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636A Part I

biggest differences between brains = age & education
Education prevents _________________ and _____________________. the brain from deteriorating later in life;creates new synapses
The brain is sometimes referred to as the... "3 pound universe" (single most complex thing we're aware of)
Brain vol. is made up mostly of... glial cells
How many neurons are in the brain? 100 billion
How many glial cells are in the brain? 10x 100 billion
Glial cells read signals from... neurons firing
Glial cells are often referred to as... "sleeping giants" of the brain
Neural activity is both _________ and _______________. electrical; chemical
Many drugs we assume impact only our neurons most likely impact _________________ too. glial cells
What is the difference between a neural cell and any other cell? the DNA "recipe"
DNA is... the blueprint for building things needed to sustain life
DNA has a recipe for building ________ and different recipes for building ____________. neurons; other cells
Different DNA recipes call for... different proteins to be created
Protein synthesis refers to... how DNA creates proteins
DNA is a combination of... sugars, phosphates, cytosine, guanine, adenine, and thymine
What are the 2 pairings in any sample of DNA? CG; AT
How long is a strand of DNA? millions of base pairings
A bigger DNA structure contains... chromosomes
How many chromosomes are there? 23 pairs (46)
Where is DNA located? in the nucleus
DNA opens up in one part then ___________________________, RNA takes the code ______________, and feeds information to _______________________. gets ready by RNA; out of the nucleus; protein-building cells
Part 1 of DNA synthesis is... TRANSCRIPTION (reading the DNA code)
Part 2 of DNA synthesis is... TRANSLATION (making the protein from the DNA transcript)
Where does transcription happen? in the nucleus (DNA gets a message that a protein needs to be made)
Disease comes from... proteins not working right - building too much or too liittle of certain proteins
RNA segments enter the nucleus through... NUCLEAR PORES
_____________ are exposed, and RNA cells align themselves until... nucleotide bases (e.g. cytosine pairs w/ guanine); the entire strand is filled w/ complementary nucleotides
What is the exception to the nucleotide complement rule? Adenine's RNA complement is URACIL. In RRNA, there is no Thymine; Uracil takes the place of Thymine.
How often is DNA opening and closing? constantly
RNA transcript moves out of the _____________ and breaks off the _______________. Next, the DNA strand_______________. nucleus; DNA; closes up
A DNA segment that opens up and gets read/copied is a ____________. GENE
A gene is like an __________________ in the whole cookbook of DNA. individual recipe
LOBES are... functional areas
LOBES describe views... relative to other parts of the brain.
anterior front
posterior back
lateral towards the side
superior top
inferior bottom
medial towards the middle
3 basic anatomical cuts through a brain: 1. CORONAL (most common) (crown) (like slicing bread) (front to back); HORIZONTAL (parallel to table) 3. SAGITAL (between 2 hemispheres = mid-sagital cut) (either side of center = para-sagital cut)
CORTEX surface of brain; very thin layer; lots of neurons; white cells/white matter/glial/glue that holds matter together
SYNAPSES allow neuons to communicate/massive interconnectivity in the brain
How many connections are there per neuron? 1,000s
Out of massive neural interconnectivity comes... consciousness
How much of your brain do you use? your whole brain; diff. parts at diff. times
True or false: We have very little control over what our brains do. TRUE
Neurons can be in 2 states: Action Potential (firing)(excitatory)/ Resting Potential (not firing)(inhibitory
At rest the neuron is... not truly at rest - just not firing
Each neuron is constantly getting conflicting signals from other neurons saying ________ and _________. How often is each neuron in the brain faced with this decision? "fire"; "don't fire"; constantly!
THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF A NEURON FIRING IS... the send a messaged to the SYNAPTIC VESICLES so they can release chemical messengers across the cleft
microtubules highway along which materials can move between the soma and bouton
Wherre are peptides made? Empty vesicles crawl back to the bouton via ______________. in the soma; they walk back and forth across the microtubules; transporter proteins
Created by: mychellerogers
Popular Biology sets




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