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Connective & Muscle


What are the 3 components of connective tissue? Fibers, cell, & amorphous ground substance
What are the 4 connective tissue types? Connective tissue proper (elastic, collagen, reticulin) cartilage, bone, blood
Ground substance of connective tissue is a_ Mucopolysaccharide
Collagen fibers: Strength, eosinophilic, birefringent, show cross-striation under EM, Masson, Gomori, van Gieson
Elastic fibers: Stretch, not in H&E, Verhoeff, Gomori
Reticular fibers: Form delicate networks, demo w/ argyrophilic rxns, Gomori, Gordon & Sweets
Cell found in connective tissue proper include: blood, adipose, plasma, mast, mesenchymal, macrophages, fibroblasts
Masson Trichrome stain purpose Differentiate collagen & smooth muscle tumors, ID collagen increase due to disease (e.g. cirrhosis of liver)
Masson Trichrome stain facts Bouin; 10% NBF ok QC: most tissue has internal control, can use fallopian tube, uterus, small intestine, appendix
Masson Trichrome stain solutions Biebrich Scarlet-Acid fuchsin + Bouin + Weigert + aniline blue + acetic acid + phosphomolybdic/phosphotungstic acid
Masson Trichrome stain conventional results nuclei: black - collagen, mucus: blue - cytoplasm, keratin, muscle fibers: red
Biebrich Scarlet-Acid Fuchsin solution Biebrich scarlet + acid fuchsin + glacial acetic acid
Phosphomolybdic/ phosphotungstic acid solution phosphomolybdic acid + phosphotungstic acid + dH2O
Aniline blue solution aniline blue + glacial acetic acid + dH2O
Masson Trichrome stain microwave results nuclei: dark blue - cytoplasm, keratin, epithelium, muscle fibers: red - collagen & mucus: blue
Masson Trichrome can also be counterstained w/_ Light green, best counterstain if collagen predominant, aniline blue better if little collagen
Gomori One-Step Trichrome stain facts To ID incr. in collagenous fibers, differentiate between collagen & smooth muscle, any fixative, Bouin is mordant QC: most tissue has internal control, can use uterus, fallopian tube small intestine, appendix
Gomori One-Step Trichrome stain solutions Gomori Trichrome + Bouin + Weigert + acetic acid
Gomori One-Step Trichrome stain results nuclei: black - cytoplasm, keratin, muscle fibers: red - collagen & mucus: green or blue
Gomori Trichrome stain solution chromotrope 2R (plasma stain) + fast-green FCF, light green, or aniline blue (connective stain) + glacial acetic acid + phosphotungstic acid (muscle & cytoplasm red) + dH2O
van Gieson Picric Acid-Acid Fuchsin stain facts Used as counterstain, esp. for Verhoeff, demo collagen, any fixative, QC: most tissue has internal control, can use uterus, fallopian tube small intestine, appendix
van Gieson Picric Acid-Acid Fuchsin stain solutions van Gieson - acid fuchsin (stains collagen) + picric acid, sat'd (stains muscle) + (can add HCl to sharpen differentiation) Weigert
van Gieson Picric Acid-Acid Fuchsin stain results nuclei: black - collagen: brilliant red - muscle & cytoplasm: yellow
What type of hematoxylin is used in trichrome procedures? Iron hematoxylin, b/c more resistant to decolorization by acidic dyes than aluminum hematoxylins
Verhoeff Elastic stain facts To demo pathologic changes in elastic fibers, 10% NBF, Zenker QC: aorta, artery
Verhoeff Elastic stain solutions Verhoeff (dye lake) + van Gieson + ferric chloride (excess mordant, regressive) + sodium thiosulfate
Verhoeff Elastic stain results elastic fibers: blue-black to black - nuclei: blue to black - collagen: red - other: yellow
Pathologic changes in elastic fibers include: Thinning, loss b/c arteriosclerotic changes, reduplication, breaks, splitting b/c other vascular diseases
Lugol iodine solution iodine + potassium iodide + dH2O
Verhoeff elastic stain solution alcoholic hematoxylin + ferric chloride (mordant & ox) + lugol iodine (mordant & ox)
Aldehyde Fuchsin elastic stain (Gomori) facts To demo pathologic changes in elastic fibers, 10% NBF; avoid chromate fixatives, formalin, Bouin-fixed, colorless background, mercury-fixed, lilac background, QC: aorta, artery, skin, can stain β cells (pancreatic islets, pit)
