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Java Programming Language

java programming language class based, object oriented, and compiles to bytecode and runs on JVM
conditional statements if, else if, nested, switch
if statement boolean followed by statements
if else statement if statement followed by else statement if boolean false
if else if statement tests various conditions
nested if statement if or else if statement inside another if or else if statement
switch statement value checked if it equals a list of values called cases
loop definition execute block of code multiple times
types of loops while, for, do while, enhanced for
while loop executes block of code until boolean is true
for loop executes code a set number of times
do while loop executes code until boolean false
enhanced for loop traverse collection elements like arrays
enhanced for loop declaration new variable used in code block
enhanced for loop expression array or collection being traversed
interface collection of methods that a class implements, all methods are public abstract, variables are public static final
difference between interface and class cannot be instantiated, no constructors, abstract methods, no instance fields, extend multiple interfaces
abstract class abstract and non abstract methods and is extended and implemented but can't be instantiated
exception object is subclass of throwable that wraps an error and contains info about error, state of program and custom info
exception types checked, unchecked
checked expression handled explicitly, expression throws exception or handles it otherwise program crashes, tested by compiler
unchecked expression not handled explicitly, doesn't throw exception, not tested by compiler
errors subclass of throwable where most conditions prevent the program from being recovered
catching exceptions use try catch finally block
keyword throws doesn't handle exception and throws another exception
keyword throw either catches or creates a new exception
keyword finally always executes code even if there is an exception
array contains elements of same type with fixed number of elements randomly accessed
queue ordered list of objects that uses fifo or first in first out
list expandable array with indexed contents and is built on an array with added functions
linked list expandable like a list but is node based
array list dynamic array that shrinks and grows, randomly accessed and implements list interface
set interface no duplicate elements and has methods from collections class
map interface uses key value pairing
static keyword makes variables and methods globally available to all classes, uses other static members, and uses dot notation
final keyword makes element immutable, methods can't be overridden, and classes can't be extended
constructor special method used to set initial value attributes and is called when object of class created
abstract keyword makes method or class a template, has no body, extended but can't be instantiated
stack like a list but enforces lifo or last in first out
graph node based that tracks child nodes and are bidirectional
binary search tree sorted tree where left child <= N < right child and is balanced when number of nodes on either side is almost equal
Created by: SuzaK
Popular Computers sets




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