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Earth Science

Who is responsible for coming up with the idea of Continental Drift, and why did he first come up with the theory? Alfred Wegener. First clue: the shape of the continents
What clues provide evidence to the theory? Climate, rock, fossils
What is the difference between a theory and a law? Laws can be tested and proven. Theories cannot be proven, but rely on evidence to be supported.
What are some other theories, besides plate tectonics and continental drift? Geocentrism (the idea that the earth was the center of the solar system - debunked); the earth was flat (debunked); evolution (widely accepted)
Explain how ROCKS can provide evidence for continental drift, and where in the world is this evidence? Rocks of same age and type were found on multiple continents. Example is: Appalachian and Caldeonian Mountains
Explain how CLIMATE can provide evidence for continental drift, and where in the world is this evidence? Evidence of glaciers exist in places that are too warm for glaciers (India, Africa), suggesting that those continents were at one time at a difference latitude
Explain how FOSSILS can provide evidence for continental drift, and where in the world is this evidence? Plant and animal fossils found across multiple continents in areas where they might have been connected.
What did scientists discover to help explain Wegener's theory of continental drift? That the underground the mantle heats up and rises in a convection current. Convection is the reason that the continents move.
Know CONVERGENT--COLLISION, what they form and where in the world you can find an example. Two continental plates come together, both push up to form a mountain and/or plateau. Example: Himalayas/Tibetan Plateau
Know CONVERGENT--SUBDUCTION, what they form and where in the world you can find an example. Two plates come together and one slides beneath the other. Two oceanic plates-- form a trench (Example: Mariana Trench), One oceanic and one continental plate--form coastal mountains (Example: Andes or Cascades)
Know DIVERGENT (between 2 continental or 2 oceanic plates), what they form and where in the world you can find an example. Plates separate. 2 ocean plates separate to form a mid-ocean ridge. Lava comes from beneath the grounds to make new oceanic crust. Ex: Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2 continental plates separate, new continental crust is formed. Ex: East African Rift Valley
Know TRANSFORM, what they form and where in the world you can find an example. Plates slide past one another. Plates build stress until it breaks, causing an earthquake
Describe the asthenosphere. More fluid, moves, where the convection currents are
Describe the lithosphere. Crust and upper mantle. Crust is rigid/rocky
How does the asthenosphere and the lithosphere relate to moving plates? The movement in the asthenosphere carries the lithosphere (and the crust) with is, causing plates to move.
Which part contains the crust? Lithosphere
Created by: emilinpbg
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