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Def in Path 1

Definitions in Pathophysiology Unit 1

Study of functions & processes that occur in body, mostly the Normal process Physiology
the study of the underlying changes in body physiology that result from disease or injury Pathophysiology
Menstrual flow ceases b/c of menopause, pregnancy, etc physiologic amenorrhea
menstrual flow ceases b/c of cancer pathophysiological amenorrhea
Maintenance of constant conditions in the body's internal environment Homeostasis
What must cells have? A constant supply of nutrients , H2O, O2, and exist in narrow PH & Temperature.
What is the body always trying to do? "right itself" when homeostasis is threatened by challenges
Return to homeostasis after being challenged by a stressor compensation
What are similar words for compensation? adaptation, healing, etc
Compensation is achieved by the body's use of control mechanisms called... Compensatory Mechanisms
What does the body turn to if hungry and can not eat for energy? Back up plan number 1 - Glycogenolysis
Breakdown of glycogen, which is a form of stored glucose Glycogenolysis
Failure to compensate, adapt, heal,etc Decomposition
A harmful condition in the body (and/or mind) disease
Disturbance in the healthiness of the body disorder
A collection of symptoms Syndrome
What words are interchangeable because they are all disturbance in body homeostasis disease/disorder/syndrome
Factors that or contribute to and/or increase probability that a dz will occur --"setting the stage" EX. heredity, age, ethnicity, lifestyle(smoking, eating habits, etc) Risk factors
Condition or event that triggers a pathologic event or disorder...the " kick - off" (EX. Asthma attack) precipitating factor
Cause of a disease; includes all factors that contribute to development of dz; (EX. Cause of AIDS: HIV, Cause of Rheumatic heart disease : Autoimmune reaction) Etiology
dz with unidentifiable cause idiopathic
problem--occurs as a result of medical treatment. (ex. Kidney failure is due to improper use of antibiotic prescribed by a healthcare provider) iatrogenic
problem--result as a consequence of being in hospital environment (disorder that happens while you are a patient in hospital) nosocomial
The demonstration of the presence of a sign and/symptom of a disease Clinical manifestations
Manifestations that can be objectively identified by a trained observer Signs
Subjective manifestations that can only be reported by the person experiencing them - pain, nausea, fatigue symptoms
symptoms in a particular area..ex. redness, swelling, heat, rash, & lymphadenopathy local system s&s
fever. urticaria (hives), malaise(I feel dragged out or awful all over) systemic s&s
Fairly rapid appearance of s&s of dz (over a day to several days); usually last only a short time///Can also mean "increase in severity..ex the patients URI increased and he had to be hospitalized acute s&s
Develop more slowly; s&s are often insidious and last longer and/or wax and wane over months or years chronic s&s
periods when s&s disappear or diminish significantly (wane) remissions
periods when s&s become worse or more severe(wax); to provoke; to make worse exacerbations
refers to a problem, situation, etc that is occurring towards the core of the body center
What does it mean the more central a problem is? the more proximal to the core it is
the arm was fractured proximal to the elbow means? a break between the elbow and shoulder
Problem occurring toward the outer parts of body, away from the core Peripheral
what does this mean? if we lose blood, the blood vessels of the periphery often constrict so that not a lot of blood can circulate into those area? Blood not circulating to mainly arm and legs
True or False : A sign of shock is cool, pale extremities due to loss of blood to extremities , True
What are some s&s of shock low blood pressure, not getting enough blood to different parts fo the body, confusion, not getting blood to brain
predicted outcome of a dz based on certain factors: usual course of dz, individual characteristics(age spectrum...infants & the elderly are at high risk for poor _____ due to immature or "worn out" immune systems. Prognosis
two or more coexisting medical conditions; increase the chance of poor prognosis Presence of comorbidities
Aftermath of a disease..EX. possible ________of chicken pox -> scarring Sequela / Complications/ "Outcome"
menaing not, without a/an
meaning from, away from, off ab
meaning increase, adherence, to or toward ad
meaning the air, or gas aer
suffix referring to pain or painful condition algia
to move upward to a higher position ascend
denoting a lack of symmetry between two or more parts that are alike asymmetrical
prefix meaning twice or double bi
relating to or having two sides bilateral
denotes an immature precursor cell blast
prefix meaning slow brady
pertaining to the back dorsal
prefix referring to "bad" or difficulty dys
suffix denoting removal of an anatomical part ectomy
suffix meaning "in the blood" emia
prefix referring to the blood hemo
escape of blood from the intravascular space. To bleed hemorrhage
prefix meaning excessive - above normal hyper
prefix deficient- below normal hypo
Intesive Care Unit ICU
suffice that often creates plural form; ex-one emolus; two emboli "i"
suffix meaning state or condition iasis
prefix meaning private; distinctive; or peculiar to idio
situated below or directly downward inferior
suffix meaning having to do with inflammation or infection itis
intravenous IV
pertaining to fat lipo
suffix creates adjective form of lysis lytic
suffix refers to destruction of a substances; usually a cell lysis
prefix meaning large; long marcro
suffix meaning large megaly
prefix denoting smallnes micro
prefix meaning death necro
suffix meaning artificial opening(stoma) into the urinary or gastrointestinal tract or trachea ostomy
suffix meaning the stude of a subject ology
suffix meaning condition osis
suffix meaning a cutting operation otomy
suffix referring to moding; shaping or the result there of a surgical procedure plasty
suffix referring to viewing or seeing scopy
situated above or directly upward superior
equality in two like parts symmetrical
prefix meaning rapid tachy
confined to one side of the body only unilateral
pertaing to the front side of the body only ventral
vital signs VS
blood pressure BP
respiratory rate RR
temp-tempurture T
oxygen saturation SO2 or pulse oximeter or pulse ox or O2 sat
Created by: Lashcamp44
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