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Terminology Lesson12

Medical Terminology Lesson 12 - Directional Terms and Word Combinations

anterior front side
distal farthest point away from
dorsal backside
high fowlers sitting at a 90° angle
Semi fowlers sitting at a 45° angle
inferior below
lateral side of
medial middle, center
sternum breastbone
axillary underarms
peripheral on the edge of or outside of
posterior rear or back of
prone lie on the front side facedown
proximal nearest
patella kneecap
femur long bone of the thigh
superior above
supine lie on back
transverse across (lateral, or side to side)
ventral to the belly
derma skin
odont teeth
dermahemia skin + blood
dermatalgia skin + pain
dermatitis skin + inflammation
dermatoalloplasty skin + graft + surgical repair (plastic surgery)
dermatocyst skin + bladder (filled with something)
dermatoid skin + resembles
dermatologist skin + one who studies
dermatolysis skin + dissolution (destruction)
dermatome skin + instrument (used to remove skin for grafting)
dermatomycosis skin + fungus + condition of
dermatoneurosis skin + nerves + condition of (skin eruptions due to emotion)
dermatopathy skin + disease
dermatophobia skin + fear (afraid of catching a skin disease)
dermatoplasty skin + surgical repair (plastic surgery)
dermatorrhagia skin + bleeding
dermatorrhea skin + drainage
dermatorrhexis skin + rupture
epidermitis outer + skin + inflammation
epidermodysplasia outer + skin + bad + molding
hypodermis below + skin
intradermal within + skin
melanoderma black + skin (dark pigmentation)
odontalgia tooth + pain
odontoprisis tooth + sawing (tooth grinding)
odontoptosis tooth + drop (downward placement)
odontorrhagia tooth + bleeding
odontoscopy tooth + exam
scleroderma hardening + skin
subdermal below + skin
xanthoderma yellow + skin
gastro stomach
epigastric outer + stomach
gastrocele stomach + protrusion (hernia)
gastrocolitis stomach + colon (small intestines) + inflammation
gastrocoloptosis stomach + colon (small intestines) + drop (downward placement)
gastroduodenal stomach + duodenum (first part of the small intestines)
gastroduodenoscopy stomach + duodenum + exam
gastroenteritis stomach + intestines + inflammation
gastroenterology stomach + intestines + study of
gastroenteropathy stomach + intestines + disease
gastroenteroplasty stomach + intestines + surgical
gastroesophagitis stomach + esophagus + inflammation
gastrohepatic stomach + liver
gastrolithiasis stomach + stone + condition of
gastromalacia stomach + softening
gastromegaly stomach + enlargement
gastromyxorrhea stomach + mucous + drainage
gastropathy stomach + disease
gastropexy stomach + fixation (stomach is surgically attached to the abdominal wall)
gastroplasty stomach + surgical repair (plastic surgery)
gastropylorectomy stomach + pylorus (gatekeeper) + excision
gastrorrhagia stomach + bleeding
gastrorrhaphy stomach + suture
gastrorrhea stomach + drainage (excessive)
gastrorrhexis stomach + bursting
gastroscopy stomach + exam
gastrostomy stomach + opening (new opening into the stomach)
gastrotomy stomach + incision
gastrotoxic stomach + poison
nasalgastric nose + stomach
orogastric mouth + stomach
cardio heart
bradycardia slow + heart
cardioangiography heart + vessel + write (record of electrical impulses)
cardioarterial heart + artery
cardiocele heart + herniation (protrusion through its sac)
cardiogenesis heart + beginning (heart of a fetus)
cardiogram heart + exam
cardiohepatic heart + liver
cardiohepatomegaly heart + liver + large
cardiokinetic heart + movement
cardiologist heart + one who studies
cardiology heart + study of
cardiomalacia heart + softening
cardiomegaly heart + large
cardiomyopathy heart + muscle + disease
cardioplegia heart + paralysis
cardioptosia heart + dropping (the heart sags from its normal location)
cardiopulmonary heart + lungs
cardiorrhaphy heart + suture
