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TCM theory

organ pathologies

low hoarse voice, spontaneous sweating, feeble cough, SOB < EXERTION, pale face** LU Qi deficiency**
dry mouth/throat, afternoon fever, night sweats, malar flush, dry cough, sticky blood-tinged sputum, cracks & peeling tongue** LU yin deficiency**
dry cough, dry nose & throat, dry skin, chest pain, hoarse voice, thirst LU dryness
slight fever, sneezing, occipital HA, clear nasal discharge,floating tight pulse** LU wind cold**
aversion to cold/wind, sneezing, slight sweating, sore throat, swollen tonsils, thirst, yellow-green nasal discharge, red tongue with thin white coat LU wind heat
sudden swelling of eyes, face, body. scant and clear urine, fever, SOB, sticky white tongue, floating & slippery pulse LU wind-water
chest pain, asthma, constipation, thirst, sore throat, scanty urine, cough, thin yellow coat** LU heat**
full chest, SOB, dislike lying down, cough with frothy white sputum that is easy to expectorate, gurgling in chest, tongue body pale with white/sticky coat, pulse: wiry and slippery phlegm damp retention in LU
phlegm in throat, white-watery sputum, swollen tongue with white sticky coat, slow slippery pulse cold phlegm in LU
barking cough, heavy chest, asthma, SOB, yellow-green foul sputum, tongue: red body with sticky white thick coat, pulse rapid and slippery phlegm heat in LU
dry cough, SOB with chest opression, fogginess of thought, wheezing, pale complexion, difficult to expectorate phlegm, thin slippery pulse dry phlegm in LU
cough due to scare, SOB with chest opression, fogginess of thought, gurgling in chest, dizzy, cold, sticky/thick/white tongue coat, thin soggy pulse phlegm fluids obstructing LU
abdominal pain, burning sensation in anus, thirst with no desire, tenesmus, fever, scanty yellow urine, blood & mucus in stool/yellow watery diarrhea, slippery pulse** LI damp heat**
burning in anus, swelling in anus, thirst/fever/sweat, scanty dark urine, dry stools/constipation, thick brown tongue coat, rapid full pulse LI heat
burning in anus, fever, vomiting, delerium, constipation, thick brown tongue coat LI heat obstructing
cold feeling, sudden abdominal pain, cold abdomen, diarrhea with pain, thick white tongue coat, deep wiry pulse cold invading LI
abdominal distention with pain, irritability, constipation, tongue: red body, wiry pulse LI Qi stagnation
dry mouth and throat, scanty yellow urine, constipation, pale tongue no coat, thready pulse** LI dryness**
dull abdominal pain, borborygmi, cold limbs, pale urine, loose stools, deep weak pulse LI cold
prolasped anus, hemorrhoids, desire for warm drinks, desire abdominal massage, chronic diarrhea, cold limbs, pale bodied tongue, deep weak and thin pulse LI collapse
abdominal pain > pressure, borborygmi, diarrhea, pale & copious urine, desire warm drinks, white tongue coat, deep/slow/weak pulse SI deficient and cold
abdominal pain, tongue ulcers, deafness, discomfort in chest, thirst, throat pain, mental unrest, scanty & painful urine with blood, red tongue with yellow coat, rapid full pulse SI fire/full heat
twisting pain in abdomen extending to back, borborygmi, flatulence, dislikes pressure on abdomen, pain in testis, white tongue coat, deep wiry pulse** SI Qi stagnation**
abdominal distention, constipation, vomiting, borborygmi, flatulence, dislike pressure on abdomen, white tongue coat, deep wiry pulse SI Qi tied
sallow complexion, bad taste in mouth, slow deep pulse, constant hunger, desire to eat soil, itchy anus, cold limbs infestation of worms in SI (roundworms: vomit roundworms, hookworms: desire to eat strange things, pinworms: itchy anus, tapeworms: constant hunger)
palpitations, SOB < exertion, hoarse voice, spontaneous sweating, watery sputum, pale complexion, catches colds easily, thin white tongue coat, weak pulse** HT Qi deficiency**
