waves of frequencies slightly lower than the red waves of visible light are called _________ infrared
Electromagnetic waves of frequencies slightly higher than the violet waves of visible light are called __________ ultraviolet
_______ light and ______ light do NOT pass through glass while ____ light does UV, infrared, visible
Our atmosphere is transparent to ________ light and __________ light, but almost opaque to ___________ light visible,infrared,ultraviolet
Would you position a light source close or far from an object in order to produce a sharp shadow? close
A total shadow is called an ________ umbra
If you shake a rope up and down, it becomes __________ polarized vertically
If you skake a rope from side to side, it becomes ___________ polarized horizontally
Created by: phoenix1901
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