Aldehyde Fuchsin elastic stain (Gomori) solutions Aldehyde fuchsin soln. + light green working
Aldehyde Fuchsin elastic stain (Gomori) results elastic fibers: deep blue to purple - other: green
Aldehyde Fuchsin solution pararosaniline (basic fuschin) + paraldehyde + 70% + HCl Stable 3-4 weeks @ 4°C
Light green stock solution light green SF yellowish + glacial acetic acid + dH2O
Russell Modification of Movat Pentachrome stain purpose Demo elastic, collagen, mucin, muscle, fibrin
Russell Modification of Movat Pentachrome stain facts 10% NBF, acetic formalin sublimate QC: lung, skin, colon
Russell Modification of Movat Pentachrome stain solutions Alcian blue (acid mucosubstances) + alkaline alcohol + alcoholic Safran (collagen) + hematoxylin soln. (elastic) + ferric chloride (diff) + sodium thiosulfate + phosphotungstic acid + Crocein Scarlet-acid fuchsin
Russell Modification of Movat Pentachrome stain results nuclei, elastic fibers: black - ground substance, mucin: blue - Cryptococcus neoformans: bright blue - fibrinoid, fibrin: intense red - muscle: red - collagen: yellow
Acetic formalin sublimate solution formaldehyde + glacial acetic acid + dH2O
Alcoholic Safran solution Safran du Gatinais + absolute alcohol
Crocein Scarlet-acid fuchsin solution Crocein scarlet + acetic acid + H2O acid fuchsin + acetic acid + H2O
Hematoxylin solution abs. alcoholic hematoxylin + abs. alcohol + ferric chloride + iodine-iodide
Absolute alcoholic hematoxylin 10% hematoxylin + absolute alcohol
Alkaline alcohol NH4OH + 95%
Toning: When bound metallic silver is treated w/ gold chloride & color changes from brown to black as metallic silver is replaced by metallic gold
Unreduced silver is removed with? Sodium thiosulfate (hypo)
Gomori stain & Gordon & Sweets for reticular fibers facts To demo reticular fibers for diagnosis tumors, liver disease, 10% NBF QC: liver
Gomori stain for reticular fibers solutions ferric ammonium sulfate (sensitizer) + formalin (red) + ammoniacal silver soln. + gold chloride + potassium permanganate (ox.) + potassium metabisulfite (remove K. per.) + nuclear-fast red
Gomori stain for reticular fibers results reticulin: black - collagen: taupe
Ammoniacal silver solution silver nitrate + KOH
Gordon & Sweets stain for reticular fibers solutions ferric ammonium sulfate (sensitize) + formalin (red.) + ammoniacal silver + gold chloride + sodium thiosulfate + potassium permanganate (ox.) + oxalic acid 1% (remove K. per.) + nuclear-fast red
Gordon & Sweets stain for reticular fibers results reticulin: black
Mallory PTAH technique for cross-striations & fibrin purpose Demo cross-striations & fibrin to diagnose rhabdomysarcomas, or nemaline rods from disease
Mallory PTAH technique for cross-striations & fibrin facts Zenker; 10% NBF ok paraffin 4-6 μm QC: skeletal or cardiac for cross-striations, section w/ fibrin for fibrin, cerebral cortex for glial fibers polychrome stain
Mallory PTAH technique for cross-striations & fibrin solutions PTAH soln. + Gram iodine + sodium thiosulfate + potassium permanganate + oxalic acid
Mallory PTAH technique for cross-striations & fibrin results cross-striations, fibrin, nuclei: blue - collagen: red-brown
PTAH solution hematoxylin + phosphotungstic acid + H2O
Periodic acid-methenamine silver microwave procedure for basement membranes purpose Best delineates glomerular basement membrane
Periodic acid-methenamine silver microwave procedure for basement membranes facts 10% NBF; avoid mercury fixatives paraffin 2 μm QC: kidney has internal control
Periodic acid-methenamine silver microwave procedure for basement membranes solutions periodic acid 1% (ox. carbs to aldehydes) + methenamine silver working + gold chloride + sodium thiosulfate + light green working
Periodic acid-methenamine silver microwave procedure for basement membranes results basement membrane: black + background: green
Methenamine silver working solution methenamine (make soln. alkaline) + silver nitrate + Borax (buffer) + H2O
Borax solution sodium borate + H2O
