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FA complete review part 4 Pharmacology

What are common Histamine-2 blockers? Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Famotidine, and Nizatidine
What does the blockage of H-2 receptor by histamine-2 blockers cause? Decrease H+ secretion by parietal cells
What are the most common uses of Histamine-2 receptor blockers? Peptic ulcer disease and mild esophageal reflux
What is an important adverse effect of Cimetidine? Potent inhibitor of cytochrome P-450
What are the common antiandrogenic effects of Cimetidine? Prolactin release, gynecomastia, impotence, and decreased libido
Which histamine-2 receptor blocker is the one with the most adverse effects? Cimetidine
What is a common adverse effect of Cimetidine and Ranitidine? Decrease renal excretion of creatine
List of common Proton pump inhibitors: Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole, pantoprazole, and dexlansoprazole.
Irreversibly inhibit H+/K+ ATP in stomach parietal cells. Mechanism of action of PPIs
What is the mechanism of action so Histamine-2 receptor blockers? Reversible block of H-2 receptor
Common pathologies treated with PPIs? PUD, gastritis, esophageal reflux, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, component of therapy for H. pylori, and stress ulcer prophylaxis
What are common infections seen with use of PPIs? C. difficile infection, pneumonia, and acute interstitial nephritis
What cation (electrolyte) is severely decreased by chronic use of PPIs? Serum Mg2+
Why is an elder person at increase risk of bone fracture in case of long term treatment with PPIs? Due to decreased Mg2+ and decreased Calcium absorption.
In the parietal cell of stomach, which drug inhibits Ach action to the M3 receptor? Atropine
What electrolyte imbalance is seen with all antacids? Hypokalemia
What adverdse effets with Aluminum hydroxide? -Constipation and hypophosphatemia - Proximal muscle weakness, osteodystrophy, and seizures
What is the featured adverse effect of Calcium carbonate? Milk-alkali syndrome (hypercalcemia), and rebound acid.
Antiacid able to chelate and decreased effectiveness of drugs? Calcium carbonate
What are the associated adversse effects of Magnesium hydroxide? Diarrhea, hyperreflexia, hypotension, cardiac arrest
MOA of Bismuth and/or sucralfate: Bind to ulcer base, providing physical protection and allowing HCO3- secretion to reestablish pH gradient in the mucous layer.
What kind of enviroment is required in Bismuth? Acidic
What medications are not given with Bismuth? PPIs and H2 blockers
Common PGE2 analog Misoprostol
Misoprostol is a __________________. PGE1 analog
What is the mode of action of misoprostol? Increase production and secretion of gastric mucous barreir, and decresa acid prodiction
Abortifacient PGE1 analog Misoprostol
What is the main use for Misoprostol? Prevention of NSAID-induced pepti ulcers
What is the off-label use of Misoprostol? Induction of labor (abortive)
Why is Misoprostol used to induce abortion? Ripens the cervix
Long-acting somatostatin analog Octreotide
MOA of Octreotide: Inhibits secretion of various splanchnic vasodilatory hormones
What are common uses for Octreotide? Acute variceal bleeds, acromegaly, VIPoma, and carcinoid tumors
Why is the use of Octreotide associated with development of Cholelithiasis? Due to CCK inhibition
What is the mechanism of action of Sulfasalazine? Combination of Sulfapyridine and 5-aminosalicylic acid; activated by colonic bacteria
What are the most common uses for Sulfasalazine? Ulcerative colitis, and Crohn disease
Severe adverse effects of Sulfasalazine? Sulfonamide toxicity and reversible oligospermia
Agonist a u-opioid receptors. Loperamide
What GI medication is known to slow gut motility? Loperamide
What is the most common condition for using Loperamide? Diarrhea
Ondansetron is an _________ antagonist. 5-HT3
Powerful central-acting antiemetic. Ondansetron
Which antiemetic is known to decrease vagal stimulation? Ondansetron
What is the clinical use for Ondansetron? Control vomiting postoperatively and in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy
What are the most serious adverse effects seen with Ondansetron? 1. QT interval prolongation 2. Serotonin syndrome
Metoclopramide is an: D2 receptor antagonist
MOA of Metoclopramide Increase resting tone, contractility, LES tone, motily, promotes gastric emptying.
What is the effect of Metoclopramide on colon transport time? None
Which are the MC uses for Metoclopramide? 1. Diabetic and postsurgery gastroparesis 2. Antiemetic 3. Persistent GERD
Which GI drug is seen with development of parkinsonian effects? Metoclopramide
Metoclopramide may have an drug interaction with what other drugs? Digoxin and diabetic agents
Which patients should not be treated with Metoclopramide? - Small bowel obstruction patiens - Parkison disease patients
Why are Parkinson patient patients not treated with Metoclopramide? Due to D2-receptor blockade.
A patient just after a surgery is seen with tardive dyskinesia. Which is the most likely drug causing such adverse effect? Metoclopramide
What is the mode of action of Orlistat? Inhibits gastric and pancreatic lipase leading to the breakdown and absorption of dietary fats
What are the main types (categories) of laxatives? 1. Bulk-forming laxatives 2. Osmotic laxatives 3. Stimulants 4. Emollients
Examples of Bulk-forming laxatives: Psyllium, and methylcellulose
What are some Osmotic laxatives? Magnesium hydroxide, magnesium citrate, polyethylene glycol, and lactulose.
Most common stimulant laxative Senna
Emollient example? Docusate
Soluble fibers draw water into gut lumen, forming a viscous liquid that promotes peristalsis Mechanism of action Bulk-forming laxatives
What category or type of laxatives may be abused by bulimics? Osmotic laxatives
What is a rare and unique side effect of Stimulant laxatives? Melanosis coli
What is melanosis coli? Harmless condition in which the lining of the colon turns a shade of black or brown
What is the mode of action of Senna? Enteric nerve stimulation leading to colonic contraction
Promotes incorporation of water and fat into stool. Mode of action of Emollients
What kind of laxatives work by providing osmotic load to draw water into GI lumen? Osmotic laxatives
Substance P antagonist Aprepitant
What medication or GI drug opposes the actions of Substance P? Aprepitant
Which receptors are blocked by Aprepitant? NK1 receptors in the brain
Which medication is used to block the actions by neurokinin-1 receptors in the brain? Aprepitant
What is the use of Aprepitant? Antiemetic for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
Created by: rakomi
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