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Chapter 1 Vocabulary Words

abate To lessen, decrease, or cease
abnormal Contrary to the normal or rule
abscess A localized collection of pus anywhere on the body
acute Sudden, sharp, severe; a disease with sudden onset, severe symptoms, and a short course
adhesion Stuck together
afferent Carrying impulses toward a center
ambulatory Able to walk; not confined to bed
antidote Substance given to counteract the affects of poisons
antipyretic An agent that works against fever
antiseptic An agent that works against sepsis, or putrefaction
antitussive An agent that works against coughing
apathy Lacking in feelings and emotions; indifferent
asepsis Without decay; sterile, free from all living microorganisms
autoclave An apparatus used to sterilize articles by steam under pressure
autonomy The condition of being governed independently
axillary Pertaining to the armpit
biopsy Surgical removal of a small piece of tissue for microscopic examination
cachexia A condition of ill health, malnutrition, and wasting
centigrade Having 100 steps or degrees, such as the Celsius temperature scale
centimeter Use of measurement in the metric system; one hundredth of a meter
centrifuge A device used to separate solids from liquids
chemotherapy Treatment using chemical agents
chronic Pertaining to time; a disease that persists over time
diagnosis Determination of the cause and nature of a disease
diaphoresis To carry through sweat glands; profuse sweating
disease Lack of ease; presentation of symptoms other than normal; abnormal body state
disinfectant A chemical substance that destroys bacteria
efferent Carrying impulses away from a center
empathy Understanding the feelings, emotions, and behavior of another person
epidemic Rapid, widespread occurrence of an infectious disease
etiology The study of the cause(s) of disease
excision Cutting out, surgical removal
febrile Pertaining to fever
incision The process of cutting into
kilogram Metric unit of weight
liter Metric unit of volume
macroscopic Objects large enough to be examined by the naked eye
malaise Discomfort, uneasiness; often felt by a patient with a chronic disease
malformation Badly shaped, deformed
malignant A bad wandering; the spread of cancer from one area of the body to another
maximal Greatest possible quantity, number, or degree
microgram A unit of weight in the metric system
microorganism Small living organisms not visible to the naked eye
microscope An instrument used to view small objects
milligram Metric unit of weight
milliliter Metric unit of weight
minimal Least possible quantity, number, or degree
multiform Occurring in or having many shapes
gram Metric unit of weight
heterogeneous A different formation
illness State of being sick
necrosis Death of tissue
neopathy A new disease
oncology The study of tumors
pallor Paleness, a lack of color
palmar Pertaining to the palm of the hand
paracentesis Surgical puncture of a body cavity for fluid removal
prognosis Foreknowledge; the prediction of a disease course and recovery rate
prophylactic Preventing or protecting against disease
pyrogenic Production of heat; a fever
radiology Study of radioactive substances
rapport Relationship of understanding between two individuals
syndrome A combination of signs and symptoms that characterize a specific disease
thermometer An instrument used to measure degree of heat
topography Recording of a particular place of the body
triage Sorting and classifying of injuries to determine priority of need and treatment
Created by: 1472753332
Popular Medical sets




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