cardiorrhexis heart + rupture
cardiotoxic heart + poison
cardiovascular heart + vessels
carditis heart + inflammation
echocardiogram sound + heart + write (record)
electrocardiogram electric + heart + write (record)
endocarditis within + heart + inflammation
endocardium within + heart (lining of the heart)
epicardium upon + heart (same as pericardium)
myocardium muscle + heart
pericardium outside + heart (covering of the heart)
tachycardia fast + heart
broncho windpipe
pneumo air, lung
pleuro rib side
pulmo lungs
bronchoconstriction windpipe + tightening
bronchodilatation windpipe + widening
bronchoedema windpipe + swelling
bronchoesophagoscopy windpipe + esophagus + exam
bronchomycosis windpipe + fungus + condition of
bronchopneumonia windpipe + lung + condition
bronchopulmonary windpipe + lung
bronchoscopy windpipe + exam
bronchospasm windpipe + contraction (spasm)
bronchostaxis windpipe + bleeding
bronchotracheal windpipe + trachea
pleurocentesis rib side + puncture
pleurodesis rib side + adhesions (bands that connect opposing serous surfaces)
pleurodynia rib side + pain
pleurolith rib side + stone
pleurolysis rib side + dissolution (destruction)
pneumoangiography lung + vessel + write (record)
pneumogram lung + writing (record)
pneumohypoderma air + below + skin
pneumonectomy lung + removal
pneumonitis lung + inflammation
pneumonopathy lung + disease
pneumonopexy lung + fixation
pneumoradiography lung + X ray + write (record)
pneumoscope lung + to examine
pneumothorax air + chest
pneumovirus air + virus
pulmonectomy lung + removal
sinopulmonary sinuses + lung
nephro kidney
uri urine
glycosuria sugar + urine
hematuria blood + urine
nephrocystosis kidney + bladder (cysts) + condition of
bladder cyst
nephrogram kidney + write (record)
nephroid kidney + resemble
nephrolith kidney + stone
nephrolithiasis kidney + stone + condition of
nephroma kidney + tumor
nephromegaly kidney + enlargement
nephropathy kidney + disease
nephrosclerosis kidney + hardening + condition of
nephrostomy kidney + opening (surgical opening into the kidney)
pyelonephritis pelvis (hip) + kidney + inflammation
urinometer urine + measure
urinoscopy urine + exam
mast breast
orchido testes
oophoro ovary
mastalgia breast + pain
mastatrophy breast + wasting away
mastectomy breast + removal
mastitis breast + inflammation
mastoid breast + resembles
mastopathy breast + disease
oophorocystectomy ovary + cyst + removal
oophoroma ovary + tumor
oophorosalpingectomy ovary + fallopian tubes + removal
oophorrhagia ovary + bleeding
orchiectomy testes + removal
orchioneuralgia testes + nerve + pain
orchiopathy testes + disease
orchiopexy testes + fixation
orchiotomy testes + incision
neuro nerves
neuralgia nerves + pain
neuralgiform nerves + pain + resemble
neurectasis nerves + extension
neurectomy nerves + excision
neurexeresis nerves + tearing out
neuritis nerves + inflammation
neuroarthropathy nerves + joint + disease
neurocyte nerves + cell
neuroencephalomyelopathy nerves + brain + spinal + disease
neurogastric nerves + stomach
neurogenesis nerves + beginning
neuroid nerves + resembles
neurolinguistics nerves + tongue + science
neurology nerves + study of
neurolysis nerves + dissolution (destruction)
neuromalacia nerves + softening
neuromuscular nerves + muscle
neuromyopathy nerves + muscle + disease
neuroparalysis nerves + loss of use
neuropathogenesis nerves + disease + beginning
neuropathology nerves + disease + study of
neuropathy nerves + disease
neuropharmacology nerves + drugs + study of
neuropsychiatry nerves + mind + practice of
neurosarcocleisis nerves + flesh + closure
neurosis nerves + condition of (a psychological or behavioral disorder)
neurosurgeon nerves + surgeon
neurotoxic nerves + poison
neurotripsy nerves + rubbing
neurovascular nerves + vessels
Created by: josimaryduke
Popular Medical sets




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