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Anat1 - Knee & Leg

(Week 10)

The _______ and _______ form the skeleton of the leg. tibia, fibula
The tibia and fibula are connected to each other by the _______ _______. interosseous membrane
The _______ articulates with the femur proximally. tibia
The tibia and fibula articulate with the _______ distally. talus
The tibia and fibula articulate with each other via the superior and inferior _______ joints. tibiofibular
The _______ receives the weight of the body from the femur and transits it to the foot. tibia
The _______ is the second largest and strongest bone in the body. tibia
The tibia is located _______ to the fibula. medially
The _______ does not bear much weight, but has muscular attachments. fibula
The skeleton of the foot includes the _______, _______, and _______. tarsus, metatarsus, phalanges
Thee sole extensor of the knee is the _______ _______. quadriceps femoris
The _______ muscles flex the knee and are antagonists to the quadriceps femoris. hamstring
The joints of the knee are the ________ joint and the _______ joint. femoropatellar, tibiofemoral
The angle formed by a line drawn from the ASIS to the central patella and a second line drawn from the central patella to the tibial tubercle is called the: Q angle
The two extracapsular ligaments of the knee are: fibular collateral (AKA lateral collateral), tibial collateral (AKA medial collateral)
The two intracapsular ligaments of the knee are: anterior cruciate, posterior cruciate
The _______ are crescent shaped fibrocartilage wedges that add joint stability. menisci
_______ are flattened fibrous sacs lined with synovial fluid, found where ligaments, bones, muscles, tendons, or skin rub together. Bursae
Knee close pack position is: full extension
Knee open pack position is: 10 degrees of flexion
The three compartments of the leg are: anterior, lateral, posterior
Tibialis Anterior O.I.A. O: lateral condyle of tibia and upper tibial shaft I: via tendon into inf surface of med cuneiform and 1st metatarsal A: PM dorsiflexion, inversion of foot
Extensor Digitorum Longus O.I.A. O: lateral tibial condyle, interosseous membrane, fibula {prox 3/4} I: via tendon to middle and distal phalanges of 2-5 toes A: PM toe ext, dorsiflex of foot, syn of tibialis ant and EHL
Extensor Hallucis Longus O.I.A. O: middle of ant med fibular shaft I: via tendon distal phalanx great toe A: ext great toe, dorsiflex of foot, syn of tibialis ant and EDL
Fibularis (Peroneus) Tertius O.I.A. O: dist ant fibula & interosseous membrane I: dorsum of 5th metatarsal A: eversion and dorsiflex of foot
Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus O.I.A. O: head & upper lateral fibula I: via long tendon behind lat malleolus, under base of 5th met to plantar surface 1st met & 1st (med) cuneiform A: plantar flex & evert foot
Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis O.I.A. O: distal {2/3} lat fib I: via tendon behind lat malleolus to proximal 5th met A: plantar flex and evert foot
Gastrocnemius O.I.A. O: via two head from med & lat fem condyles I: posterior calcaneus via common tendon (triceps surae) A: knee flex, foot plantar flexion
Soleus O.I.A. O: posterior upper tibia, fibula and tendinous arch between I: posterior calcaneus via common tendon (triceps surae) A: plantar flexion of foot, important postural support muscle
Popleteus O.I.A. O: lateral condyle of femur I: proximal tibia A: flexes leg & med rots leg to unlock extended knee (lock home mechanism)
Tibialis Posterior O.I.A. O: superior tibia, fibula, and interosseous membrane I: via tarsal tunnel to most of the bones of the foot, plantar surface of all cuneforms, cuboid, base of metatarsals 2-4, sustentaculum tali A: PM of foot inversion, foot plant flex, stabilized med ar
Flexor Digitorum Longus O.I.A. O: posterior mid surface of tibia I: via tarsal tunnel to distal phalanx toes 2-5 A: plantar flex toes 2-5, gripping objects w/ toes
Flexor Hallucis Longus O.I.A. O: post mid/dist fibula & interosseous membrane I: via tarsal tunnel to distal phalanx of great toe A: plantar flex and inversion - push off "toe off" during walking
The actions of the posterior compartment of the thigh muscles primarily are: leg flexion, thigh extension
The action of the anterior compartment of the thigh muscles primarily is: leg extension
The action of the medial compartment of the thigh muscles primarily is: thigh adduction
The actions of the lateral compartment of the leg muscles primarily are: plantar flexion and eversion of foot
The actions of the posterior compartment of the leg muscles primarily are: plantar flexion of foot, flexion of toes
The actions of the anterior compartment of the leg muscles primarily are: dorsiflexion of foot, extension of toes
Created by: sdouglass
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