palpitations, SOB < exertion, hoarse voice, spontaneous sweating, watery sputum, bright-pale complexion, catches colds easily, chills, cold limbs, swollen tongue with smooth wet coat, weak pulse** HT yang deficiency**
palpitations, SOB < exertion, hoarse voice, spontaneous sweating, watery sputum, bright-pale complexion, catches colds easily, chills, cold limbs, cyanosis of lips, swollen tongue with smooth wet coat, hidden pulse HT yang collapse
palpitations < night < rest, insomnia, excessive dreams, poor memory, anxiety, dizzy, easily startled, dull-pale complexion, pale tongue with thin white coat, weak & thready pulse** HT blood deficiency**
palpitations < night < rest, insomnia, excessive dreams, poor memory, anxiety, dizzy, easily startled, afternoon fever, night sweats, dry mouth and throat, dull-pale complexion, red bodied tongue with deep midline crack, rapid thready pulse** HT yin deficiency**
palpitations, mental unrest, insomnia, bitter taste in am, thirst, mouth/tongue ulcers, dark urine with blood, red face, tongue has red tip, full rapid pulse** HT fire**
palpitations, mental unrest, dream - disturbed sleep, bitter taste in am,incoherent speech, muttering to oneself, hit/scold people, uncontrollable laughter/crying, mental confusion, red tongue with sticky yellow coat, wiry & slippery pulse** phlegm fire harassing the HT**
unconscious, stupor, muttering to oneself, vomiting, mental confusion, introverted, aphasia, staring at walls, tongue has thick sticky coat, slippery slow pulse phlegm misting the mind (HT)
palpitations, depression, SOB (can't lie down), stabbing in mediastinum, phlegm, heavy feeling, dislike speaking, cold hands, pain < cold, sighing, purple face/lips/nails, purple side on tongue with sticky coat, choppy/knotted slippery pulse vessel obstruction (HT)
palpitations, heavy chest, depression, lump in throat, SOB, sighing, cold limbs, poor appetite, anovulation, ammenorrhea, pale lips slightly purple, pale-purple tongue, empty pulse HT Qi stagnation
palpitations, stabbing pain radiating to L arm, constriction in chest, cyanosis of lips and nails, dark purple spots on tongue, thready hesitant pulse** HT blood stagnation/STASIS**
fever at night, mental confusion, incoherent speech, delirium, hot body with cold hand/feet, macules, red dry bodied tongue with no coat, rapid thready pulse PC heat
palpitations, distention & tightness in chest, depression, lump in throat, SOB, sighing, cold limbs, poor appetite, pale lips slightly purple, pale-purple tongue, empty pulse** PC Qi stagnation** (same as Ht??)
stabbing/pricking pain in chest radiating to left arm, palpitations, constriction in chest, SOB, cold hands, painful menses with dark clots, pain in prostate, cyanosis of lips and nails, purple bodied tongue, choppy/wiry/knotted pulse** PC blood stasis**
poor appetite, abdominal distention <eating, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, apathy, emaciation, weak limbs, loose stools, pale face, thin white tongue coat, empty pulse** SP Qi deficiency**
poor appetite, abdominal distention <eating, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, apathy, emaciation, weak cold limbs, chilliness, edema, loose stools with undigested food, pale face with bright complexion, swollen/white/smth wet tongue, weak/deep/slow pulse** SP yang deficiency**
poor appetite, abdominal distention <eating, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, apathy, emaciation, weak limbs, hemmies, varicose vv, bearing down in abd, organ prolapse, urinary freq/urg prolonged diarrhea, pale face & lips, pale tongue, weak thin pulse** SP Qi sinking**
poor appetite, abdominal distention <eating, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, apathy, emaciation, weak limbs,purpura, blood in urine, menorrhagia, bloody loose stools, pale face, pale tongue with blood spots underneath, weak thready pulse** SP failing to control blood**
