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Chapter 14 Key Terms

Cultural and Spiritual Aspects of Patient Care

Transcultural Nursing nursing care that recognizes cultural diversity and is sensitive to the cultural needs of the patient and family
Culture collection of beliefs, values, and assumptions about life that is shared and maintained by a group of people and transmitted generationally
Worldview comprehensive system of beliefs used by individuals and groups to explain and interpret reality
Enculturation cultural beliefs/norms are transferred from a group to the individual members of the group who adopt and incorporate them in their own personal values and beliefs
Ethnicity/Ethnic a group of people who share the common and distinct culture based on shared ancestry, social experience, and/or national history
Race social classification that assigns a group membership based on physical characteristics
Subcultures smaller groups within the culture whose members have similar views and goals in addition to or in place of those of the main culture
Spirituality "breath of life" deeply subjective experience that tries to explain one's own relationship to the wholeness of the physical and non-physical world
Religion formalized system of belief and worship
Rituals ceremonial acts
Religious beliefs convictions or opinions derived from religious doctrine that one considers true
Faith belief that cannot be proven or for which no material evidence exists
Atheist person who does not believe in God or any religious doctrine
Agnostic person who neither believes or disbelieves in the existence of God because it cannot be completely proven
Kosher food prepared by Jewish law regarding its slaughter, processing, and packaging
Circumcision Jewish religious ritual, occurs 8 days after birth
Cultural Awareness developing understanding that health is expressed differently across cultures, and that culture influences an individual's response to health, illness, disease, and death
Cultural Sensitivity ability to engage and communicate with an individual from another culture in a manner that demonstrates respect for their cultural norms and beliefs
Cultural Competence involves knowing yourself, examining your own values, attitudes, beliefs, and prejudices
Stereotyping applying certain beliefs and behaviors about a culture to an individual or group without assessing individual needs
Generalizations identify common trends, patterns, and beliefs of a group
Preudice emotional manifestation of negative stereotypes and deep held beliefs about a group
Racism form of prejudice that takes place when individuals, groups, and/or institutions exercise power against groups that are judged inferior
Ethnocentrism belief that one's own cultural group determines the standards by which other groups behavior should be judged
Cultural blindness inability to recognize the differences between one's own cultural beliefs, values, and practices and those of another culture
Cultural Imposition act of imposing one's own cultural beliefs, values, and practices on individuals and groups from another culture
Cultural Relativism ability to recognize that each cultural group has its own set of beliefs and that each culture should be evaluated on its own merit
Cultural Conflict perceived threat arising from a misunderstanding of expectations when nurses are unable to respond appropriately to another individual's cultural practice because they are unfamiliar with the practice
Cultural Shock feeling of helplessness, discomfort, and disorientation experienced by an individual attempting to understand or effectively adapt to a cultural group whose beliefs and values are radically different from the individual's culture
Dialect identifiable variation of a language specific to a particular group or region
Patriarchal male dominated
Matriarchal female dominated
Egalitarian equal share between spouses
Holistic attention to mental, social, spiritual, and physical aspects
Chi'i universal life force or energy
Yin negative, dark, cold, feminine
Yang positive, light, warm, masculine
Shaman medicine man or woman
Spiritual distress related to feelings of guilt and unworthiness if the patient views illness as punishment for wrongdoing or sin
Created by: ahoyyitbeaddi
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