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aa repetition of same quantity for each item
AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm
AAD acute aortic dissection
AAO awake, alert and oriented
AB Abortion
ABC apples bananas cereal
Abd abdominal
ABD abduction
ABG arterial blood gas
ac before meals
AC acromioclavicular
ACBE air control barium enema
Acc accompanied or accomodation
Acet acetone or acetaminophen
ACI after care instructions
ACLS advanced cardiac life support
Accom accommodation
Acid phos acid phosphate
ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone
ADA american diabetic association
Add adduction
ADD attention deficit dissorder
adenoCA adenocarinoma
ADHC attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
abd lib as desired
ADL activities of daily living
Adm admission
A/E above elbow
AFB acid fast bacilli
AFE amniotic fluid embolus
AFP alpha feto protein
a.fib atrial fibrillation
a.flutter atrial flutter
AGA average for gestational age
AgNO3 silver nitrate
A/G ratio albumin/globulin ratio
AH abdominal hysterectomy
AHA american hospital association
AHD acute hemodialysis
AI/A. insuf. acquired immune deficiency syndrome
aka also known as
AKA above knee amputation
Alb albumin
Alk alkaline
Alk. Phos &alk.p'tase alkine phosphate
ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia
ALOC altered level of consciousness
ALS advanced life support
A.L.S. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Am before noon
A.M.A american medical association
AMA against medical advice
Amb ambulation/ambulatory
AMI acute myocardial infarction
AML acute myelocytic leukemia
amt amount
Amp amputation
ANA antinuclear antibody
Anes anesthesia
Ant anterior
AR or aort.Regurge aortic regurgitation
AS or aortSten aortic stenosis
AODM adult onset diabetes mellitus
A&P auscultation and percussion
appy appendectomy
AP, A/P anterior and posterior
APAP acetaminophen
AP&lat anterior, posterior and lateral
Approx approximately
APS adult protective services
Aq water
ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome
ARM or AROM active range of motion/ artificial rupture of memberings
ASA orasa acetylsalicylic acid (asprin)
ASAP as soon as possible
ASCVD arteriosclerotic cerebrovascular disease
ASVD arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease
asp aspirate
ASPUD arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular disease
assist. assistance
as tol as tolerated
At.wt atomic weight
AV/AF anteverted/anteflexed
AW anterior wall
AV or A/V atrial/ ventricular or arterial venous
Avg. average
Ax. axillary axis
AxR or XR ABD abdominal x-ray
A&W alive and well
AZT zidovudine(retrovir)
B beta
B, bil, bilat. bilateral
Ba barium
BA blood alcohol
BACOP bleomycin, adriomycin, cytoxan, oncovin and prednisone
Bands banded neutrophils
BB Backward bend
BBB bundle branch block
BBS bilateral breath sounds
b.c bone conduction
BCP benu cytoxan prednisone
BE barium enema
BF breast feeding
BGDR background diabetic retinopathy
bid twice a day
bili bilirubin
BIPAP biphasic positive airway pressure
BJME bones, joints, muscles extremities
BKA below knee amputation
BLS basic life support
BM bowel movement
BMO bilateral mandibular osteotomy
BMR basal metabolic rate
BOA born out of asepsis
BOM bilateral otitis media
BOW bag of water
BP or B/P blood pressure
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
BPD bronchopulmonary displasia or borderline personality disorder
BR bedrest
Brady bradycardia
BRBPR bright red blood per rectum
bronch. bronchoscopy
BRP bathroom privileges
BS blood sugar or breath sounds
BSC bedside commode
BSO bilateral salpingo oophorectomy
BTB back to bed
BTL bilateral tubal ligation
BUN blood urea nitrogen
BVM bag valve mask
Bx biopsy
Created by: steffnthomas
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