poor appetite, abdominal distention < eating, fatigue, depression, weak limbs, amenorrhea, insomnia. loose stools, pale tongue with thin dry coat, choppy thready pulse** SP blood deficiency**
lack of appetite, fullness in epigastrium & abdomen, heavy head/body, no thirst, white vagninal discharge, cloudy urine, loose sticky stools, thick white sticky tongue coat, slow slippery pulse** cold damp invading SP**
hunger with no desire, fullness in epigastrium 7 abdomen, heavy body, thirst with no desire, N&V, burning anus, fever, loose sticky stools, scanty dark urine, bitter taste in mouth, yellow sticky tongue coat, rapid slippery pulse** damp heat invading SP/ST**
discomfort in epigastrium, lack of appetite, absent taste, weak limbs, am fatigue, loose stools, pale tongue, empty pulse ST Qi deficiency
discomfort in epigastrium > eating and pressure, lack of appetite, prefer warm drinks/food, vomit clear fluids, cold/weak limbs, pale complexion, pale wet tongue, deep/weak/slow pulse ST deficient and cold
discomfort in epigastrium, hunger with no desire, thirst with no desire or small sips, full after eating, constipation, scanty urine, dry vomit and hiccups, dry mouth/throat, afternoon fever, dry red tongue no coat, rapid thready pulse** ST yin def**
epigastric pain with distention, belching, nausea/vomiting, hiccups, irritable, red side/central tongue, wiry pulse ST Qi stagnation
voracious appetite, constipation, vomiting, empty ST feeling, scanty yellow urine, thirst--prefer cold, foul breath, ulcerated gums, sour regurgitation, red tongue with thick yellow coat, full deep rapid pulse** ST fire/phleghm fire**
sudden pain in epigastrium < pressure, feels cold, vomit clear fluid < ingesting cold food (vomit right away), prefer warm fluids, thick white tongue coat, deep slow tight ** ST cold**
belching, nausea, vomiting, hiccups, tight pulse ST Qi rebelling (usually seen with other pathologies)
fullness in epigastrium, sour regurgitation, vomit undigested food, hesitant bowel movement, foul breath, belching, insomnia, anorexia, tick tongue coat, full slippery ** food retention in ST**
fullness in epigastrium, heavy feeling, facial pain, nasal congestion with thick discharge, thirst with no desire, nausea, feels heat, dull-yellow complexion, sticky taste in mouth, red tongue with sticky yellow coat, slippery rapid pulse damp heat in ST
sever, stabbing epigastric pain < night pressure, nausea, vomits blood (coffee grounds) purple tongue, wiry pulse ST blood stasis (PUD)
hypochondriac pain, migrating pain, abdominal and breast distention, depression, anger, nausea, sour regurg., vomit, epigast. pain, borborygmi, loose stools, irreg. menses, sighing, plum seed qi, jaundice, bttr taste, norm-light purple tongue,wiry pulse** LV Qi stagnation**
hypochondriac/epigastric pain, hiccups, sighing, nausea, vomiting, belching, irritability, churning in stomach, breast distention, red sides on tongue, wiry pulse LV Qi rebelling
headache behind eyes/vertex, red face and eyes, sudden deafness/tinnitus, ear pain w pus, irritable, angry, nightmares, hematemesis, dry mouth, epistaxis, constipation, bitter taste in mouth, scant yellow urine, red body yllw coat, wiry rapid full pulse** LV fire rising**
distention in chest & hypochondrium, no appetite,N/V, irregular bowels, thirst w no desire, heavy body, jaundice, fever, scanty dark urine, bitter taste, scrotal pain, vag discharge, red tongue w yellow sticky coat, wiry slippery rapid pulse** damp heat in LV/GB**
lower abdominal cramping, distention in hypochondrium, pain > warmth, pain & distention in scrotum & testes, contraction of labia and scrotum, pale tongue w thick white coat, wiry/strong/tight pulse cold stagnation in LV
hypochondriac & abdominal pain, vomiting, painful irregular menses, dark clots, infertility, epistaxis, purple lips and nails, dry skin, petechiae, purple/dark complexion, purple side on tongue, wiry firm pulse LV blood stasis
