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装在箱子里的强盗-Sentence English meaning match

把东西提上来 Bring things up
放钥匙的篮子 Basket for keys
终于爬上阁楼 Finally climbed into attic
箱子里钻出来 Came out of the box
找一找口罩 Looking for mask
盖子自动弹开 The lid pops open automatically
决定保护自己 Decide to protect yourself
用大锁锁住 Lock with big lock
我家在意大利 My home is in Italy
木箱上了锁 The wooden box is locked
形状很奇怪 The shape is very wield
自己待在家里 Stay at home alone
试一试钥匙 Try the key
爸妈下午出去 Parents go out in the afternoon
我们要多运动 We need to do more exercise
从意大利寄来 It sent from Italy
我们是强盗 We are robbers
专门堆满东西 Dedicated to stuffing
一个黑色木箱 A black wooden box
一眼就看到你 See you at a glance
他有一把钥匙 He has a key
吃惊地问 Asked in surprise
甩手动一动 Hand shake exercise
可怕又凶狠 Terrible and fierce
立刻拿出来 Take it out immediately
楼下门铃响 Downstairs doorbell ringing
信放进信箱 Put the letter into the mailbox
差点钻不出来 It’s hardly to get out
口罩要怎么戴 How to wear a mask
哥哥打开盖子 Brother opened the lid
不会伤害孩子 Won't hurt children
信箱用锁锁住 The mailbox is locked with a lock
我写信回中国 I wrote a letter to China
最后一个锁 The last lock
妹妹转身走了 Sister turned away
吓得待在家里 Too scared so stay home
弟弟浑身发抖 Brother shivering
爸妈恰好出去 Parents just go out
我们不害怕 We are not afraid
邮递员送信 Postman deliver the letter
强盗要抢劫 Robber wants to rob
家里堆满物品 Home full of items
吓得跑上楼来 Scared to run upstairs
他吃完饼干 He finished eating cookies
他大喊救命 He shouted for help
看到你很吃惊 I was surprised to see you
接着放在地上 Then put it on the ground
病毒很可怕 The virus is terrible
想到一个主意 I have an idea
警察快来了 The police are coming soon
故意不戴口罩 Not wearing a mask on purpose
慌张大哭起来 Cry in panic
口罩要怎么戴 How to wear a mask
盖上木箱盖子 Close the wooden box
带来一门大炮 Bring a cannon
强盗们吓坏了 The robbers were scared
差点笑出声来 Almost laughed out loud
我来救你们 I'll save all of you
我快要回到家 I almost arrive home
警察找不到人 The police can't find anyone
赶紧爬进箱子 Quickly climb into the box
这里挤死了 It’s crowded here
箱子一下变小 The box gets smaller suddenly
吃太多饼干 Eat too many cookies
邮递员送信来 Postman delivered the mail
楼下门铃响 Downstairs doorbell ringing
他决定不开门 He decided not to open the door
警察抓到强盗 The police caught the robber
警察叫我别动 The police told me don’t move
物品放在地上 Stuffs placed on the ground
小狗浑身发抖 The puppy shivered
姐姐抱我上楼 My sister hugged me upstairs
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