Oil Red O method for neutral fats purpose Demo neutral lipids in frozens, demo fat emboli, or injury to fatty body area
Oil Red O method for neutral fats solutions oil red O + Harris w/ acetic acid + ammonia water
Oil Red O method for neutral fats results fat: intense red - nuclei: blue
Oil Red O working solution oil red O + isopropanol + H2O
Oil red O must be coverslipped with? Aqueous mounting medium, seal w/ nail polish
Sudan Black B in propylene glycol purpose Demo neutral lipids, differentiate granulocyte precursors from leukocytes turning to lymphocytes or monocytes
Sudan Black B in propylene glycol & Oil red O method for neutral fats facts 10% NBF, (or post-fix w/) calcium-formalin; avoid alcoholic fixatives frozen 10 μm QC: most tissue has fat
Sudan Black B in propylene glycol solutions propylene glycol + Sudan Black + nuclear-fast red
Sudan Black B in propylene glycol results fat: blue-black - nuclei: red
Sudan Black B staining solution Sudan black B + propylene glycol
OsO4 paraffin procedure for fat purpose Demo fat in paraffin
OsO4 paraffin procedure for fat facts 10% NBF Technique: section =< 2mm, stain, process QC: Most tissue has fat
OsO4 paraffin procedure for fat solution OsO4 + periodic acid
OsO4 paraffin procedure for fat results fat: black - other: depends on stain
What is used to stain lipids treated by OsO4 paraffin procedure for fat? Routine H&E or any special stain, Masson trichrome good counterstain
Toluidine blue for mast cells facts To demo mast cells, 10% NBF QC: section w/ mast cells
Toluidine blue for mast cells solution Toluidine blue + H2O
Toluidine blue for mast cells results mast cells: deep violet - background: blue
PTAH stains tissue components: Red-brown/salmon, components will lose color if prolonged water or alcohol washing so dehydration after staining must be rapid
Blood cells may be demonstrated with? Giemsa
Snook reticulin stain solutions potassium permanganate (ox.) + uranyl nitrate (sensitize) + ammoniacal silver + formaldehyde (red.) + gold chloride + sodium thiosulfate
Laidlaw reticulin stain solutions potassium permanganate (ox.) + lithium silver (impregnate) + formaldehyde (red.) + gold chloride + sodium thiosulfate
Nasher & Shanklin reticulin stain solutions potassium permanganate w/ sulfuric acid (ox.) + AgNo3 (sensitize) + ammoniacal silver + formaldehyde w/ abs. alcohol (red.) + gold chloride + sodium thiosulfate
Wilder reticulin stain solutions phosphomolybdic acid (ox.) + uranyl nitrate (sensitize) + ammoniacal silver + formaldehyde w/ uranyl nitrate (red.) + gold chloride + sodium thiosfulate
Silver techniques steps: 1) ox. (glycol groups of sugars to aldehydes) 2) sensitization 3) silver impregnation 4) reduction (residual silver diamine to metallic silver) 5) toning 6) unred. silver removed 7) maybe counterstain
Granular deposition of silver in reticulin staining is likely due to? Old reagents, especially sensitizers
Orcein elastic stain Orcein in acidified alcohol, elastic fibers - brown, less intense than Verhoeff
Resorcin fuchsin elastic stain Resorcin fuchsin in acidified alcohol, counterstain - van Gieson, looks similar to Verhoeff
Miller technique for elastic Victoria blue 4R + new fuchsin + crystal violet + H2O + resorcin + dextrin + ferric chloride + HCl
Trichrome staining basics 2+ contrasting dyes used to selectively stain, usu. to differentiate collagen from muscle, @ acid pH, usu. dilute acetic acid to accentuate attachment of dye to proteins, plasma dye stains cytoplasm, fiber dye stains collagen, Bouin best b/c mordants
Trichrome staining colors Plasma stain red, fiber dye blue or green, nuclear counterstain provides 3rd color, aluminum hematoxylins exhibit atypical colors @ acid pH so must remove or use iron hematoxylin
Masson vs. Gomori trichromes Masson multi-step - acid dye, then aid to destain collagen, stain collagen, stain nuclei, Gomori one-step - cytoplasmic & fiber stain in one solution, if either doesn't show clear differentiation & distinct color may be old reagents
Created by: CCF
Popular Histology sets




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