dizzy, tinnitus, floaters, excessive dreaming, amenorrhea, stiff joints, limb weakness, pale brittle nails, small pale tongue with white coat, wiry/thready/weak pulse** LV blood def**
hypochondriac pain at night, dizzy, tinnitus, dry eyes, dry throat/mouth, afternoon fever, night sweats, dry skin, dry red tongue, wiry/thready/rapid pulse** LV yin def**
headache behind eyes/vertex, red eyes and face, tinnitus, irritable, angry, excess dreams, palpitations, poor memory, vertigo, low back pain and knees, red body no coat, wiry strong or thready and rapid pulse** LV yang rising**
high temp, convulsions, neck rigid, limb tremors, coma, opisthotonos, deviation of eye and mouth, aphasia, hemiplagia tongue: red with yellow coat (1), or peeled/red/deviated (2) pulse: rapid, strong, wiry (1) or floating/weak/wiry/rapid (2)** wind agitating LV** -->extreme heat wind (1) or LV yang rising wind (2)
dizzy, blurred vision, floaters, timid, lack of courage, indecision, sighing, wake in early morning, pale/norm tongue, weak pulse GB def
hypochondriac pain, N/V, jaundice, turbid urine, inability to digest fat, lack of thirst, feels heavy, thick sticky white tongue, slippery wiry pulse dampness in GB
abnormal frequent erections, increased libido, nocturnal emissions, premature ejaculation, night sweats, malar flush, dry mouth/throat, lumbar sore, knee weak, tinnitus, dizzy, vertigo excess dreams, insomnia, red dry tongue, rapid thready pulse** KI yin def**
ED, decreased libido, infertility, 5am diarrhea, pitting edema, copious clear urine, aversion to cold, sore back, cold knees, pallor of dark face, dizzy, wet flabby pale tongue, deep weak pulse** KI yang def**
slow development, poor intelligence, poor memory, infertility, amenorrhea, premature greying, tinnitus/deafness, small tongue thready weak pulse** KI essence def**
pale face, poor hearing, freq clear urination, dribbling urine, incontinence, nocturia, spermatorrhea, nocturnal emissions, premature ejaculation, miscarriage, leukorrhea, sore back/knees, pale tongue, deep weak pulse KI Qi insecurity
SOB on exertion, cough, asthma, difficult urination, sweating, cold limbs, swelling of face, sore back.knees, pale tongue, deep/weak/tight pulse KI failing to receive Qi
abdominal distention, cough, asthma, low back pain, scanty clear urination, edema of legs/ankles, cold legs/back, thin frothy sputum, wet/flabby/pale tongue, deep/slow/weak pulse KI water overflowing to LU
nocturnal emissions, increased libido, night sweats, afternoon fever, malar flush, thirst for small sips, dry stools, lumbar soreness, tinnitus/deafness, dizzy, insomnia, mental unrest, scant urine w blood, red tongue w crack/red tip, floating/empty/rapid KI empty heat blazing
frequent clear copious urine, incontinence, nocturia, white urethral discharge, low back pain, dizzy, cold feeling, pale wet tongue, deep weak pulse** UB def and cold**
frequent burning urgent urine, dark yellow or turbid urine, hematuria, sand or stones in urine, fever, thirst, lower abdominal pain, back pain, red tongue w sticky yellow coat, rapid slippery pulse** UB damp heat**
frequent and urgent urination, stopping midstream, heavy in hypogastrium and urethra, pale and turbid urine, tongue white, pulse slippery/slow/slighty wiry** UB damp cold**
migrating/wandering pain, affects wrist, elbow, knee & ankle, limitation of movement, chills & fever. thin tongue may have a sticky coat. superficial; tight or slow pulse** wind BI**
severe/stabbing pain, alleviated by warmth and aggravated by cold; localized fixed pain w/ no redness or heat. tongue thin and white coat. wiry and tense pulse** cold BI**
local redness & swelling. pain alleviated by cold and aggravated by heat. Arthralgia involving one or several joints, excruciating pain with limitation of movement. Fever and thirst. yellow tongue coat. rolling and rapid pulse.** heat BI**
Created by: doctordow



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