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The 51 words

H2O water (the chemical symbol, as used in non-scientific contexts).
Polar molecule a chemical species in which the distribution of electrons between the covalently bonded atoms is not even
Surface tension the tension of the surface film of a liquid caused by the attraction of the particles in the surface layer by the bulk of the liquid, which tends to minimize surface area.
Universal solvent a substance that dissolves most chemicals
Capillary action the tendency of a liquid in a capillary tube or absorbent material to rise or fall as a result of surface tension.
Changing state a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition
Evaporation the process of turning from liquid into vapor
Condensation water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it.
Water cycle the cycle of processes by which water circulates between the earth's oceans, atmosphere, and land
Transpiration (of a plant or leaf) the exhalation of water vapor through the stomata.
Condensation water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it
Precipitation the action or process of precipitating a substance from a solution
Groundwater water held underground in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock.
Runoff a further competition, election, race, etc., after a tie or inconclusive result
River system a number of rivers which consists of one main river
Tributary a river or stream flowing into a larger river or lake
Watershed an area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing to different rivers, basins, or seas.
Wetlands land consisting of marshes or swamps; saturated land
Saturated Zone a term used to describe the area of earth that is underneath the water table and is completely saturated with water.
Water table the level below which the ground is saturated with water.
Unsaturated zone is the portion of the subsurface above the groundwater table
Aquifer a body of permeable rock which can contain or transmit groundwater.
Well an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, boring, or drilling to access groundwater in underground aquifers
Artesian well a well in which water is under pressure especially
Natural spring the result of an aquifer being filled to the point that the water overflows onto the land surface
Geyser a hot spring in which water intermittently boils, sending a tall column of water and steam into the air.
Salinity the quality or degree of being saline
Bioluminescence the biochemical emission of light by living organisms such as fireflies and deep-sea fishes
Wave a long body of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore.
Crest (of a wave) form a curling foamy top
Trough a long, narrow open container for animals to eat or drink out of.
Wavelength the distance between successive crests of a wave, especially points in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave
Amplitude the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium
Frequency the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample
Tides the alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun.
Tidal range vertical difference between the high tide and the succeeding low tide
Spring tide a tide just after a new or full moon, when there is the greatest difference between high and low water
Neap tide a tide just after the first or third quarters of the moon when there is least difference between high and low water.
Current belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now
Gyres whirl or gyrate
Coriolis effect how a moving object seems to veer toward the right in the Northern hemisphere and left in the Southern hemisphere
Upwelling a rising of seawater, magma, or other liquid.
Climate the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
Created by: qwerasd
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