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muscles MTI

muscle overview

Antagonist Opposes action of another muscle.
Prime Mover primary actor in movement
Synergist acts w/another muscle to produce movement
Muscles are identified by: location, size, action, shape
Frontalis raises eyebrows
Zygomaticus makes us smile
Latissimus dorsi provides extention, adduction and rotation of the arm inwardly.
Triceps Brachii extends the arm at the elbow
Diaphragm seperates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity
Rectus Abdominus flexes vertebral column and compresses the abdominal wall
Gastrocnemius flexes the foot and aids in moving the body foward
Atrophy wasting of muscles due to disease over a long period of time
Fibromyalgia widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder
Muscular Dystrophy MD genetic disorder weakness and degeneration of skeletal muscle
Myasthenia gravis CHRONIC neuromuscular disease
Sprain injury to a ligament
Strain injury to a muscle or a tendon
Muscular system functions movement, tonicity, heat production, stability
Fascia connective tissue held together by a fibrous sheath called...
Muscles must.... supplied with proper oxygen and nutrition to perform properly
Muscles are composed of 75% water, 20% protien, 5% carbs, lipids, and salts
3 types of muscle tissue Cardiac, smooth, skeletal
Skeletal muscles allow movement by being attached to bones, voluntary
Smooth muscles found in digestive, bladder, involuntary
Cardiac muscle quadrangular, cross striated, heart
how many different muscles are there 600
Epimysium thin covering which surrounds muscle
Muscles are attached to bone by tendons
Aponeuroses wide thin sheet-like tendon that attached muscle to muscle
Perimysium responsible for dividing muscles into sections called fasicles
Endomysium covering made up of connective tissue that surrounds individual muscle cell
Origin site of attachment to bone that is more fixed or still
Insertion site of attachment to a bone that moves
Created by: colleenl2009
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