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Na normal level? 135-145
K normal level? 3.5-5
Ca normal level? 9-11
Mg normal level? 1.5-2.5
P normal level? 2.5-4.5
Cl normal level? 95-105
S/Sx: poor skin turgor, dry mucosa, HA, decreased salivation, low B/P, N/V, abd cramping, neurologic changes (confusion, change in mental status), seizure hyponatremia (less than 135)
-Medical management: water restriction, replacement of [electrolyte] -Nursing management: assessment and prevention, dietary [electrolyte] and fluid intake, identify and monitor at-risk patients, effects of meds (diuretics, lithium) hyponatremia management
-S/Sx: thirst; elevated temp; dry, swollen tongue; sticky mucosa; neurologic symptoms; restlessness; weakness *thirst may be impaired in elderly or the ill hypernatremia (more than 145)
-Medical management: hypotonic electrolyte solution or D5W -Nursing management: assessment and prevention, assess for OTC sources of [electrolyte], offer and encourage fluids to meet pt needs, hypernatremia management
Manifestations: fatigue, anorexia, N/V, dysrhythmias, muscle weakness and cramps, paresthesias, glucose intolerance, decreased muscle strength, depressed DTRs hypokalemia (less than 3.5)
-Medical management: increased dietary [electrolyte], [electrolyte] replacement, IV for severe deficit -Nursing management: assessment, severe is life-threatening, monitor ECG and ABGs, hypokalemia management
Manifestations: cardiac changes and dysrhythmias, muscle weakness with potential respiratory impairment, paresthesias, anxiety, GI manifestations (diarrhea) hyperkalemia (more than 5)
Medical management: monitor ECG, limitation of dietary [electrolyte], IV sodium bicarbonate, IV calcium gluconate, regular insulin and hypertonic dextrose IV, hyperkalemia management
Nursing management: assessment of serum [electrolyte] levels, mix IVs containing [electrolyte] well, monitor med effects, dietary [electrolyte] restriction/dietary teaching for patients at risk hyperkalemia (nursing management)
Manifestations: tetany, circumoral numbness, paresthesias, hyperactive DTRs, Trousseau’s sign, Chovstek's sign, seizures, respiratory symptoms of dyspnea and laryngospasm, abnormal clotting, anxiety hypocalcemia (less than 9)
-Medical management: IV of Ca gluconate, Ca and Vit D supplements; diet hypocalcemia management
carpopedal spasm induced by inflating a BP cuff above systolic BP Trousseau’s sign
a contraction of the facial muscles creates a response to a light tap over the facial nerve in front of the ear Chvostek’s sign
Manifestations: muscle weakness, incoordination, anorexia, constipation, N/V, abd and bone pain, polyuria, thirst, ECG changes (shortened ST segment & QT interval), dysrhythmias hypercalcemia (more than 11)
-Medical: treat underlying cause, fluids, furosemide, phosphates, calcitonin, biphosphonates -Nursing: crisis has high mortality, encourage ambulation, fluids of 3-4 L/d, provide fluids containing Na unless contraindicated, fiber for constipation hypercalcemia management
Manifestations: neuromuscular irritability, muscle weakness, tremors, athetoid movements, ECG changes (flat or inverted T waves, depressed ST, prolonged PR, widened QRS) and dysrhythmias, alterations in mood and LOC hypomagnesemia (below 1.5)
hypomagnesemia often accompanied by... hypocalcemia accompanied by
Manifestations: flushing, lowered BP, N/V, hypoactive reflexes, drowsiness, muscle weakness, depressed resp, ECG changes (tachycardia-->bradycardia, prolonged PR & QRS, peaked T waves), dysrhythmias hypermagnesemian (over 2.5)
-Medical management: IV calcium gluconate, loop diuretics, IV NS or LR, hemodialysis -Nursing management: assessment, do not administer medications containing [electrolyte], patient teaching regarding [electrolyte]-containing OTC meds hypermagnesemia management
Normal plasma pH? 7.35 to 7.45
Low pH <7.35 Low bicarbonate <22 mEq/L Most commonly due to renal failure Metabolic Acidosis #
S/Sx: HA, confusion, drowsiness, increased resp rate/depth, decreased BP, decreased cardiac output, dysrhythmias, shock; if decrease is slow, pt may be asymptomatic until bicarb is 15 mEq/L or less Metabolic Acidosis s/x
High pH >7.45 High bicarbonate >26 mEq/L Most commonly due to vomiting or gastric suction May also be due to medications, especially long-term diuretic use Metabolic Alkalosis #
-Manifestations: Sx r/t decreased calcium, respiratory depression, tachycardia, symptoms of hypokalemia -Correct underlying disorder, supply chloride to allow excretion of excess bicarbonate, restore fluid volume with sodium chloride solutions Metabolic Alkalosis s/sx
Low pH <7.35 High PaCO2 >45 mm Hg Always due to respiratory problem with inadequate excretion of CO2 Respiratory Acidosis #
-Symptoms may be suddenly increased HR/RR/BP, mental changes, feeling of fullness in head -Potential increased intracranial pressure -Treatment aimed at improving ventilation Respiratory Acidosis s/sx
-High pH >7.45 -PaCO2 <35mm Hg -Always due to hyperventilation -Manifestations: lightheadedness, inability to concentrate, numbness and tingling, sometimes loss of consciousness -Correct cause of hyperventilation Respiratory Alkalosis #
Arterial Blood Gases: normal pH? 7.35–7.45
Arterial Blood Gases: normal PaCO2? 35–45 mm Hg
Arterial Blood Gases: normal HCO3? 22–26 mEq/L
Arterial Blood Gases: normal PaO2? 80–100 mmHg
Arterial Blood Gases: normal oxygen saturation? >94%
Compensation vs Uncompensation? pH normal, PaCO2 and HCO3 abnormal full compensation
Compensation vs Uncompensation? all values abnormal partial compensation
Compensation vs Uncompensation? pH & one other value abnormal uncompensated
Created by: cbiond17
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